Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures work (213) 740-2735
University of Southern California cell (310) 666-6125
Taper Hall 255
Los Angeles, CA 90089-4353
2006 – 2009 Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures,
2000 – 2005 University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, California
Ph.D. in Slavic Languages and Literature (December 2009)
1998 – 2000 National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy,” Kyiv, Ukraine
Candidate of Sciences in Literary Theory (passed qualifying exams)
01/1999 – 06/1999 Institute of Journalism, Kyiv, Ukraine
Specialist in Public Relations (degree conferred June 1999)
1996 – 1998 National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy,” Kyiv, Ukraine, Department of Literary Theory, History and Comparative Studies
M.A. in Culture (degree conferred June 1998, GPA 4.74). Thesis topic: “Author Theory and the Structural-Subjective Analyses of the Text (on the material of A. Chekhov’s, I. Franko’s, Ia. Iwaszkiewicz’s short stories”
1991 – 1996 National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Department of Russian and English
Specialist in Teaching Russian and English (degree conferred June 1996, graduated with honors)
“Gogol’s Hybrid Performance: the Creation, Reception and Editing of Vechera na khutore bliz’ Dikan’ki (1830s-1840s)”
Committee: Professors Marcus Levitt (chair), Thomas Seifrid, Sarah Pratt, Roberto Diaz
Fall 2009 Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, USC
Fall 2006 – Fall 2008 Assistant Lecturer of Russian
Fall 2001 – Spring 2004 Taught Russian at Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced levels, Russian for Russians
Taught “Russian Literature and Music” within General Education Curriculum
Planned lessons, tests, exams
Designed course materials, conducted lectures and discussion sessions
Administered all grades
Organized social activities for students
1995 – 1998 Secondary School #283, Kyiv, Ukraine
English Teacher
Taught English for beginners and intermediate students
2001 – 2006 Ukrainian Saturday School “Ridna Shkola,” Los Angeles, California
Ukrainian Teacher
Taught Ukrainian at intermediate level to Ukrainian heritage speakers
“Nikolai Gogol'’s Self-Fashioning in the 1830s: The Postcolonial Perspective” in Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue Vol. LI, Nos. 2-3, June-September 2009
“Performing Hybrid Identity: the Editing History of Gogol’s Vechera na khutore bliz' Dikan'ki (1831-1832)” in Studies in Slavic Cultures (SISC), Issue VI: Performance, 2008
“‘Ne prodaetsia vdokhnoven’e, no mozhno rukopis' prodat'’: Authorship and Copyright in Russian Literature of the 1820-1830s” in Perspectives on Slavistics, 2007
“Avtor iak henerator smyslu v teksti: do problemy interpretatsii ‘Povistei Belkina’ A.S. Pushkina” (Author as the meaning generator in the text: towards the interpretation of A. S. Pushkin’s Belkin’s Tales) in Naukovi zapysky: Filologiia 17. Kyiv: Stylos, 1999
“’Smert'’ chy ‘vidrodzhennia’: problema avtora v postmoderniy literaturi” (“Death” or “Rebirth”: The Problem of the Author in Postmodern Literature) in Magisterium: Literaturoznavchi studii 2, Kyiv: Vydavnychyi Dim “Pedahohika,” 1999
“Teoria avtora i strukturno-sub'ektnyi analiz tekstu” (Author theory and the structural-subjective analyses of the text (on the material of A. Chekhov’s, I. Franko’s, Ia. Iwaszkiewicz’s short stories) in Naukovi zapysky: Filologiia 4. Kyiv: Vydavnychyi Dim “Academia,” 1998
“Deconstructing the Empire, Remapping Europe: Post-Soviet National Identity in the works of Viktor Erofeev and Yurii Andrukhovych” at The College Commons Series “At the Edge of Empire: Spaces, Borders and Boundaries in Central Europe and Beyond,” at USC, Los Angeles, December 1, 2009
“The Problem of Narrative Performance in Nikolai Gogol’s Vechera na khutore bliz Dikanki (Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka)” at AATSEEL Annual Conference, San Francisco, December 27-30, 2008
“Nikolai Gogol’s Self-Fashioning in His Vechera na khutore bliz Dikanki (Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka)” at Department of Slavic Languages and Litertaures, USC, Los Angeles, October 31, 2008
“The Formation of Hybrid Identities in Russian Imperial Culture: The Case of Orest Somov and Vasily Narezhny” at AAASS National Convention, New Orleans, November 16-18, 2007
“‘Ne prodaetsia vdokhnoven’e, no mozhno rukopis' prodat'’: Authorship and Copyright in Russian Literature of the 1820-1830s” at Perspective on Slavistics, Leuven, Belgium, September 16, 2004
“Literary Mystifications of Russian Symbolism” at AATSEEL Annual Conference, Coronado, California, December 28, 2003
“Towards the Problem of the Author in Bakhtin” at AATSEEL Annual Conference, New York, December 30, 2002
“The Creation of the Lyrical Persona in Early Russian Modernism” at the California Slavic Graduate Student Colloquium, Stanford University, April 7, 2002
2009 Academic Achievement Award, Office of International Services, USC
2008 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
2008 Summer Dissertation Research and Writing Award
USC College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences
2007 Summer Research Travel Grant
USC College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences
2004 Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, USC
Strategic Theme Summer Supplement Award USC College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences
2004, 2003, 2002 Conference Travel Grant, USC Graduate and Professional Student Senate
2000 – 2005 College Graduate Merit Award
1998-1999 Smoloskyp Fellowship, Kyiv, Ukraine
August 2001 Professional Training Program for Assistant Lecturers of Foreign Languages, USC, Los Angeles, California
American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies
American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Russian – native; Ukrainian – native; English – fluent; German – basic; French – reading skills
Marcus Levitt, Professor Chair of the Dissertation
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures Committee
University of Southern California
Taper Hall 255 (213) 740-2735
Los Angeles, CA 90089-4353
Thomas Seifrid, Professor, Dissertation Advisor
Chair of Department of Slavic Languages
and Literatures
University of Southern California (213) 740-2735
Taper Hall 255
Los Angeles, CA 90089-4353
Sarah Pratt, Professor, Dissertation Advisor
Department of Slavic Languages
and Literatures
University of Southern California (213) 740-2735
Taper Hall 255
Los Angeles, CA 90089-4353
Tatiana Akishina, Professor of Russian Language Director
Department of Slavic Languages
and Literatures
University of Southern California (213) 740-2735
Taper Hall 255
Los Angeles, CA 90089-4353