Location of Online Resources for FACS
General Information (pertaining to career tech)
click on “Offices,” then click on “Office of Student Learning,” click on “Career and Technical Education,” from list on left-hand side click on “Publications,”or copy and paste the URL
Web site contains numerous career tech documents such as: Equipment List, SIP Codes, FACS Posters, and FACS Alabama Vision and Mission Statements.
Course of Study (list of courses and teaching standards for each course)
click on “Special Links,” click on “Course Of Study,”click on “Other,” scroll down to “5 - CTE Combined Courses,” or copy and paste the URL
click on “Offices,” click on “Student Learning,” click on “Curriculum,” from list, on left-hand side click on “Publications,” click on “Textbooks,” scroll down to “SAList-Career and Technical Education 2010-2016,” or copy and paste the URL
Program Grids (list of clusters, pathway, program, and courses for each program)
click on “Resources” tab, click on “Educator Corner,” click on “Draft Cluster Program Grids,” or copy and paste URL
Plans of Instructionor POIs (suggestions for teaching standards for each course)
click on “Resources” tab, click on “Educator Corner,” click on “Plans of Instruction,” or copy and paste URL
Subject and Personnel Codes (state adopted documentation that list teacher certifications required for teaching each course in Alabama)
click on “Special Links,” click on “Subject and Personnel Codes 2012-2013,” scroll down to Subject and Personnel Codes; click on Career and Technical Education Subject Codes, or copy and paste the URL
Web site contains:
- Course title
- Individual assigned numbers for each course
- Course description
- Course length
- Grade level for course
- Teacher certification required
ALEX Lesson Plans (free lesson plans submitted by Alabama teachers)
click on “Lesson Plans” and enter desired information or “Search” for key words such as Family and Consumer Sciences, or copy and paste URL
Alabama Career Information Network
contains information for students, parents, counselors, and educators.
Web site consists of:
- Career Planning
- Financial Aid
- KuderAdministrative Database Management System
- After High School
- Numerous other resources
Utah Curriculum Resources for FACS
Alabama Public Television (APT) FACS Organization Information
National FCCLA
FCCLA Facebook Student Organization Information
To locate the Alabama State Facebook page, members and advisers should first log into their Facebook account. Type Alabama FCCLA State Page in the search box. Once this is done you can “like” something on the page. Your page will automatically be updated with information from the Alabama State Page.
Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)
Alabama ACTE (AACTE)
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS)
Alabama Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (ALAFCS)
Family, Human Services, Hospitality and Tourism, and Education (FHSHTE) Unit contact number