Fusion Christian Leadership Intern Job Description
Fusion Church
The purpose of this position is twofold. For the intern, this is to be a learning opportunity through a variety of ministry settings. The intern ministry provides the chance for interns to gain practical ministry training, to work in an atmosphere of personal and professional guidance and support, to test their gifts and call to vocational ministry, and to develop spiritually and theologically. For Fusion, this is an opportunity for us to invest in our value of equipping leaders for ministry through intentional partnership and relationship.
The Pastoral Ministry Intern will be accountable to the Lead Pastor
- The overall objective is to present and show by example the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Fusion and to people in the community of Mitchell and the surrounding area.
Specific activities may include
- Develop relationships with the people of Fusion, visitors, and volunteers through individual and group contact, mail, e-mail, and phone.
- Actively participate in regular worship and life of Fusion Church.
- Meet weekly with Lead Pastor for mentoring (possibly as an intern group)
- Assist the Lead Pastor in planning and executing ministry programs. These may include service planning, outreach, special events, care, visitor follow up and other duties built around the unique gifts and calling of the Pastoral Ministry Intern.
- Reach out to people in the community who do not know Christ.
- Maintain personal, spiritual and professional growth.
- Growing personal commitment to Jesus Christ, the body of Christ, and God’s work in the world.
- Ability to work effectively with youth, exhibiting creativity, understanding and patience.
- Ability to verbally articulate personal faith and a biblical world-view.
- It is preferred that applicants have finished their freshman year of college, however applicants will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
5-7 hours per week for the 15-week assignment, anticipated dates January 16, 2017 (negotiable) through April 30, 2017 (negotiable). Any dates when the intern would be unavailable should be discussed prior to the start date so that they can be factored into the internship plan.
$750 for the full 15-week term. There are no other benefits provided.
The Lead Pastor will provide an assessment of performance during the internship at five weeks and the end of the assignment. Additional assessments will be provided in accordance with the intern’s academic institution requirements if the intern is receiving Field Experience credit.
January 1, 2017 (position will remain open until filled)
Please return your completed application to: Fusion Church
1200 W University
Box 928
Mitchell, SD 57301
Christian Leadership
(Please include a resume, and attach a photo (optional))
Fusion Church endeavors to comply with all federal, state and local laws concerning employment discrimination. All qualified applicants receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, disability, or veteran status. We believe that an applicant’s ability to do a job and his/her attitude toward the job and Fusion Church is very important. Please complete this application with pertinent information that will allow authorized personnel to select the person most qualified to fill the vacancy.
Current Address: / Current Phone:
Permanent Address: / Permanent Phone:
Email Address: / Cell or Alternate Phone:
Are you legally authorized or permitted to work in the United States? / ____Yes
____No / If no, please explain:
Have you been convicted of a felony within the past 7 years? / ____Yes
____No / If yes, please list convictions that are a matter of public record.
Current Degree (level/field): / School/University: / Expected Graduation Date:
Previous Degree (level/field): / School/University: / Graduation Year:
Previous Degree (level/field): / School/University: / Graduation Year:
Most Recent Employer: / Address:
Name & title of Immediate Supervisor: / Telephone:
Dates Employed: From To / Position(s) held:
Reason for Leaving: / May we contact this Employer?
Previous Employer: / Address:
Name & title of Immediate Supervisor: / Telephone:
Dates Employed: From To / Position(s) held:
Reason for Leaving: / May we contact this Employer?
Previous Employer: / Address:
Name & title of Immediate Supervisor: / Telephone:
Dates Employed: From To / Position(s) held:
Reason for Leaving: / May we contact this Employer?
Name: / Relationship to you: / Daytime Phone:
Name: / Relationship to you: / Daytime Phone:
Please respond briefly to the following questions/topics (no more than one page each):
1. Personal Background
Give a short history of your life, including how your family has influenced you. Give a short description of your faith journey, including how God first got your attention and something you are excited about or are wondering about in your faith right now.
2. Spiritual/Theological
Give a brief statement about your theology: that is, what you believe about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, sin, salvation, the Church, and the resurrection.
3. The Internship
Describe any specialized training, music, language, apprenticeship, skills and extracurricular activities that you would bring as assets to this internship. Explain what you expect to be your greatest contribution to this ministry opportunity, and what you hope to learn about yourself, the church, and your relationship with Jesus Christ.
4. Leadership
Describe some experience(s) in which you have provided leadership to others.
5. Ministry
List 4-5 characteristics essential to Christian Leadership (one sentence of explanation for each). List 3 characteristics essential to a pastoral ministry intern.
6. The Future
What are your personal and career goals or plans?
I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application and on my resume, if provided. I certify that all such statements are true and understand that misrepresentation or omission of facts called for in this form, or on any resume provided by me, is cause for termination of employment without notice.
Signature Date
Please provide the attached recommendation form to three (3) people who can provide feedback on your background and skills.
The person named above is applying for a position as a Christian Leadership Intern with Fusion Church in Mitchell, SD. The applicant has been instructed to produce three recommendations, thus no single recommendation will determine the applicant’s suitability for this ministry position. Please complete this form to the best of your knowledge.
Interns are provided leadership training and given leadership responsibility in various areas of ministry over the course of this internship. All recommendations are held strictly confidential, and will be reviewed only by the Intern selection committee. Your personal comments are desirable and will be appreciated by the applicant and those selecting Interns.
Please return this reference withinFusion Church
one week of receipt to:1200 W University Ave
(You may also send it as an email attachment toMitchell, SD 57301
A. How long have you known the applicant? ______
B.How well do you know the applicant? Slightly_____ Fairly well_____ Very well_____
C. What is your relationship to the applicant?
D. Please rate the applicant according to the following criteria and comment in the space provided.
1= Excellent2= Good3= Satisfactory4=Fair5=PoorU=Unknown
1 2 3 4 5 USpiritual Maturity: Consider the demonstration of a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ, Biblical knowledge and the evidence of personal Bible study and prayer. ______
1 2 3 4 5 UResponsibility: Consider the degree to which the applicant finishes what he/she starts, is dependable, consistent, prompt, effective, and resourceful.
1 2 3 4 5 ULeadership: Consider the applicant’s ability to inspire others; to coordinate and lead activities; facilitate group interaction and decision-making.
1 2 3 4 5 UInitiative: Consider how the applicant approaches new situations; self-motivation, readiness to take action, ability to set and achieve appropriate goals, need for supervision.
1 2 3 4 5 UTeamwork: Consider the applicant’s ability to participate actively as a team member and to follow, encourage, support and respect established leadership.
1 2 3 4 5 UInterpersonal Relationships: Consider attitude toward and cooperation with others (including supervisors); does the person make observable friendships, exhibit listening skills, trust and genuine caring for others; is he/she open, sincere, and flexible in relationships?
1 2 3 4 5 UEmotional Stability: Consider the directions and control of emotional responses in various situations, general disposition, ease of manner, and predictability.
1 2 3 4 5 UPersonal Maturity: Consider the applicant’s integrity, thoughtfulness, accuracy of perception, judgment, common sense; his/her self-awareness of strengths and weaknesses.
1 2 3 4 5 USocial Sensitivity: Consider the applicant’s ability to be sensitive, understanding to other’s feelings and reactions, and ability to make effective, insightful responses.
1 2 3 4 5 UCommunication: Consider the applicant’s ability to grasp ideas; to read, speak and write effectively; to listen and to convey understanding to others.
1 2 3 4 5 UMotivation for Ministry: Consider the applicant’s desire to serve Jesus Christ; his/her love for the church and grace for fellow Christians; risk-taking ability, humility, and response to challenge.
E. In what ways do you perceive that this ministry will deepen the applicant’s growth in Christ and utilize his/her talents and gifts?
F. In what ways do the applicant’s family relationships and background enhance or hinder his/her effectiveness in ministry and his/her ease and participation in a host family living situation?
G. Additional comments that might help us evaluate the candidate accurately (add extra sheets if necessary).
H. Please indicate the strength of your recommendation of the applicant by checking one:
Highly recommend ______Recommend ______
Recommend w/reservations ______Don’t recommend at this time ______
Signature______Date ______
Name (Print) ______Job/Title______
Street Address ______Home Phone ______
City/State/Zip______Work Phone______