2013-2014 GSEA Conference Minigrant Application

GSEA shall award up to five grants of varying dollar amounts per quarter for each quarter of the academic year. These awards will be allocated based on the quarter in which the conference takes place. The UCR GSA should be one’s primary source of travel grant funds. GSEA Minigrants are intended to assist with conferences in which costs exceed GSA grant amounts. As such, GSEA Minigrant applicants who have not already submitted a request to GSA will not be considered.

Submissions: Email applications and electronic copies of any supplementary materials (i.e. receipts, acceptance letters, conference programs, etc.) to GSEA treasurer Schuyler Eastin (), by Friday of Week 9 of the quarter in which the conference has been or will be attended. NO hard copies of application materials will be accepted. Awards will be provided as a reimbursement for the conference, assuming proper receipts and documentation of costs have been submitted. Students are encouraged to apply for upcoming conferences, although the award will likely be withheld until after the conference has passed and proper documentation and receipts can be verified.

Retroactive Applications: Applications for conferences which were attended in past quarters may be deemed acceptable, depending upon the amount of grants GSEA has awarded and the available budget. Any retroactive submission must include copies of receipts and other documentation for the trip and conference (i.e. flight itinerary, conference program with proof of presentation, etc.), as well as a copy of any GSA travel grant form submitted.

Qualifications: The conference must take place outside of Riverside County and have been far enough to require additional travel expenses (i.e. flights, hotels, etc.). The candidate must be presenting a paper. Total net student expenses must exceed $50. No Minigrant amount will exceed total net student expenses for the conference. No more than one Minigrant may be awarded to any individual student per academic year. Officers of GSEA are eligible to submit applications, but they shall not participate in awards decisions if under consideration.

Fill in gray fields below

Your Name:

Conference Name:

Conference Date(s):

Paper Title:

Brief Description of Paper:

Travel Expenses (List): / Amount: / 0.00
Conference Registration Fee / Society or Journal Subscription Fees / + / 0.00
(Subtotal) / 0.00
Expected / Submitted GSA Travel Grant Funds (include submitted forms) / - / 0.00
(Total net student expense) / 0.00
