Photography & You - Collage Assignment
Serving as an introduction to visual arts, this project will allow students to explore photography
as it relates to their personal cultures.
Using half a poster board and items cut from magazines, create a poster that will share how
photography has impacted your life and share things that important to you.
Your poster should include:
A. A photograph of you at any age. Donʼt use a photo that you want back. (5 points)
B. Your name, date of birth, and 3 important facts about you. (10 points)
C. 5 photos from cut from magazines that trigger important memories about people you know or have known. Beside each cut out, write about the memory the photo triggers. (2 points each for a max of 10 points)
D. 5 photographs cut from magazines that describe your likes, activities and ambitions. Beside each cut out, write why/how this describes you. (2 points each for a max of 10 points)
E. A typed paragraph about how photographs have impacted your life. (10 points)
F. Neatness/Creativity (10 points)
Grading Rubric
1. Photo at any age _____ / 5
2. Name, birthday and 5 important you facts _____ / 10
3. 5 memory photos and descriptions (2 points each) _____ / 10
4. 10 photos describing you (2 points each) _____ / 10
5. Paragraph about photographyʼs impact on you _____ / 10
6. Poster neatness _____ / 10
Total Points: ______ / 55