Your School Letterhead here
Dear Grade 4 Parents,
With the redesign of the BC curriculum there have been changes to how and when content related to human sexuality is to be presented to students. Previously, the vast majority of content related to sexuality in the elementary grades was contained in Health and Career Education (HCE) andCISVA schools were able to present this content via “alternative delivery.”The Sexuality and Your Childparent evenings were the alternate delivery where schools passed content to parents so that they could then teach their own children in their own time in the context of the family.
With the new, revised BC Ministry curriculum, some content related to human sexuality has been moved into Grade 6 Science where alternative delivery is not an option; some aspects of human sexuality will have to be presented by the classroom teacher. This content will be limited and will be presented from a family and faith perspective.
In our ongoing effort to support you, the primary educator of your child, we wish to give you an overview of the in-class content well before your child reaches this lesson in Grade 6.
The actual content of the BC Ministry curriculum is as follows:
Students are expected to know the following:
- the basic structures and functions of body systems:
- excretory
- reproductive
- hormonal
- nervous
When your child reaches Grade 6, he or she will be taught this content, while at the same time reviewing these fundamental truths of our faith:
- Each individual is unique and has been created in the image and likeness of God;
- All life is valuable and worthy of respect from the time of conception;
- The body and our sexuality is a beautiful gift from God;
- Our body’s reproductive system is God’s plan for new life.
Specifically, the students will be taught:
- God has made you beautiful (you are a gift from God, your body is a gift from God);
- Your body is preparing to become an adult body (changes);
- God has a beautiful plan for the human body with the reproductive system;
- Male reproductive system produces sperm (half the amount of the DNA) & female reproductive system produces the egg (half the amount of the DNA);
- The vocabulary of the reproductive system: penis, vagina, ovaries, testes, sperm, egg, uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix.
That is the extent of the teaching. We will not be teaching the students about sexual intercourse or any other aspects of sexuality. This content will be discussed over the course of one or two Science lessons.
Only you know when your child is developmentally and emotionally ready to receive and understand this information, and you must make the decision that is best for your child. To that end, we wanted to let you know the extent of what we will teach in the future.
You will find attached the resources the Grade 6 teacher will use to teach this content. You may find it helpful in your current discussions with your child; if not, it gives you a clear understanding of what is within our purview and what remains in your own. Further, the Sexuality and your Child evenings will provide excellent resources for you to begin this conversation with your child.
As always, we are concerned with the well-being of your child and are going to great lengths to protect the innocence of children and the role of the family. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or your child’s teacher.