Approved/Adopted by the Board of Education

December 14, 2010


  1. 100% of the Kelso C-7 School District students will score in the proficient or advanced levels on the Communication Arts MAP test.
  2. 100% of the Kelso C-7 School District students will score in the proficient or advanced levels on the Math MAP test.
  3. 100% of the Kelso C-7 School District facilities will adequately meet the needs of students, staff, and patrons; and will be maintained in order to present and meet future educational needs of all students.
  4. The district will continue to meet or exceed Adequate Yearly Progress as defined by No Child Left Behind.
  5. The district will continue to support the efforts of the staff to increase their professional development opportunities to develop their abilities to integrate technology into the curriculum.
  6. The district will provide opportunities for parents/guardians to learn about the intellectual and developmental needs of their children and to participate constructively in their children’s education.
  7. The district will follow the recommended calendar for federal programs to ensure that all programs and plans are revised and developed effectively.


The Professional Development Committee recognizes the teacher as the keystone in the education process. We believe the Professional Development Plan shall assist our educational community to continue to grow professionally and personally. It is the mission of the Professional Development Committee to provide the staff with opportunities, which will contribute to their sense of security and self-worth to help enhance their teaching skills. The Professional Development Plan will foster the opportunity to share talents, strengths, skills, and philosophies with colleagues.

We believe that teachers who view themselves as life-long learners will foster an environment that will encourage their students, and ultimately, the community to value the educational process in an ever-changing world.

The purpose of the Professional Development Committee is to work with beginning and experienced teachers in identifying instructional concerns and remedies; assist beginning teachers with implementation of their professional plan; serve as a consultant upon a teacher’s request; arrange training programs for mentors; assess faculty needs and develop in-service opportunities for school staff; present faculty suggestions, ideas and recommendations pertaining to classroom instructions within the School District; and review and evaluate the District’s staff development program.

In compliance with the Outstanding Schools Act (OSA), the Kelso C-7 School District has recognized the importance of professional development. An important facet of school improvement will be that PDC funds will not be the only resources used for such activities. The following sources will be utilized for professional development purposes:

  1. Title I – Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged
  2. Title IIA – Training and Recruiting High Quality Teachers & Principals
  3. Title IV – Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities
  4. Title VIB – Small, Rural School Achievement Program
  5. PDC – 1% state aid money

The PDC and the administration shall determine appropriateness of activities unless agreement cannot be met, then the Board of Education will have the final responsibility for approval or disapproval of that particular item.


  1. The teachers of Kelso C-7 School shall attend all in-service meetings sponsored by the school and PDC to keep up to date with changes in the local school. Part time teachers should attend a minimum of 50 percent of the local activities offered by the district and selected in-service activities deemed necessary by the administration.
  1. All teachers, full and part time, will be encouraged to attend at least one conference, seminar, workshop, meeting, and/or graduate class yearly outside of the school pertaining to their area of specialization. These activities are to keep teachers informed with the latest changes in education and/or the local CSIP plan. Funding for conferences, seminars, workshops, and meetings shall be subject to available funding sources, approval of the PDC, and needs of the school.
  1. Verification of professional development activities will be given to the administrator. Staff members are required to summarize the activity in writing.


The Board of Education of Kelso C-7 School District, because of its commitment to excellence in education, supports the professional development of our teachers. Support is shown in the following ways:

  • Support of the Professional Development Committee
  • Support of implementation of programs to meet teacher in-service needs
  • Support of mentor programs
  • Support of professional development plans for new teachers
  • Taking advantage of available resources, such as local universities’ teacher assistance programs for both new and practicing teachers.

All professional development opportunities will follow the National Staff Development Councils Standards. The goal is for all Kelso C-7 staff members to participate in and complete high-quality professional development activities each year.

The Kelso School Board will designate one percent of state minimum guarantee monies, which will be spent for professional development as provided in Section 7 of Senate Bill #380 of the 87th General Assembly. (See Board Policy 4411)


The Professional Development Committee will consist of three committee members that are certified employees with a minimum of five years of teaching and/or administrative experience. A chairperson will be selected from these three members.


Selection of stated offices will be by vote of the teachers, librarians, and counselors. Members selected will serve for a staggered three year term with one of the committee selected each of the three years. New members will be selected on or by April 30 of the year preceding the member’s term and will start the following school year.

The Professional Development Committee shall meet monthly during the school year. Special meetings may be called if the chairperson deems it necessary.


The Excellence in Education Act of 1985 mandated that each school district establish a Professional Development Committee selected by teachers to serve beginning and experienced teachers. The responsibilities of our district’s Professional Development Committee are as follows:

  • To identify instructional concerns
  • To develop procedures (programs, etc.) to remediate these concerns
  • Conduct needs assessments and develop in-service opportunities for school staff
  • To present faculty suggestions, ideas, and recommendations pertaining to classroom instruction to appropriate administration
  • Assist in the planning and development of professional growth activities for the beginning teacher as well as the practicing teacher
  • Serve as a confidential consultant upon a teacher’s request pertaining to classroom instruction within the school district to the proper authority
  • To work with mentors and higher education representatives in orientation/assistance of new teachers


The goals of the Professional Development Plan are to enhance learning by:

Goal 1:

Develop and enhance quality education/instructional programs to improve performance and enable students to meet their personal, academic, and career goals.

Goal 2:

Recruit, attract, develop, and retain highly qualified staff to carry out the LEA (local educational agency)/District mission, goals, and objectives.

Goal 3:

Provide and maintain appropriate instructional resources, support services, and functional and safe facilities.

Goal 4:

Promote, facilitate, and enhance parent, student, and community involvement in LEA/District educational programs.

Objective 5:

Govern the LEA/District in an efficient and effective manner providing leadership and representation to benefit the students, staff, and patrons of the district.


The District will provide for professional growth through the following:

  1. Establish a Professional Development Committee (PDC) that will adopt and implement a Professional Development Plan (PDP) based on the district’s Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP).
  1. Allocate adequate funding for professional development as required by state law.
  1. Provide leave and dismissal time for approved professional growth activities.
  1. Provide opportunities for advancement on the salary schedule with additional education or training in accordance with Board policy and PDC procedures.

Reimbursements for expenses related to conferences and visitations will be as approved by the superintendent in accordance with district procedures, provided that the expenses are within budget allocations.


The following forms must be completed and turned into the PDC Chair by August 15th of each school year.

  • Yearly Supplement to Professional Development Plan
  • Staff Development Survey


Activities should meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Relates to the district’s Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
  • Relates to the Crisis Program
  • Relates to goals of the district Professional Development Plan
  • Relates to building based needs
  • Relates to individual needs or improvement plan


Approved professional development activities may include the following if sufficiently related to one or more of the above mentioned district goals or areas of critical need:

  • Consultant/presenter fees and expenses
  • Travel and registration fees to in-service training and professional development events
  • Stipends for teachers’ participation in curriculum development and related work after school hours
  • Substitute teacher pay to permit teachers to participate in planned activities during the regular school day

This list is illustrative only and not intended to be all-inclusive.


When a district employee requests to participate in a professional development activity, they must complete the following steps:

  • Complete a form called the “Request to Attend Professional Development Activity.” and submit it to the PDC Chair. This form will be reviewed by the PDC committee and the superintendent to see if it meets the goals of the PDC and if it is within the parameters of the PDC. The form must include a statement about which district goal or area of critical need will be addressed by the activity and the CSIP goal addressed. Printed information about the activity should accompany the request.
  • If the activity is approved the Request to Attend form will be returned to you signed by the administrator. It will then be your responsibility to register for the activity.
  • An evaluation of the workshop is to be filled out upon completion and turned in to the PDC Chair within 15 days of the workshop.
  • If reimbursement is needed complete the reimbursement request form and turn in to the Administrative Assistant.
  • At the close of the school year a list of professional organizations, college classes, and PDC log should be turned in to the PDC Chair with all professional activities attended throughout the year.


Evaluation of each activity as it relates to our overall goal will be accomplished through formal and informal tools. All levels of the educational community- individual, building, and district will assess effectiveness. Evaluation criteria will include:

  • Activity evaluations and follow up using a High Quality Professional Development survey
  • Year-end needs assessment
  • Increased utilization of techniques in the classroom
  • Increased participation on the part of individual teachers and/or buildings in the activities
  • Improvements in student achievements
  • Verbal and written request by teachers to provide staff development opportunities within the district
  • Improved school climate among all school populations


A needs assessment will be conducted annually unless the professional development committee and administration agree at a future date that the process can be performed every two years. The district will use the needs assessment developed by faculty and administration to do the following:

  • Establish domain: securing information that will make it possible to determine in-service needs of teachers
  • Determine population and identify sample: have specific faculty members respond to the assessment of needs relevant to their assigned instructional area.
  • Determining data collection procedures: utilizing data collection procedures that will provide most appropriate results for faculty in the various departments and levels of assignments


Each year a portion of the funds budgeted by the Kelso C-7 School District will be utilized to pay expenses of faculty members attending workshops and meetings. The following criteria will be followed to determine the allocation of said funds:

  1. Each faculty member will be given the opportunity to attend one professional workshop or meeting per year.
  2. The Professional Development Committee will determine, on an individual basis, the amount of funds an individual teacher will receive for payment of expenses to attend the meeting/workshop.
  3. Expenses for professional meetings/workshops will be considered as registration fees, mileage, accommodations, and meals.
  4. The amount of funding granted to an individual teacher will be determined by the amount of available funds.
  5. If an instructor has attended one meeting/workshop during the current academic year and wishes to attend another, the Professional Development Committee will determine whether or not the teacher will be granted funds from the district to attend. In making its decision, the committee will consider the number of faculty members who have already attended a professional meeting/workshop, the balance of funds available, and the potential of the meeting/workshop.


The key to success for first and second year teachers (not having previously taught) is supported, directed, and monitored by the mentor teacher. Thus, we will provide special support for first and second year teachers. Prior to the beginning of school, first and second year teachers, their mentors, their principals, and the Professional Development Chair should meet to begin the Professional Development Plan process. Throughout the year the mentor and mentee should continue these meetings. The following forms must be completed and turned in to the PDC Chair at the close of the school year.

  • Professional Development Checklist
  • Reflection Form from Orientations, 1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, & 3rd Quarter
  • Yearly Supplement to Professional Development Plan


As the first semester progresses, the committee will meet regularly with the beginning teachers to monitor their needs. Their Professional Development Plan will become more individualized as the year progresses. At the end of the first year, the teacher and mentor will revise the plan. The mentoring arrangement will continue throughout the teacher’s second year and mentoring/training will be in line with the teacher’s Professional Development Plan.

The new teacher will be responsible for:

  • Meeting with mentor on a regular basis and completing the PDC Checklist.
  • Observing mentor and being observed by mentor a minimum of two times each semester
  • Preparing a multi-year Professional Development Plan indicating goals and activities
  • Submitting copies of teacher’s Professional Development Plan, proof of in-service hours (or any other documentation the committee has specified) to building principal and Professional Development Committee chairperson


The mentor teacher will be a coach, trainer, positive role model, developer of talent and opener of doors. The role of the mentor is “helper”, not “evaluator”. Ideally, a mentor should be teaching a similar grade level and be in the similar area of certification as the beginning teacher. The mentor to a first year teacher will be compensated monetarily for their work.


  • Selection by the principal
  • Willing to be trained
  • Have appropriate certification and/or experience
  • Demonstrate a positive attitude toward teaching, learning, students, mentoring education, public relations
  • Have a mature, helping, nurturing personality with the ability to communicate and work with educators, parents, and the community


  • Meet with beginning teacher on a regular basis
  • Assist beginning teacher in writing an individual development plan
  • Help beginning teacher accomplish the goals identified in the plan and acquire needed professional skills during the first two years
  • Observe and be observed by beginning teacher a minimum of two times each semester


According to the Excellence in Education Act, beginning teacher assistance programs “shall include assistance from the teacher education program which provided the teacher’s training if such training was provided in a Missouri College or University.” The building principal shall request assistance by notifying the appropriate colleges or universities when graduates of their institutions are employed.


The general qualifications for certification are identical for all teaching certificates, except for some areas of Career Education. They are:

  • A baccalaureate degree from a college/university having a teacher education program approved by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education or from a college/university having a teacher education program approved by the state education agency in states other than Missouri;
  • The applicant must have a recommendation for certification from the designated official for teacher education in the college/university where the program was completed;
  • The applicant must have a grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale; both overall and in the content area;
  • The applicant must complete the required Praxis test(s). (If you completed your teacher education program and were certificated before September 1, 1990, you are exempt from this requirement.) A list of the Missouri Specialty Area Tests with the qualifying scores can be found on the DESE website; and
  • The applicant meets the educational, professional, and subject area requirements.

Missouri does not have formal reciprocity for certification with other states; however, graduates from approved teacher education programs within other states may obtain a certificate in Missouri based on meeting certain requirements.

Classifications: There are nine types/classifications of certificates of license to teach. Each classification offers an Initial certificate that is valid for four years and requires the individual to meet various requirements on mentoring, evaluation and professional development. Each classification also offers a Career Continuous certificate that is valid for 99 years to individuals who successfully complete the Initial requirements and various requirements on evaluation, professional development, years of experience, and/or advancement to a higher college degree. The classifications are as follows: