ALC (Academic Life Committee) Minutes March 4th 2011
Rosemary Akhurst: Faculty
Adele Dow: Facilities Manager
Laura Fejerman: Faculty
Brett Johnson: Grad Student
Ali Landman: Post-doc
Long-Cheng Li: Faculty
Madhu Macrae: Staff
Kevin Mark: Grad Student
Samuel Rose: Staff
Megan Salt: Grad Student
1. Mission: The Committee discussed the draft mission statement, and unanimously agreed that the following would be accepted:
The Academic Life Committee of the Helen Diller Cancer Research Building is charged with creating and organizing employee morale-building and appreciation activities that increase academic and social interactions within the building. The intent is to help promote collaboration and networking between young scientists who will be our future scientific leaders.
2. Progress: The Committee discussed progress towards achieving goals decided at first meeting and agreed that good progress had been made. Including:
i. Socials. A monthly schedule of socials has been established for 2010-2011 sponsored partly by ALC funds and partly by PIs. There have been three Friday socials and a Thanksgiving lunch so far, and all were considered a success. There was one cancellation so far. Thanks to Adele for organizing permits.
ii. RIP. Martin McMahon concluded that it was impossible to get two speakers for RIP every week…
iii. Friday seminar: Food has been moved into the seminar room to avoid consumption by visitors not attending the seminars. Healthier options have been included.
iv. Fusbal and Ping Pong Tables have been installed on the fourth and third floors respectively, thanks to Laura Fejerman and Long-Cheng Li. Laura Fejerman has initiated a Fusbal league to conclude in late Spring.
v. Student and Post-doc Seminar Hosts. Students/post-docs had gotten together to suggest Charles Sawyers as a Friday seminar speaker to be invited by them as a group, and hosted by them. The suggestion was forwarded to the Diller Seminar Committee and the student/post-doc group will be assisted by Geraldine Pacheco in implementing this event.
3. Ping Pong Tournament and solicitation or prizes. It was reported that Byron Hann had brought over the historical “Waldman Cup” from Mt. Zion. Byron Hann has extensive notes from previous years on organization of the Ping Pong tournament, including how to go about soliciting donations from local companies. The committee all agreed that it would be excellent to have Byron Hann on the organizing Committee, and Rosemary will ask him again if he is willing to help out. She will also try to find others via John Mugge. Committee members all agreed to search out solicitations for prizes for the Ping Pong Tournament. Rosemary Akhurst will circulate a draft thank you letter. Samuel Rose would ask around campus café’s; Brett Johnson would inquire of contacts at the Giants Baseball Park; Madhue Macrae would approach Fisher about providing food and drink for an awards ceremony for the Ping Pong and Fusbal tournaments. It was felt that the Ping Pong Tournament should follow the Fusbal Tournament in the late Spring/early Summer.
4. Building Wide Retreat. It was agreed that we should aim to have a building wide scientific retreat in the Spring of 2012. Rosemary will look into relative costs of Asilomar, Marconi, Granlibaaken, and Presidio. Budgets will be drawn up, and Peter Carroll and Mitch Berger will be approached for donations towards funding this. Madhue Macrae will look into having a vendor show in order to help sponsor this retreat. Vendors would need to be selected from UCSF’s Strategic Sourcing Partners, in liaison with Mike Rodriguez .
5. Other business: It was decided that the ALC should meet at least every six months, next meeting in September or October of 2011.