Your only chance for survival:
May 25-29: I knew I had to get to the bus stop early to get an early bus to Jerusalem, but I had no bus schedule. I needed a bus that stopped at the Central Bus Station. At about one minute until 8:00 I was at my bus stop. I prayed that bus 12 would come quickly. In about 5 seconds bus 12 turned the corner. I got the 8:30 bus to Jerusalem from the Central Bus Station. At our 10-minute break stop, the bus station was under repair, so our bus had to park back from the station platforms. I got off to go to the bathroom and when I came out, the bus had moved. I had no idea which bus was mine. I started off towards a bus parked some distance away. A man just ahead of me wearing sun glasses said to me: “This is your bus”, and pointed to the bus right next to me. I didn’t recognize the man – but he was our bus driver.
Once there, I prayed for a good taxi driver, a just and fair one, to take me to the Jewish Quarter parking lot. The driver I got was one of the best I’ve ever had and very just. He even spoke English. I got to my destination and put my things in my room, and then proceeded out to get groceries. It was Friday around noon and I had to buy for two days – Shabbat and Shavu’ot.
I had five families and one lady to see while in Jerusalem. I left it all with Abba, who orders my steps.
In walking back with the groceries, my thought was to call the couple I needed to see first. I had my head down – the groceries were very heavy. A lady came along side of me and said, “May I help you?” I thought, oh good – a gracious Orthodox lady. I looked up and there was the couple I was going to call. We had two hours of wonderful fellowship.
The mother of a family of six called me to arrange for us to meet and have an early dinner. It was a grand reunion. We had done much intercession together the previous year. The father of the family had been hearing from Abba and we touched base on what Abba is doing, on timing, on His plans and purposes. We had not seen each other for three months, it was glorious.
I was to meet them at the Zion Gate at 9:00 AM on Shavu’ot. The Orthodox Jews believe that King David was born and died on Shavu’ot, so many meet on the “upper hill” around the symbolic tomb of David on Shavu’ot morning to pray before going to the Ha Kotel (Western Wall).
A lady on my address list had come from Australia and wanted to see me. She actually was staying at the same guesthouse as I, but in another section away. She had no idea where I was. She was with the tour guide this morning who was checking on other members of their tour who were in the room across from mine. She waited at the gate praying that she could find me. I was praying I’d find her. Abba spoke to her: “Go through the gate”.
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She did. She came down the steps and sat on the couch across from the
table in the courtyard where I was having a hurried breakfast. She asked if I was American, and I said “yes”. She said she was Australian. I asked if she knew Chris ___ and she said, “I am Chris __”. We planned to meet later that day.
I knew I needed to contact two couples who wanted to meet with me, but I had no time, so I set off for the Zion Gate. As I approached the Gate, my cell phone rang and it was one from the two couples. She asked: “Can we meet at 10:00 AM”? I said: “What about 10:15?” So, we set that time.
I met the family of six and we went to “David’s tomb” and prayed with the Orthodox. On this day, they pray for Messiah to come and for the Holy Spirit to come on them. Like Acts 2, it was about 9:15 AM “on the day of Pentecost”… and we were in the “upper room”, which, while fake, is still considered to be such. I sat down and all that would come out of my mouth was praying in tongues. I prayed in tongues for about 20 minutes. I have very clear distinctive languages – so it was a kind of representation of Acts 2 I suppose, not meaning to be. Then the seven of us went to meet the couples at Huerva Square in the Jewish Quarter.
At 10:15 they came – the two couples, one brought their son, a man from South Africa, and a young man from Germany. The man from Germany smiled at me and said: “It is good to see you again”. I asked: “Where did we meet before?” Oh Abba – thank you! What a sweet reunion. I had met he and his wife and children in a very tiny village in the Bavarian area of Germany near the Czech. border in April 2010, while staying with mutual friends. They had driven 3 hours to meet with me. I had been so tried that day I could hardly sit up. But, I went downstairs to meet them, and I remember we talked about their coming to Israel and I encouraged them. And there he was in Jerusalem, so happy. We had an hour of wonderful fellowship before they had to get to a meeting.
I got back to my room about 11:30, and five minutes later the lady from Australia came. We talked for about three hours.
On Monday, this lady came with her tour guide to walk with me to the City of David. I wanted them to meet the family who had come from Australia that I “pal around with”. So that was another mo’ed.
Jumping ahead – I still had one family to see but I could not reach them.
On Tuesday I prayed for a good, fair taxi driver and got another good one.
But, I got to the Jerusalem Central Bus Station three minutes late to catch the 8:30 bus, so I had to wait for the 9:30 bus. I got something to eat, and then walked down to the bathroom. Then the man of the family I had wanted to meet called me, and said they were already back in the Galilee – staying about 5 miles from where I am staying. So, we set up a time to
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meet and talk. Walking back to my seat at the bus port, a lady near me
said: “Yedidah”. I turned and saw a face that was semi-familiar. I had not seen her for several years. Her husband had been my son’s youth pastor when my son was about 15 years old. He came to greet me too. So, another fine reunion orchestrated by Abba.
But, then you also must understand that Yerushalyim (Jerusalem) is “Mo’edim City”. It is the City of the King of Mo’edim!
I walk under His favor. It is a gift of Abba. But, then, He knows me. This delightful five days is just a microcosm of the life Abba has led me to live the greater portion of my life--especially since the traveling and living overseas. But, this is the NORMAL lifestyle of those who are truly born again by the Spirit of Yahuweh, filled with the Spirit, and taught by the Spirit (a disciple of Yahushua). This is the normal lifestyle of those who are sensitive to the Spirit’s conviction of sin, and to His leading, and to whom He speaks the will of Elohim. He favors His Friends. I am no one special--we just all reap the passion of our heart. If our whole being is laid down for Him, He reciprocates in like manner! The highest price tag is put on knowing Him.
He does what no human can do to orchestrate to the nano-second appointments/events and meetings, and give wisdom and ideas that are far beyond human reasoning. At the new birth in which 40 things are done by the Spirit to transform us into a new creation, He opens the portal of our spirit (in our loins area) so that we can contact the eternal realm, and He contacts us. There are 40 ways that He speaks to His servants. [Refer to: “The True New Birth” and “Forty Ways Elohim Speaks To His People” on
To be led by the human reasoning, or by the plans of someone else, is a boring life, but a useless one, too. Maybe a person climbs Mount Everest, or takes a raft down the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, or goes on a tour somewhere. That is wonderful. But, it has a beginning and an end.
Life led by the Spirit has a beginning but no end, to those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. In the meantime, we get to, like Moses, learn the nature, ways and thinking of the Creator, who becomes Abba and Friend.
We have to submit to obeying Him implicitly to be in position for Him to lead. “He won’t direct a parked car” – He won’t work with those sitting around waiting on Him to do something, or who depend on human reason. One way He does not speak is via circumstances. He is a Person – well able to communicate to His hearing servants.
We have to hear and obey, and get moving – THEN He directs. He has to SEE our faith in action--otherwise we’re no more than “hot air”--“vanity”.
Faith is simply acting on what He has said, in His Word and to us personally. It has nothing to do with a belief system about someone we learn about --a
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theology, a concept, a philosophy, a “God”. He is a Person to know!
However He says: “You will seek Me, and you will find Me, IF you search for Me with all your heart”. (Jeremiah 29:13)
But, if you want to live by your own head, He will let you.
The true new birth has to do with total life submission to a Master as Teacher, and then going forth to obey Him daily. Death is self-will, desires,
plans, etc., is basic to following a Master. We must die to self daily to be His disciple. How can we serve a Master if we put our will above His?
I’m talking eternal reality here. You won’t find this in western culture that only appeals to the lusts of your flesh in your soul – mind, emotions.
I wrote an article entitled “Daily Flowing in His Perfect Timing” a few years ago. It is the way I live. I have no earthly security at all. But, I know my Abba and my Bridegroom personally and intimately. They have tested my faithfulness and I have tested Theirs.
There is no fear when one learns that They (Yahuweh and Yahushua Yahuweh) are absolutely faithful, by living with Them through rough situations outside the comfort of one’s illusionary self-created security prison. Giving up the life of following the Master to gain temporary security is like one who finds a cave and thinks it is secure, but inside the cave are poisonous snakes, and vicious animals. And so people are clinging to their fantasy-securities and out beyond them is the “vast frontier” of the “great adventure”. So man becomes a prisoner of his own fears--his own negative emotions and sins, and loses the Presence of Yahuweh.
In Russia under Stalin and in China under Mao Se Tung, and even today in China, the secret police watched to see if people were meeting to hear the Word, that they might be arrested, tortured and killed. So there could be no communication as to where meetings would be held. Each depended on the
leading of the Spirit in their re-born spirit to tell them where to meet. One
house was being watched carefully by the police. They saw people coming into the house and stopped one young boy. The boy acted sad: “Our big brother has died, and we are meeting to read his last will and testament”. The police said: “Oh, we are sorry--you can go”. He failed to say that their big Brother had risen from the dead.
Several families were led to flee out of Russia, hoping to escape to the China border – where in those days they could get out of China to Australia, for example. They hid in a cave, as the Spirit led them. They ate the berries and edible plants around them. After one month the Spirit had not redirected them. They had no idea where they were. So, over ½ of the families got disgusted and went back – to their death. Not long after they left, the Spirit spoke to those who remained to proceed forward. They entered a storm area where they could not see ahead of them, but they kept walking. Then the
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storm cleared and they saw a man in a field. They asked him where they were, and he said “China”.
In our day, the Spirit will direct those who trust Him – for the Spirit is Yahuweh Himself. Those that will not act unless He leads are the ones who will survive. Those that went by their mind’s reasoning and emotions died.
So it will be now. (Exodus 33:14-16) “They that are led by the Spirit--they are the sons of Elohim”. (Romans 8:14)
So it is from Genesis 3 to eternity--only those who hear from Him, walk with
Him, allow Him to rule their thoughts, mind, emotions, and will, only those who humbly submitted to Him as their Master, have any chance of survival. Those that walk in fear of man are the walking dead. “Cursed is the man who trusts in man…” (Jeremiah 17:5-10)
We do not know ourselves until we are tested in the hard places – outside of the comfort zone. (Deuteronomy 8:1-6) Most westerners are very weak people--mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Their will is weak. They go by “feelings” and “head reasoning” and fears of all types--and will fall on their faces outside of their cages. [Refer to the article: “The Cage”]
The horrors to soon come will surpass their ability to comprehend, so most will hide in a fantasy of their own making and do nothing. It is a tragedy!
The Acts 1:8 pattern is for those who are strong in the “power of His might”. If you’re not on the move to obey the Master, to reach out into the field of the 7-billion people that you are called to work in, then you will be of little use to the Kingdom no matter where you go to save yourself.
I began this pattern at age six, and built on it year in and year out, so my life traveling and living in different countries didn’t just happened – it evolved. Our life in Him is “one step at a time”.
In order to test His people, He will have to drive them out of their comfort zone by force-as in Acts 8. But, those people went everywhere sharing the Good News of salvation, teaching and praying with people. I am afraid that
most from Western culture will go out in incredible fear, crying and complaining, and have no interest in anyone else’s salvation but their own. But, there is a remnant who is on the move now.
“You are not your own…you are bought with a price.” (I Corinthians 6:19-20) You are born into the family of Yahuweh – a slave, though a son, in training for reigning. You have no right to your own will--you signed on to a Covenant, not to a belief-system of man. No one can know Elohim unless they are set-apart from sin and this Luciferic world system--wearing this world very, very loosely.
I want to give you this warning from Abba. Some of you are preparing to leave “end-time Babylon” in obedience to many pleas of Abba in His Word, but perhaps you are self-centered, have sin in your life you’re hiding, you are weak in will, you are in fear, you have heavy baggage of “flesh”, you do
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not know how to walk in faith and remain in faith, you do not fully know how to hear the Master or follow Him – therefore, you are in no shape to go outside and live in the Third World. You have lived in lollypop land of fantasy and illusion, and the real world is harsh. No one will pamper you. You have to take personal responsibility for life in that world, or else you will face dangers you never knew existed.
So, your chief priority is preparation to exit, yes, but first of all “put the ax
to the root of the tree” in your life, and repent, and discipline yourself no matter what it takes to get “self”, fear and sin out of you. Other nations do not need you unless you have something to offer, besides money and technology which they can steal. They have to be able to respect you, not as phony masked people but as genuine. They can tell a phony, and know how to “use” a phony. They know how to “rip off” the “white skinned”.
Beware! What you are NOW, you will take with you … and if you are not pure and blameless in the nature of Messiah wherever you go – then stay home and get yourself prepared for eternity! I’ve known men who were hiding sexual sins, and once in a Third World nation they go crazy with the locals, ruin their own reputation and shame those they are with. What is in you WILL COME OUT once you are free of the Western cultural façade.
Do not pollute other nations with your religious pride, your arrogance, your hot shot attitudes, or your sin. Get your life under the Master’s control!!! I warn you: Once outside plasticland, whatever you are hiding, whatever you are masking, will come out into the light and you will be exposed for what you are!!! I saw that in Jordan where I lived for 8 years, whenever Americans came to visit. If you are hiding secret ambitions and agendas to get something for yourself – It will be exposed!!!