Changing lives

September 17, 2017

PASSAGE: Multiple Verses


Why is change so hard? Why is it hard to break that addiction? Why is it so hard to say kind words? Why is it so hard to be patient? We were not created to change ourselves. We were not created to transform our own heart and mind. Jesus wants to radically transform you into the person He created you to be! How can you be changed and transformed?


Your life can radically change when you:

  1. Give your ______to God. (Romans 12:1 GNT)
  1. Give your ______to God. (Romans 12:2 GNT)
  1. Give honest ______- ______. (Romans 12:3 NLT)
  1. Grow in ______with others. (Romans 12:4-5 TLB)
  1. Grow in ______and ______. (Romans 12:9-10 NCV)
  1. Grow in ______, ______, ______, and

______. (Romans 12:12 NIV)


  1. Sign up for an LCU class. Register at
  2. Make a commitment to come to church each weekend where you can grow in your faith and experience God, Freedom, and Life.
  3. Sign up for our Baptism Class.


  1. What was your life like before you gave your life to God? How has your life changed since giving your life to God? How do you give your life as a living sacrifice to God?
  1. Read Romans 12:2. Discuss. Why is it hard to give your mind to Christ? Why is it easier to give our minds to the world? Are there areas in your life that you need to give over to God?
  1. Is it possible to give yourself an honest self-evaluation of how you are doing spiritually? What sort of standards do you strive for in your home, your work, your church? Are you able to identify areas in your life where you need to grow spiritually?
  1. What are the primary ways to grow in Christ with others? Read Romans 12:4-5. Discuss. How does serving at church with others grow your faith in Christ? What prohibits you from serving God in church?
  1. How might your life change if you grow in love and affection for others? How might Jesus radically change your life when love pours forth from you to your friends and your enemies?
  1. When you survey our community, do you see people that need their life to change? Do you see people longing for love, value, approval, and appreciation? How can you play a role in telling others about the hope of God and how he wants to change their life?