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AMENDMENT v07.00/2017
Minor amendments to Brisbane City Plan 2014 –Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan amendments
Section 2.3A.3 of the Statutory Guideline[1]
Text and figure amendments
Part 1 – About the Planning scheme
Item No. / Section / Sub-section/ Table / Existing text/Map to be removed / Insert/Replace with/ Renumber/Relocate to / Reason1.2 / Table 1.2.2—Neighbourhood plans precincts and sub-precincts / INSERT in the first column titled Neighbourhood plan:
Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan
INSERT in the second column titled Precincts and sub-precincts:
NPP-001: Mixed use core
NPP-001a: District centre (District)
NPP-001b: Mixed use (Centre frame)
NPP-002: Residential mixed use
NPP-002a: High density residential
NPP-002b: Medium density residential
NPP-002c: Low-medium density residential
NPP-003: Low-rise residential
NPP-004: Open space
NPP-005: Major sports venue / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. Consequential amendment as a result of the inclusion of the Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan.
Part 5 – Tables of assessment
Item No. / Section / Sub-section/ Table / Existing text/Map to be removed / Insert/Replace with/ Renumber/Relocate to / Reason5.9 / Table 5.9.1—Neighbourhood plan level of assessment changes / INSERT in the first column titled Neighbourhood plan:
Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan
INSERT the level of assessment changes under the following columns:
MCU: Change
ROL: Change
Building work: No change
Operational work: No change / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To identify the Yeerongpilly TOD neighbourhood plan level of assessment changes.
5.9 / Table 5.9.1—Neighbourhood plan level of assessment changes / INSERT the following Editorial Note after Table 5.9.1:
Editor’s Note—Under section 126 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, the Queensland Government directed Council to integrate the Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development State Planning Regulatory Provision 2016(the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP) into Brisbane City Plan 2014. The categories of development and assessment in Table 5.9.77.A and Table 5.9.77.B are in accordance with the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRPand override the categories of development and assessment in the zone table of assessment. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To clarify that the Yeerongpilly TOD neighbourhood plan level of assessment tables reflect the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP.
5.9 / Table 5.9.77.A–Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan: material change of use / INSERT new Table 5.9.77.A–Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan: material change of use. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To identify the level of assessment and the relevant assessment criteria for material change of use in the Yeerongpilly TOD neighbourhood plan area to reflect the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP.
5.9 / Table 5.9.77.A–Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan: material change of use / INSERT the following Editor’s Note under heading ‘Table 5.9.77.A–Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan: material change of use’:
Editor’s Note–The categories of development and assessment in Table 5.9.77.A are in accordance with the Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development State Planning Regulatory Provision 2016 and override the categories of development and assessment in the zone table of assessment. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To clarify that the categories of development and assessment reflect the Yeerongpilly TPD SPRP.
5.9 / Table 5.9.77.B–Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan: reconfiguration of lot / INSERT new Table 5.9.77.B–Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan: reconfiguring a lot. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To identify the level of assessment and the relevant assessment criteria for reconfiguring a lot in the Yeerongpilly TOD neighbourhood plan area to reflect the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP
5.9 / Table 5.9.77.B–Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan: reconfiguration of lot / INSERT the following Editor’s Note under heading ‘Table 5.9.77.B–Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan: reconfiguration of lot’:
Editor’s Note–The categories of development and assessment in Table 5.9.77.B are in accordance with the Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development State Planning Regulatory Provision 2016 and override the categories of development and assessment in the zone table of assessment. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To clarify that the categories of development and assessment reflect the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP.
5.9 / Table 5.9.77.C–Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan: building work / INSERT new Table 5.9.77.C–Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan: building work. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To identify the level of assessment and the relevant assessment criteria for building work in the Yeerongpilly TOD neighbourhood plan area to reflect the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP.
5.9 / Table 5.9.77.D–Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan: operational work / INSERT new Table 5.9.77.D–Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan: operational work. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To identify the level of assessment and the relevant assessment criteria for operational work in the Yeerongpilly TOD neighbourhood plan area to reflect the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP.
5.10 / Table 5.10.12 – Level of assessment for Heritage overlay / INSERT
In the row “ROL in the Local heritage place sub-category or the State heritage place sub-category” insert the words “or Yeerongpilly TOD neighbourhood plan area” to the code assessment trigger in column 2 after the words “If in City Centre neighbourhood plan area”.
In the row “ROL in the Local heritage place sub-category or the State heritage place sub-category” insert the words “area or Yeerongpilly TOD neighbourhood plan area” to the impact assessment trigger in column 2 after the words “If in City Centre neighbourhood plan”.
In the row “Operational work in the Local heritage place sub-category or the State heritage place sub-category, if involving extracting gravel, rock, sand or soil from the place where it occurs naturally” insert the words “or Yeerongpilly TOD neighbourhood plan area” to the code assessment trigger in column 2 after the words “If in the Howard Smith Wharves precinct in the City Centre neighbourhood plan area”.
In the row “Operational work in the Local heritage place sub-category or the State heritage place sub-category, if involving extracting gravel, rock, sand or soil from the place where it occurs naturally” insert the words “or not in the Yeerongpilly TOD neighbourhood plan area” to the impact assessment trigger in column 2 after the words “If not in the Howard Smith Wharves precinct in the City Centre
neighbourhood plan area”.
In the row “Building work for removal, demolition or demolition of a component of a heritage place if:
(a)in the Local heritage place sub-category, where not exempt; or
(b)in the State heritage place sub-category, where an exemption certificate has not been issued for the work under section 74 of the Queensland Heritage Act 1992”
insert the words “or Yeerongpilly TOD neighbourhood plan area” to the code assessment trigger in column 2 after the words “If in the Howard Smith Wharves precinct in the City Centre neighbourhood plan area”.
In the row “Building work for removal, demolition or demolition of a component of a heritage place if:
(a)in the Local heritage place sub-category, where not exempt; or
(b)in the State heritage place sub-category, where an exemption certificate has not been issued for the work under section 74 of the Queensland Heritage Act 1992”
insert the words “or not in the Yeerongpilly TOD neighbourhood plan area” to the impact assessment trigger in column 2 after the words “If not in the Howard Smith Wharves precinct in the City Centre
neighbourhood plan area”. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP.
To amend the Heritage overlay assessment table for reconfiguring a lot, building work and operational work in the Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan area to change the level of assessment in column 2 of the table to code assessment to reflect Schedule 3 of the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP.
Part 7 – Neighbourhood plans
Item No. / Section / Sub-section/ Table / Existing text/Map to be removed / Insert/Replace with/ Renumber/Relocate to / Reason7.1 / Table 7.1.1—Neighbourhood plan codes / INSERT “Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan”and Neighbourhood plan map “NPM-025.1” in row 7.2.25. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To include the Yeerongpilly TOD neighbourhood plan code in City Plan.
7.2 / Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan code / INSERT new Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan code in section 7.2 of City Plan. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To include the Yeerongpilly TOD neighbourhood plan code in City Plan.
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Item No. / Section / Sub-section/ Table / Existing text/Map to be removed / Insert/Replace with/ Renumber/Relocate to / ReasonSchedule 2 Mapping
SC2.1 Strategic framework maps / SC2.1.1— Strategic framework maps / Remove
Gazettal date of ‘24 March 2017’ in column 4 of row for Map number: ‘ SFM-003’, Map Title:“Brisbane selected transport corridors and growth nodes strategic framework map” / REPLACE WITH:
Gazettal date of ‘3 July 2017’ / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To include the effective date of these amendments.
SC2.2 Zone maps / Table SC2.2.1— Zone maps / INSERT:
New row at bottom of table:
Column 1: ‘Not applicable’
Column 2: ‘ZM-001’
Column 3: ‘Zoning mapMap tile 35’
Column 4:Gazettal date: ‘3 July 2017’ / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To include the effective date of theseamendments.
SC2.3 Neighbourhood plan maps / Table SC2.3.1— Neighbourhood plan maps / REMOVE:
Gazettal date of ‘30 June 2014’ in column 4 of row for ‘Category: M’, Map number: ‘NPM-013.7’, Map Title: ‘Moorooka—Stephens district neighbourhood plan’ / REPLACE WITH:
Gazettal date of ‘3 July 2017’ in column 4 / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To includethe effective date of these amendments.
SC2.3 Neighbourhood plan maps / Table SC2.3.1— Neighbourhood plan maps / REMOVE:
‘Intentionally left blank’ in second column of ‘Y’ category / INSERT:
New second column: ‘NPM-025.1’
New third column: ‘Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan map’
New fourth column: ‘3 July 2017’ / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To includethe effective date of these amendments.
SC2.4 Overlay maps / Table SC2.4.1 – Overlay maps / INSERT:
In category B, insert a new row following the row “OM-002.2, Biodiversity areas overlay mapMap tiles 18, 21, 22, 29 and 30”:
Column 2: ‘OM-002.2’
Column 3: ‘Biodiversity areas overlay map Map tile 35’
Column 4: Gazettal date: ‘3 July 2017’
In category H, delete Map tile 35 and insert a new row following the row “OM-008.1, Heritage overlay mapMap tiles18 and 28”:
Column 2: ‘OM-008.1’
Column 3: ‘Heritage overlay map Map tile 35’
Column 4: Gazettal date: ‘3 July 2017’
In category W, delete Map tile 35 and insert a new row following the row “OM-023.2, Waterway corridors overlay mapMap tiles18 and 22”:
Column 2: ‘OM-023.2’
Column 3: ‘Waterway corridors overlay map Map tile 35’
Column 4: Gazettal date: ‘3 July 2017’
In category W, insert a new row following the row “OM-023.3, Wetlands overlay mapMap tiles 18 and22”:
Column 2: ‘OM-023.3’
Column 3: ‘Wetlands overlay map Map tile 35’
Column 4: Gazettal date: ‘3 July 2017’ / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To include the effective date of these amendments.
Item No. / Section / Sub-section/ Table / Existing text/Map to be removed / Insert/Replace with/ Renumber/Relocate to / ReasonAppendix 2 Table of Amendments / Table AP2.1—Table of amendments / INSERT::
New row:
- ‘30 May 2017 (adoption) and 3 July 2017 (effective)’ in column 1 ‘Date of adoption and effective date’;
- ‘v07.00/2017’ in column 2 ‘Planning scheme version number’;
- ‘Minor’ in column 3 ‘Amendment type’;
- ‘Minor amendment to planning scheme (2.3A.3(e) of MAALPI) Refer to Amendment v07.00/2017 for further detail.’ in column 4 ‘Summary of amendments’.
Planning Scheme Map Amendments:
Strategic Framework Maps
Item No. / Map number / Map title / Detail of amendment / ReasonSFM-003 / Brisbane Selected Transport Corridors and Growth Nodes Strategic Framework Map / Change Growth Node Reference D3 from ‘Growth Node – Future’ to ‘Growth Node – Planned’. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. Consequential amendment to City Plan.
Zoning Maps
Item No. / Map number / Map title / Detail of amendment / ReasonZM-001 (Tile: 35) / Zoning map / Change zoning of the following lots from Special purpose (Utility services zone precinct) to Emerging community:
- Lot 500 on SP241867
- Lot 4 on SP238983
- Lot 5 on SP238983
- Lot 6 on SP238983
- Lot 6 on SP267624
- Lot 7 on SP267624
ZM-001 (Tile: 35) / Zoning map / Change zoning of the following lots from part Low-medium residential zone (2 or 3 storey mix zone precinct) and part Special purpose (Utility serviceszone precinct) to Emerging community
- Lot 8 on SP267624
ZM-001 (Tile: 35) / Zoning map / Change zoning of the following lots from part Low-medium residential zone (2 or 3 storey mix zone precinct) and part Special purpose (Utility serviceszone precinct) to Low-medium residential zone (2 or 3 storey mix zone precinct):
- Lot 9 on RP267624
- Lot 10 on RP267624
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Overlay Maps
Item No. / Map number / Map title / Detail of amendment / ReasonOM-002.2 / Biodiversity areas overlay map / Amend the Biodiversity areas overlay map to delete the mapped features from the Yeerongpilly TOD site to suspend the overlay in accordance with Schedule 3 of the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. The mapping changesreflect the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP.
OM-008.1 / Heritage overlay map / Amend the Heritage overlay map to:
- delete the Local heritage place to suspend the overlay in accordance with Schedule 3 of the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP; and
- amend the mapping of the State heritage place to be consistent with the revised location in the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP.
OM-023.2 / Waterway corridors overlay map / Amend the Waterways corridors overlay map to delete the mapped features from the Yeerongpilly TOD site to suspend the overlay in accordance with Schedule 3 of the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. The mapping changesreflect the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP.
OM-023.3 / Wetlands overlay map / Amend the Wetlands overlay map to delete the mapped features from the Yeerongpilly TOD site to suspend the overlay in accordance with Schedule 3 of the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. The mapping changesreflect the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP.
Neighbourhood Plan Maps
Item No. / Map number / Map title / Detail of amendment / ReasonNPM-013.7 / Moorooka—Stephens district neighbourhood plan map / Amend map to exclude theYeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan area from the Moorooka—Stephens district neighbourhood plan boundary. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. Consequential amendment to delineate the boundary of the new Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan and exclude this area from the Moorooka—Stephens district neighbourhood plan boundary.
NPM-025.1 / Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan map / Insert new Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development neighbourhood plan map. / To satisfy the Ministerial Direction dated 5 February 2016 to amend the City Plan to integrate the Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP. To insert the new neighbourhood plan map, including precincts and sub-precincts, reflectingthe Yeerongpilly TOD SPRP.
[1]Statutory Guideline01/16 Making and amending local planning instruments April 2016