Dresden Elementary

Your guide to helping our school earn cash rewards

Say Boo! to Hunger
Colony Square Mall and the United Way are teaming up to combat hunger. During the mall’s trick or treat night, 6 to 7 p.m. October 30th, trick-or-treaters are asked to donate non-perishable food items for Operation Feed. For each food item your school donates, you will get 10 bonus points!
Double Point Event Coming Soon!
The Fall Clearance Sidewalk Sale Oct. 10-13 (Columbus Day weekend) is not only an opportunity to save up to 70% on fall fashions, but also your chance to earn double points for every purchase. All mall receipts dated Oct. 10-13 are doubled, not just receipts for sidewalk sale merchandise.
Double points events for November
November is a big, big month for double-point events!
Get an early start to your holiday shopping the weekend of Nov. 7-9 when all receipts are worth double points! November focus retailers will be worth quadruple points!
Santa will be meeting and greeting children 8 to 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 22 for Breakfast with Santa at Garfield’s Restaurant (before the holiday parade at 10 a.m.). Any receipts from Garfield’s dated Nov. 22 between 8 and 9:30 a.m. are worth double points.
On the day after Thanksgiving, Nov. 28th, the doors will open early. It will be a day of great bargains and door prizes. Any mall receipts dated Nov. 28th are worth double points.
Visit for more information. / Focus Retailers
Worth Double Points
Each month, two retailers at Colony Square Mall are chosen as Focus Retailers. Any purchases made at a Focus Retailer are worth DOUBLE POINTS! The Focus Retailers for the month of October are Aeropostale, Justice and JCPenney. November’s Focus Retailers are Vanity and Gymboree.
Need your receipt?
Get a Points Pass
Sometimes, you need to hang on to your mall receipt for returns, rebates or warranties. No problem, just stop by Colony Center in the food court and show them your receipt. They will give you a Points Pass with the amount of your purchase recorded on it.
Fun Mall Events
10-13 Sidewalk Sale
30 Trick or Treat, 6 to 7 p.m.
1 Motorcyclists for Kids Toy Drive
22 Holiday Parade, 10 a.m.
22 Breakfast with Santa, 8 to 9:30 a.m.
27 Thanksgiving. Mall Closed.
28 Day After Thanksgiving