Your assignment is to create a 10 box (frame) comic strip which encourages people to try to reduce air pollution. One of the ten boxes should be dedicated entirely to the title and the author’s name (YOU of course!). You are certainly allowed to give me more than 10 boxes. Your project can range from talking about recent technology (hybrid/electric cars), to encouraging people to pay closer attention to the protection of our atmosphere. Your comic strip may be illustrated, or you can print characters to glue on your comic strip. You may also cut out your characters from a magazine or newspaper. You may even do a combination of illustrations and cut-outs. I’ve done a similar project in the past and have seen projects range from the Simpsons to NBA basketball players. Just because I say comic strip does not mean that your characters have to be cartoon characters. You may base it on your favorite TV show, literary characters, or even invent your own. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOUR TOPIC AND CHARACTERS ARE APPROPRIATE FORSCHOOL. EACH COMIC STRIP MUST BE APPROVED BY YOUR TEACHER. Your comic strip must include dialogue (conversation), and that is where your understanding of the terms comes in. Your project must somehow cover any 8 of the following terms: weather, atmosphere, nitrogen, oxygen, ozone, water vapor, pollutants, fossil fuels, photochemical smog, acid rain, air pressure, barometer, altitude, troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, aurora borealis, and exosphere. You should use pages 14-36 as a reference, but don’t be afraid to use resources outside of the text. You can also impress me by introducing other relevant terms. You may cover the terms by including them in conversation, or finding another creative way to show your understanding.
Helpful hints:
- You should brainstorm many ideas, but remember to pick one that works best for this assignment.
- You might write your story out like a narrative before turning it into a comic strip.
- Remember to keep the terms in mind as you are working on this assignment.
- Look at comic strips in the newspaper to see how they are laid out.
- It may take many rough drafts to get it right.
- Select an original title. For example, if I were using the Flintstones, I might call it The Flintstones Atmospheric Tales.
- You are allowed to provide a written description of each frame outside of the box.
We will begin brainstorming and working on rough drafts on 12/17-12/20 (Friday and Monday). 12/21-12/22 (Tuesday and Wednesday) will be dedicated entirely to working on this assignment. I will provide the paper for your good copy, but you may use your own poster board if you desire. Between now and Wednesday, you should gather all the materials you will need so you are prepared. This includes markers, crayons, pictures, glue, etc. Use the next couple of nights to print out your pictures as well.
Your project is worth 50points, and it is due on 01/05 (a Wednesday). The scoring rubric is on the opposite side. You must turn this rubric in with your project.
Air Pollution Comic Strip / Outstanding / Acceptable / Unacceptable / ScoreTitle Frame
5 points / The title frame includes more than just the name of a cartoon or show. The title is creative, and it relates to the topic (the atmosphere/air pollution). Your name is in this frame.
5 / The title is creative, but it does not relate to the topic or your name is not in the title frame
3 / The title is unoriginal, and it does not relate to the topic, or your name is not in the title frame.
10 points / The project includes at least ten frames. The frames are numbered so the reader can follow the order of the story. Anything less will be scored as unacceptable.
10 / The frames are not numbered.
7 / Points will be deducted for each frame that you are missing.
20 points / The project focuses on at least eight of the terms highlighted on the opposite side and they are used correctly. The project encourages people to reduce air pollution.
20 / The project focuses on six to seven terms highlighted on the opposite side.
15 / The project includes less than six terms, and/or does not encourage people to reduce air pollution.
10 or less
15 points / All lines are drawn with a ruler. The project is colorful, neat, and does not include glue marks.
15 / The project is moderately neat, and/or includes 1-2 glue marks. The project is lacking color.
12 / The lines are not drawn with a ruler, and/or the project appears sloppy, and/or it contains more than 2 glue marks.
9 or less