Lesson # 147 Monday, April 20, 2015

Grade: English 8

Due Dates: Writing Reflection to be uploaded to turnitin.com by Friday, April 24, 2015 by 11:59 p.m.

Title: Writing Reflection

Learning Objective:

Students will correct their informative essays and write what they learned from the revisions.

5 Minutes: Warm-up

New Word of the Week

ingenuous (adj): not devious, innocent or candid.

The ingenuous preacher meant what he said.

Write 3 sentences that use ingenuous, acquire (v) to get as one's own, and unequivocal (adj) clear, obvious, or absolute.

10 Minutes - Reflection

Review Up the Slide Exam questions

5 Minutes:Opening Hook for Learning:

Define reflect as it would apply to learning.

Reflect means to think, ponder, or meditate.

Why is an important part of learning not just with school work, but with real life situations?

5 minutes - Direct Instruction:

Students are to log into turnitin.com and review their previous assignments.

After a period of reflection, follow the directions on turnitin.com for the Reflection assignment attached to your informative essay. Please type your answers by category and upload to turnitin.com by Friday, April 24, 2015 at 11:59 pm for a quiz grade.

20 minutes - Independent Practice

Review previous assignments and write your reflection. Write labeling each section as one of the following categories.






MLA format

Lesson # 148 Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Grade: English 8

Due Dates: Writing Reflection to be uploaded to turnitin.com by Friday, April 24, 2015 by 11:59 p.m.

Title: Thank You M’am

Learning Objective:

Students will read and comprehend the short story, “Thank You, M’am.”

5 Minutes: Warm-up

Wry page 160

10 Minutes:Opening Hook for Learning:

Do you think youth should be given second chances before doing time for stealing commit a crime?

Do you think other alternative methods should exist?

Do you think people could trust other people more 60 years ago than they can today?

15 minutes - Direct Instruction:

As a class students will read aloud pages 170-171 to provide background information, implied theme, literary elements, reading strategy - Responding to characters actions, and new vocabulary.

Before reading, write down what you predict will happen in the story.

15 minutes - Guided Practice

Students will take turns reading aloud pages 172-176.

Be prepared for a reading check quiz tomorrow.

Lesson # 149 Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Grade: English 8

Due Dates: Writing Reflection to be uploaded to turnitin.com by Friday, April 24, 2015 by 11:59 p.m.

Title: Thank You M’am

Learning Objective:

Students will apply understanding of literary elements and analyze the short story, “Thank You, M’am.”

5 Minutes: Warm-up

Reading Check quiz on junoed.com. Start as soon as the bell rings.

5 Minutes:Opening Hook for Learning:

Do you think Mrs. Jones was wise or foolish?

15 minutes - Guided Practice: Whole Class

Discuss Answers to questions 1-6 page 176.

20 Minutes: Guided Practice

Discuss answers to questions 1-11 page 177.

Lesson # 150 Thursday April 24, 2015

Grade: English 8

Due Dates: Writing Reflection to be uploaded to turnitin.com by Friday, April 24, 2015 by 11:59 p.m.

Title: Thank You M’am

Learning Objective:

Students will define and apply vocabulary, spelling, and grammar rules learned while reading the short story, “Thank You, M’am.”

5 Minutes: Warm-up

Page 161

5 Minutes:Opening Hook for Learning:

Why is helpful to learn the purpose of suffixes?

15 minutes - Guided Practice: Whole Class

Discuss answers as students take notes on their pdf for pages 178.

5 Minutes: Independent Practice

Students will follow directions on page 179 to write a letter of guidance. Three to five sentences is required.

10 Minutes: Cooperative Learning Groups

Students will share their essay with their groups and they will pick on to be read aloud to the class.

Lesson# 151 Friday, April 24, 3015

Title: SSR

Due Dates: Present Book Talk By Friday, May 22, 2015, and Writing Reflection to be uploaded to turnitin.com by Friday, April 24, 2015, by 11:59 p.m.

Learning Goal

Students will reading silently for 40 minutes.