Summer League 2015 @

Marlow RUFC

Information Pack

Wednesdays, 20th May – 24th June

7pm – 9pm


After the success of last year, the O2 Touch Summer League returns to Marlow RUFC in 2015. It’s an exciting opportunity for you and your friends to come together and play Touch Rugby, no matter what your skill level.

In this pack is all the information that you need to be able to get involved in the event. If you feel you need more information, get in touch!

If you can field a team of 8-10 then that's great, but if you can't then you can enter as an individual (or as a smaller group) and we will pair you up with others in the same situation to form a team.

The tournament proper will commence on 20th May and run for 6 weeks until 24th June. For those who have not played before, there will be introductory sessions on 6th and 13th May to get you up to speed (included in your entrance fee). For those entering as individuals or smaller groups, this will also give you a chance to get to know your team mates!

Touch rugby is, of course, as much social as it is competitive and so the entrance fee will include 2 free BBQs. The bar will also be open (not free I'm afraid!). One final thing to mention is that after the work done at the club this year we now have separate changing facilities (including showers) for the ladies!

To ensure a place in this year’s league please fill in either an Individual Entry Form or a Team Entry Form available on the Marlow RUFC website.

I look forward to seeing you there!

For more information please contact John Haddock at

Competition Information

League Structure

The O2 Touch league will run from 20th May until 24th June on Wednesday evenings from 7pm - 9pm at the home of Marlow RUFC – Riverwoods Drive. The exact fixture list will be published in advance of the league starting but it is anticipated that each team will play two 20 minutes games each week.

Team Requirements

·  Teams can be up to a maximum of 10 players. Due to the fast nature of the game it is recommended that there are at least 8 players in a team.

·  6 players from each team will be on the pitch at a time, with rolling substitutes used throughout the game.

·  Teams are required to have a minimum of 2 female players on the pitch at all times. Failure to do so will result in a penalty.

·  Each Team will be asked to pick a shirt colour: first come, first serve!

·  Each Team will be asked to nominate one player to be the captain and they will be responsible for ensuring that their team are on the correct pitch at the correct time.

·  Individuals/groups of players who don’t have enough to form a full team will be allocated a team prior to the start of the league.

·  No experience necessary - all abilities welcome!


The entrance fee is as follows:

·  Members*: £15

·  Non-Members: £25

* Evidence of membership MUST be provided

All players must pay in full before the league starts on Wednesday 20th May. See Individual Entry Form or a Team Entry Form for details.


·  Players must not wear watches and are advised not to wear any jewellery.

·  The league will take place on grass, so trainers and moulded studs are acceptable, but not metal studs.

Introduction to Touch Rugby

For those players/teams who need to familiarise themselves with how the game is played, the rules and the tactics, there will be two introductory sessions on the Wednesdays prior to the start of the league (6th and 13th May) that are included in the entry fee. These sessions will also give teams a chance to get to know each other.

Venue Details


Marlow RUFC

Riverwoods Drive





Touch Rugby is a social sport and as such we welcome supporters at the events. However we do have some guidelines that we request you follow:

·  Spectators should be reminded to applaud the opposition as well as your own team.

·  Avoid coaching during the game.

·  Don’t shout and scream at the players but give positive encouragement to everyone participating in the tournament.

·  Please stay within the marked areas for spectators and do not go on the pitch during the matches.

Venue Rules

Our venue, Marlow RUFC, has the following rules and guidelines that we will follow:

·  Players, Teams and Spectators are asked to stay off the club’s rugby pitches and training area, other than those areas specified for Touch Rugby. This is due to seeding and fertiliser treatment that is ongoing throughout the summer.

·  Refreshments will be available, but all consumption of food must take place outside of the playing area.

·  Teams and supporters are requested to ensure no rubbish is left on the playing area.

·  Toilet facilities and showers are available in the Clubhouse building: it is requested that these are used with respect .

·  If equipment is broken, damaged or lost during the event then the Team responsible will pay for the replacement of the equipment.

·  Please remember this event is aimed at people of all skills levels, whether they are new to Touch Rugby or been playing for years. The emphasis is on fun and enjoyment, and good sportsmanship is to be promoted at all times.

Match Rules

A Touch

A Touch can be made on any part of the body, ball, clothing or hair. Minimum force is to be used at all times. The team in possession is entitled to six touches. When touched the player must return back to the place on the pitch where they were touched and perform a Rollball.


A Rollball is used to restart play following a touch or a change of possession. The player stands on the mark and, facing their opponents’ defending line, rolls the ball backwards between their feet a distance of not more than one metre. This player may not pick the ball up. The player picking it up is the Dummy Half.

Dummy Half

The Dummy Half is the player who picks up a Rollball: they can make a break but may not score directly. If the Dummy Half is touched after the restart with the ball before they have passed it then their team will lose possession.


The ball must be passed backwards or directly sideways at all times. A forward pass results in a change of possession. A “Touch and Pass”, where a player is touched and then passes the ball, results in a Penalty.


A point is awarded when a player other than the Dummy Half places the ball on or over the score line before being touched.


·  An attacking player is offside when ahead of another attacking player who either has possession or who last had possession of the ball.

·  A defending player is offside when not retreating 5 metres for a Rollball or 10 metres for a Penalty or restart of play.

·  Defending players cannot move forward until the Dummy Half has touched the ball.

A Tap

A Tap starts each half of the game and is used to restart play following either a Score or a Penalty. The ball must be placed on the ground at the appropriate mark, released from both hands and tapped with either foot a distance of not more than one metre before being picked up cleanly. Any player from the attacking team may take the Tap.

Change of Possession

A change of possession occurs when:

·  The ball is dropped to ground.

·  The Dummy Half is touched whilst in possession.

·  The sixth Touch occurs.

·  A Forward Pass is made

·  The Dummy Half places the ball on or over the scoreline.

·  A Rollball is performed incorrectly.

·  A Tap is performed incorrectly.

·  The player in possession steps on or over the touchline

At a change of possession play is restarted with a Rollball.


When a player/team is penalised the opposition restarts play with a Tap taken at the mark: the defending team must retirine ten metres from the mark. Play restarts with a Tap when the following infringements occur:

·  Touch and Pass.

·  Performing a Rollball prior to a Touch being made.

·  Performing a Rollball off the mark.

·  Using more than the minimum force to affect a Touch (Defender).

·  Using excessive force going into a Touch (Attacker).

·  Defenders offside at the Rollball (5 metres).

·  Defenders offside at the Tap (10 metres).

·  Incorrect substitution

·  Falsely claiming a Touch

·  Misconduct

·  Playing more than the allowable number of players

·  Deliberately delaying play

·  Obstruction: defending players must not obstruct/interfere with attacking players supporting the ball carrier.

Defence dropping 10m

The defending team will have to retreat 10 metres, in a straight line, from the team with the ball at the start of the game and after a Penalty. If the defending team concedes a penalty, the referee will insist they are back the full 10 metres and will call the players back until satisfied.

Defence dropping 5m

The defending team will frequently have to retreat 5 metres, in a straight line, from the team with the ball. This occurs after each Touch and subsequent Rollball. If defending players do not have time to retreat the full 5 metres they must allow the attackers to run unimpeded for 5 metres before affecting the Touch. The referee will let the defenders know where the 5 metre point is.