This packet contains all the forms you will need to register for workshops, apply for scholarships, and raise your own tuition:

Student Information & Emergency Contact form (page 1 – required)

Workshop Selection & Payment Information form (page 2 – required)

Scholarship Application form (page 3 – optional: use if you’re requesting scholarship aid)

Student Fundraising form (page 4 – optional: use to raise your own funds to attend)

If you are filling out this packet by hand, please write in clear block letters. To submit the form electronically, save it and send it as an email attachment to .

For more info, payment questions, or to return this application please contact:

Denver Film Society – 1510 York St, 3rd Floor, Denver, CO 80206


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Student Information:

Please fill out every field.

First and Last Name:

Home Address:


ZIP Code:


Day Time Phone:

Cell Phone Number:


Grade (going into Fall 2016):

How did you learn about the Young Filmmakers Workshops?

Gender: Age:


Hispanic or Latino

Native American or Alaska Native

Asian or Asian American

African or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

White, non-Hispanic


Unknown/No Response

(This information is only used for statistical purposes. The Denver Film Society exists for the inclusion of all regardless of race, disability, color, creed, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender expression, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, veteran status, or any other protected classification. This policy applies to all aspects of the organization including board membership, paid and volunteer staff, general membership, audience members, programs and participants.)

Emergency Contact:

Please list only one adult.

Name of Parent or Guardian:


Day Time Phone:

Cell Phone Number:

For more info, payment questions, or to return this application please contact:

Denver Film Society – 1510 York St, 3rd Floor, Denver, CO 80206


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Please select which workshop(s) you plan to attend:

Introductory Workshop, Section A

June 13-24, weekdays 8:30am-2:30pm, at Denver School of Arts (7111 E. Montview Blvd, 80220)

Introductory Workshop, Section B

June 27- July 8, weekdays 8:30am-2:30pm, at Denver School of Arts (7111 E. Montview Blvd, 80220)

Masters Workshop

July 11-22, weekdays 8:30am-2:30pm, at Denver School of Arts (7111 E. Montview Blvd, Denver, CO 80220)

CinemaQ Film Festival Workshop ($400)

July 21-24, weekdays 4:00pm-7:00pm, weekends 11:00am-5:00pm at Sie FilmCenter (2510 E Colfax Ave., 80206)

Focused Intensives Workshop. Also select your area of focus:

acting directing writing production design post-production

July 25-August 5, weekdays 8:30am-2:30pm, LOCATION TBD.

Cinelatino Film Festival Workshop ($400)

September 22-25, weekdays 4:00pm-7:00pm, weekends 11:00am-5:00pm at Sie FilmCenter (2510 E Colfax Ave., 80206)

39th Annual Denver Film Festival Workshop ($400)

November 2-13, weekdays 4:00am-7:00pm, weekends may vary in times. LOCATION TBD

Tuition & Payment Information:

  • $800 per workshop.
  • $400 per Festival workshop
  • Enroll in 2 or more workshops and receive a $200 discount
  • All enrollees will also receive a year-round DFS Student Membership valued at $25


Check Enclosed

Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)

Card Number:

Expiration Date: 3-Digit Code:

Amount Authorized:


I would like to Apply for a Scholarship (see page 3)

I would like to raise my own tuition via Student Fundraising Form (see page 4)

If applying for the Masters Workshop or Focused Intensive Workshop, please respond to the following questions:
(1.) What is your past filmmaker experience/film education?

(2.) Please list any equipment you have worked with in the past.


If you are applying for a scholarship to attend Young Filmmakers Workshop please provide the following information by Thursday, May 5th in order to be considered for financial support. (Scholarships will be awarded by Friday, May 27th).

Number of children in your family:

Please provide the following information about the student:

  1. Honors, Scholarships and Awards
  2. Work Experience
  3. Film Education/Prior Film Experience

Please include the following with this application:

1.REQUIRED: A personal essay from the student (not to exceed 1 page, typed, single-spaced, 12-point font) Explain why they want to take a workshop and what about their experience and goals makes them a good candidate for a scholarship.

Check if student qualifies for free or reduced lunch. Then, include documentation that shows your qualification for this program.


Check if student does not qualify for free or reduced lunch. Then, include a copy of the parent/legal guardian’s Federal 1040 tax form from 2014.

3.OPTIONAL: A letter from a parent/legal guardian explaining the family’s financial situation and need for this scholarship.

4.OPTIONAL: A letter of recommendation from non-family member.


Students are encouraged to help raise funds themselves for their day camp experience.
We’ve included a table below that students can use to solicit camp funds from their own networks. Encourage your family and friends to sponsor your student’s filmmaking dream by helping with tuition costs.

Scholarships will be awarded by Friday, May 27th. If you don’t receive a scholarship, or only receive a partial scholarship, you can raise funds to cover the remaining tuition cost before the Workshops begin.

Student’s Name:

Student’s Fundraising Goal:

(Workshop prices are listed on pg. 2)

To download and print a copy of the brochure, email .

Name / Amount / CC / Check / Card/Check # / Exp. Date / Signature

For more info, payment questions, or to return this application please contact:

Denver Film Society – 1510 York St, 3rd Floor, Denver, CO 80206


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