The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a grants scheme that is administered by the Australian High Commission. It aims to support small-scale sustainable development projects and activities that involve local communities. Where possible, community members should participate in the design, development and implementation of the project.

DAP supports projects that provide assistance to one or more of the following priority sectors:

Health - community water, sanitation, NCD prevention, environment protection.

Education - especially pre-school / primary levels

Gender - equity, female and child safety

Poverty - vocational skills and sustainable income generation.

Target regions are outer islands or non-urban areas, where risk management considerations are satisfied.

The target groups are Women / Children / Disabled - especially where these groups are impacted by an emergency.

DAP applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:

·  project sector, target region and target group;

·  the degree of benefit the project will provide to the community;

·  sustainability of the project;

·  capacity of the organisation in managing projects.

To be considered, your DAP application needs to:

·  be completed within six (6) months of the granting of funds, or by 14 June 2015 at the latest unless otherwise agreed;

·  be achievable with clear benefit to the target group;

·  be owned and sustained by the community;

·  be clear and detailed;

·  include quotations for all material and/or support requested;

·  nominate at least one representative who can be easily contacted.

Projects may not be considered if the application seeks:

·  routine running costs and administration expenses;

·  entertainment and/or event promotion;

·  the payment of salaries, fees or travel allowances for consultants or advisors;

·  ownership by an individual or family.

Also, applications may not be considered if:

·  the location is not easily accessible;

·  the project manager or community have not completed or appropriately documented a previously funded project;

·  communication with the representative cannot be established;

·  any proposed equipment cannot be locally maintained.

Payments for goods will be made directly to suppliers by the Australian High Commission. Grant recipients will be required to confirm the delivery of goods and/or services. A written report that details how the project has been implemented must also be submitted to the Australian High Commission. Timeframes for completion and final acquittal of projects are: an initial acquittal within 6 months of funding, and the final acquittal within two months of completion. If it has been agreed with the High Commission that the project will be completed at a later date, an interim report must be submitted to detail initial progress. All reports should include photographs of the project.




Te ‘Direct Aid Program’ (DAP) bon te mwane ni buoka ae e tararuaki man te Australian High Commission. Te DAP e bon taaketeni karikirake aika a uarereke aika ana teimaan, ao waaki ake a irekereke ma botaki aika a uarereke. A kaungaaki kaaini botaki aika a uarereke aikai bwa ana riai n irekereke ma barongakin (kateakina, iangoakina), karikirakean ao kabutan te karikirake.

Te DAP e boutokai karikirake ake a buoki karikirakean itera aikai:

·  Te kamarurung – te ran ibukini mwakoro, te kakaitiaki, totokoan aoraki, kawakinan te otabwanin

·  Te reirei – ai moarara riki taian pre-schools/moan rinan

·  Gender (aron karikirakeaia mwane ao aine) – kairiiri aika nakoraoi, katanaia aine ao ataei

·  Te kainnano – kataneiai rabakau ma aroni kateimatoan te karekemwane

A taaketenaki karikirake ake iaon aba ao I tinanikun Tarawa Teinainano ma Betio ngkana e kakoauaaki bwa a barongaki raoi totokoan kanganga ake a kantaningaki bwa a kona n riki.

A taaketenaki kurubu ake a na ibuobuoki nakoia aine/ataei/mwauku – riki ngkana kurubu aikai a kainnanoa te ibuobuoki inanon taini kanganga aika a aki kantaningaki.

Ana taraaki bubuti nakon aikai:

·  aeka ni karikirake, taabo ni karikirake ao kurubu ni karikirake

·  ibuobuoki ae na reke man te karikirake nakon te mwakoro/botaki

·  teimanin te botaki ni karikirake

·  Tamaroan te tararua nakon te karikirake

E na rinanoaki te booma ni bubuti ngkana:

·  e na katiaaki te karikirake inanon te onoua (6) n namwakaina mai imwin te tai are e reke iai te buoka, ke n riai tia imwain 14 June 2015

·  e kona ni bwai ao n teretere bwa tera ibuobuoki aika kona n reke nakoia koraki ake a taaketenaki

·  e na bwaibwai iai ao ni kamwakuraki iroun te mwakoro/botaki

·  e matata ao e bwarabwara raoi

·  e iri te kataubo man te kambwana ni boobwai/ao bebwa ake a kainnanoaki

·  katebenakoa temanna are e na tei ibukin te botaki ao e kai reke ibukin te reitaki

Ana aki kona n rinanoaki bubuti ngkana te botak ni karikirake e kaakai buoka:

·  ibukin kabutan te waaki (beebwa, computer, iti)

·  ibukin karekeani bwaai ni kaakibotu (video, tabo n takakaro, bar n nangkona)

·  ibukin te bwakabwai, ke mwane ni mwebuaka ibukia taani mwakuri aika a roko mai tinaniku

·  ibukin katoronibwaian ma kabwaibwaian temanna n aomata ke te utu

Ana aki naba kona n rinanoaki bubuti ngkana:

·  e rang kanganga te roko ke te reitaki nakon te tabo

·  te manatia n te karikirake ke te botaki anne e tuai mani karokoi mwin ana kabane mwane ao ana riboti man ana karikirake ake a mwanenaki mai imwaina

·  e aki rereke te reitaki ma are e katebenakoaki bwa te tia reitaki

·  ibukin karekean te bwai ae kanganga kateimatoan tamaroana ikai

E na kabwakaaki te buoka mairoun te Australian High Commission nakoni kambwana ake ana kabooaki bwaai ke mwakuri mairouia. E na koreaki te ribooti are e na kabwarabwaraaki iai aroni mwakurian te kairikirake ao n nikiraki n te Australian High Commission. Taai ake a tia ni baireaki bwa a na bobonga iai karikirake man tauraoi kabwarabwarani kabane mwane iai: inanon te onoua (6) n namwakaina imwin reken te buoka, ao inanon te 2 n namwakaina imwin tiana. Ngkana iai te boraraoi ma te High Commission bwa te karikirake anne e na rimwi riki n tia ao e na iai te riboti ni kabwarabwarai mwakuri ake a tia. Ribooti ni kabane, ana bane n airi ma tamnein te karikirake.



All sections of the application form must be completed in English. If the application form does not provide enough space, please attach additional sheets as required.

Please either deliver the completed application to the Australian High Commission, Bairiki, Tarawa or email to . Enquiries may be made in person or by telephone on 21184.

Applications close: 30 September 2014

1. Project name/Aran te karikirake:

2. Brief project description / Te kabwarabwara ae uarereke iaon te karikirake aei:

3. Organisation Name / Aran te Botaki ni Karikirake:

Address / Te Tabo; ______

4. Funding / Buoka:

Total project expenditure / Ikota ni kabanemwane; $______

Total from other funding sources / Ikota ni mwane man taabo tabeua; $______

DAP funding amount requested / Ikotan te mwane ni buoka are ko bubuti; $______

5. Project details/ Kabwarabwaran te botaki ni karikirake:

What are the aims for your project?/ Tera oin katean te karikirake aio?

What community problem will this solve?/ Tera kanganga aika a na buokaki n te buoka aei?

What would happen if the project did not receive DAP funding?/ Tera ae na reke ngkana e aki reke te mwane ni buoka nakon te botaki ni karikirake aei?

Who will benefit from the project? / Antai aika ana boo n te karikirake aio?

How will these people benefit from the project ?/ Ana boo aomata ni kanga n te karikirake aio?

Where will the project be implemented?/ Iaa te tabo ae na waaki iai mwakurian te karikirake aio?

Island/Aba; ______

Village/ Kaawa ; ______

Who owns the land or building that you propose to use? / Antai ae bwaibwai n te aba ke te auti are ko iangoa kabonganakina?

Please provide a copy of their written permission / Taiaoka kaira aia bebwa ni kariaia

When would the project start? / E na waaki nningai te kairikirake?

When would implementation be completed? / E na tia nningai te karikirake?

When will the community see results? / Nningai te tai are e na noora iai mwin ana mwakuri te mwakoro ke te botaki?

What long-term benefits do you anticipate?/ Tera ae ko kantaningaia imwin te buoka bwa e na reke bwa te kabwaia inanon te tai ae maan?

What problems might occur during the project?/ Tera kanganga aika a kona n reke inanon waakin te karikirake aio?

How will the project be maintained after the funding ends? / E na kanga n teimatoa ni waaki te botaki ni karikirake aio imwin tokin te buoka:

6 Project budget / Kataumwane

In the table below, summarise your project expenses and their cost / Korei n te taibora ane I nano arani bwaai ake ana kaboaki ma booia:

Quotations are to be attached to this application/ Kaairii ma te booma ni bubuti, aia katauboo kambana are ko na bobwai mairouia:

Project Expenditure Item / Bwaai ake ana kabooaki / Budget / Boona

Will transport to your location be required? YES/NO.

If yes, include the cost and method in the project budget /

E na kainnanoaki baonakin bwaai nakon aia tabo? ENG/TIAKI.

Ngkana eng, ao kabwarabwara bwa ana toka n tera ao karini am katauboo iaoni baonakiia ao karini n te taibora ane ieta.

What funding or resources will be provided by other sources, including that of your organisation? Please include details or any other funding requests made. / Tera buoka aika ana reke man taabo riki tabeua irarikin are iroum? Taiaoka kabwarabwara ngkana iai am bubuti ibukini buoka riki tabeua.

7 Measuring success / Nooran nakoraoina

How will you know if the project is a success? / Ko na kanga n ataia bwa e na bon nakoraoi te karikirake aio?

How will you document the changes made by the project? / Ko na kanga n taui mwini bitaki ake a riki nakon te karikirake?

8 Project management / Tararuan te karikirake

Who will be responsible for managing the project? / Antai are e na onimakinaki ibukin kabutan te karikiraek?

Full Name / Bwaninin Arana: ______

What experience does this person have in managing projects? / Tera mwaatain te aomata aio ni kabutan taiani karikirake?

Please outline other projects in which the organisation has been involved / Taiaoka kaotii botaki ni karikirake ake a tia n irekereke ma te botaki ni karikirake aio:


Direct Aid Program (DAP) Application Form 2014-15 Page 3

9. Details of project contacts and referees / Aia tabo ma aia tareboon te tia kabuta te karikirake ao taani boutoka:

Provide details of your project manager and at least two contact people. Nominate two referees who can be contacted to discuss the background and experience of people named in this application / Karekei kabwarabwara iaon teuare/neiere e na manatiana te karikirake aio ao uoman riki ibukin te reitaki. Rineiia uoman taani boutoka (referee) ake a kona ni kabwarabwaraia naake a rin araia n te booma ni bubuti aio.

Full Name/ Are ae Bwanin Ara / Organisation and Position / Nakoam n te botaki aei: / Address/ Tabo / Phone/ Tareboon / Email / Best contact method / Te bwai n reitaki ae ko na kai reke iai
Project Manager
Contact person
Contact person
Person completing form


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