Leicestershire Police Support Volunteer – Application Form

Applicant Full Name: -

Preferred Location: -

Hours and days available: -


Police Support Volunteer

Please return form to:

HR Service Centre (Police Support Volunteers)
Leicestershire Police
Force Headquarters
St. John’s
LE19 2BX


Last Name:

First Name(s):

Surname at Birth:
Any other Surnames used:

Title Mr/ Mrs/ Miss/ Ms: Male/ Female:


County: Postal Code:

Tel. No: ______E-Mail: ______

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth: Nationality:

Martial Status:

Name of spouse:

Spouse DOB:

Children: (Name/ DOB/ Gender):

Next of Kin and contact No. for emergency (Name/ Relationship to you/ Contact Address/ Tel)

Type of Voluntary Work

I would like to become involved with: -

Please use this space to indicate any skills you have which you believe could be of benefit to Leicestershire Police:

Opportunities are varied and will be arranged and agreed with the Local Policing Unit (LPU) managers at the time of Interview.

Do you have any previous voluntary work experience? YES / NO

If 'YES', please give details below.





The following information is necessary for security checks to be carried out in accordance with HM Government and Leicestershire Police Security & Vetting Policies. These will only be undertaken if your registration to become a Volunteer is progressed, following interview.

Former Addresses:

Full Address over the last 5 years / Dates From (MM/YY) / Dates

Vetting Policy

In accordance with HM Government’s Vetting Policy, Leicestershire Police is required to carry out security checks on all individuals to be employed as police staff members.

In order to facilitate this requirement, a detailed security questionnaire is required to be completed by applicants. This will cover the applicant and his/her immediate family.

The information contained within the questionnaire enables a number of checks, including the National Collection of Criminal records and relevant departmental and Police records, Security Service Records and Credit Reference checks with a review of personal finances to be undertaken.

It is the policy of HM Government that no one should be employed who is or has been in, or associated with:

·  espionage; terrorism; sabotage;

·  actions intended to overthrow or undermine Parliamentary democracy by political, industrial or violent means;

·  or, is or has recently been a member of any organisation which has advocated such activities;

·  or associated with any such organisation or any of its members in such a way as to raise reasonable doubts about his/her reliability;

·  or is susceptible to pressure or improper influence, for example because of current or past conduct;

·  or has shown dishonesty or lack of integrity which throws doubt on their reliability;

·  or has demonstrated behaviour or is subject to circumstances which may otherwise indicate unreliability.

Please note that failure to disclose relevant circumstances or information will be regarded as evidence of unreliability and will be taken into account in assessing suitability for security clearance. It is therefore vital to be open and honest in replies to the questions set out in the security questionnaire.

Vetting Information

Please tell us about your family (wherever they live), and any other persons above the age of 10 living at your address. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary. Please ensure all sections are completed to avoid any delay.

Relationship to you / Full Name
(Please include any previous/maiden names and name at birth if different) / Full Address History for last 5 Years
(Please provide to and from dates)
Date and Place of Birth:
Your Spouse/Partner
Date and Place of Birth:
Your Father
Date and Place of Birth:
Your Mother
Date and Place of Birth:
Your Stepfather or Mother’s partner
Date and Place of Birth:
Your Stepmother or Father’s partner
Date and Place of Birth:
Your Brother or Sister
(Full/half/step etc)
Date and Place of Birth:
Your Brother or Sister
(Full/half/step etc)
Date and Place of Birth:
Your Brother or Sister
(Full/half/step etc)
Date and Place of Birth:
Your Child/Child of Partner
Date and Place of Birth:
Your Child/Child of Partner
Date and Place of Birth:
Your Child/Child of Partner
Date and Place of Birth:
Your Child/Child of Partner
Date and Place of Birth:
Any other persons living at your address (e.g. lodger)
Date and Place of Birth:
I understand that vetting will be undertaken and that I have made the other person(s) named on the form aware of their inclusion for this process; by signing this form I give consent for vetting to be carried out.
I declare that all the statements I have made in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: ______Signature of Applicant:______

Financial Information

Complete these questions in respect of the last 6 years

Show full information in respect of all questions.
Have you had a loan arrangement terminated by a bank/building society/finance house? / Yes
Have you had a credit/charge
card withdrawn? / Yes
Are you in arrears with any
existing loan/mortgage/hire purchase agreement? / Yes
Have you ever been registered
bankrupt? / Yes
If YES, have your bankruptcy
debts been discharged? *
Have you had any Court action taken against you for any debt? / Yes
Have you been party to a
Voluntary agreement registered with the County Court? (IVA, Debt Referral Order (DRO), or Debt Management Programme) / Yes
Has a County Court / Tribunal
Judgement been made against you? / Yes
If YES, has this been cleared?
Have you had repossession
proceedings commenced
against you? / Yes

- 1 –

Leicestershire Police, HR Service Centre

St John's, Enderby, Leicester, LE19 2BX

Telephone 101 extension 2657



Leicestershire Police Support Volunteer – Application Form

Convictions and Cautions

1.  Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence?

Yes* No

You must declare below any convictions, cautions, summons or fixed penalty notices. This includes traffic offences, receipt of an absolute/conditional discharge or bind over. Receipt of a reprimand, warning, final warning or caution as an adult or juvenile. Being subject of a football spectator banning order, anti-social behaviour order, and risk of sexual harm order or harassment order. Fixed penalty notices for disorder or any other offence, e.g., theft.

You must also declare any investigations (both in the UK and abroad) either by police, military and or other statutory prosecuting authorities (e.g. Inland Revenue, Immigration) including those pending. You must also declare all spent convictions.

In addition, the following must also be declared:

Any involvement with the military authorities on disciplinary matters (whether involving a court martial or not), involvement in a criminal investigation whether or not this had led to a prosecution), being subject of ‘Service Confidence’.

*If you answered yes to the above question then please describe below.

Date / Offence and Result / Court

2.  Do you associate with any person(s) (including family members) who you know or have reason to believe has criminal convictions, OR is engaged in criminal activities, OR is a person who associates regularly with such persons.

Yes* No

*If you answered yes to the above question then please describe below giving the name(s), address(es) and dates of birth of the person(s) you have contact with, if this information is known to you.

Are you aware of any circumstances or characteristics which may affect your suitability for appointment to or continued employment in the post applied for (e.g. serious medical or psychological problems, habitual use of addictive substances (drugs/alcohol), involvement in any disruptive actions that could be described as Political / Religious / Racial / Environmental, or other conduct which could make you susceptible to pressure or improper influence?

Yes* No

*If you answered yes to the above question then please describe below

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, 1974

Owing to the sensitive nature of our work environment it is a requirement for all prospective volunteers to disclose any convictions they may have, including spent convictions.
Have you ever been charged with, or summonsed, or convicted of, or cautioned for any offence or had an Order made against you by any Court or Court Martial, or any Commanding Officer of the Armed or Merchant Services or been convicted for any Armed Service Disciplinary Offence? If so, please give particulars here:


Note:- By virtue of the Rehabilitation of offenders Act, 1974 (Exceptions) Order, 1975 the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, 1974 do not apply to this question. You are therefore NOT entitled to withhold information about a previous conviction on the grounds that it is for other purposes spent under the Act.
I consent to the information contained in this questionnaire being submitted for checking against the records of the Police and Credit Reference Agencies. I understand that the information I have provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.
I declare that the information I have provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I undertake to notify any significant changes or additions in the information I have provided in this form.
I understand that if I have knowingly made a false statement or deliberate omission in the information I have provided in this form, my application may be rejected.
Date: ______Signature of Applicant: ______

Have you ever been involved in any actions that could be described as politically, religiously, racially or environmentally disruptive actions?



Are you a member of the British National Party?



Are you aware of any circumstances or characteristics that may impact security vetting clearance?



Have you ever been involved in a criminal investigation
(whether or not this has led to any prosecution)?



Do you have any criminal associates?



If you answered YES to any of the above questions then please describe below:


Please tick appropriate boxes

Sat / Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri

Employment Status:

Employed Occupation ______Unemployed/Jobseeker

Nature of Business: ______

Unwaged / Not actively seeking work Retired Student

Details of Current Employer/ Education:

Starting with the most recent please give a detailed description of any full/part time or casual employment, business interests or volunteering you have held in the last 3 years.
Name, address and nature of business of employer / Position held and main duties (e.g. actively involved, sleeping partner, non-executive director / Dates from and to / Reason for leaving
(if applicable)


Please could you give the names and addresses of two people (not related to) to whom we could apply for a written reference:

Please note that this section does not apply if we have already received references from you.

Name and Address of Referee 1 / Name and Address of Referee 2
Name: / Name:
Post Code: / Address:
Post Code:
Tel. Number (if known) / Tel. Number (if known)
In what capacity do you know them? / In what capacity do you know them?

Driving Licence:

For Volunteer drivers only: Please indicate type of driving licence held

Full Full / Advanced driver Restricted

Number of Years Licence held:

Public Service Vehicle / PSV Heavy Goods Vehicle Type:

Additional Information:

Please note because of the nature of the volunteer placements mentioned overleaf, all Volunteers will be required to undergo a Police check. This can be a lengthy process and we are grateful of your patience and enthusiasm.

All volunteer placements require medical clearance. (You will receive a form to be completed by your GP at a later date.)


I confirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief the details I have supplied are true and correct. I understand that if it is subsequently discovered that any statement is false, any placement offered would be withdrawn. Any changes in your personal circumstances must be informed to the HR Service Centre to ensure the data held is kept up to date.


Signature Date

Full Name:

(Please print)


Leicestershire Police is committed to equal opportunities and seeks to ensure that in its provision of services in general, and as an employer in particular, it will offer equality of opportunity. Strictly and solely in order that the Police can monitor implementation of this principle with regard to employment, all applicants are required to complete this form which is a part of the registration process. The information given will not be used during the process of selection and will be retained by the HR Service Centre for monitoring purposes.

Please tick only one box, which you feel most appropriately, identifies your ethnic group. An ethnic group is a group of people who share certain background characteristics such as language, culture and religion. This provides them with a distinct identity as seen by themselves and others. Your nationality, place of birth or citizenship does not necessarily reflect your ethnic group.

Any other White background
Mixed / White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other Mixed background
Asian or Asian British / Indian
Any other Asian background
Black or Black British / Caribbean
Any other Black background
Chinese or other ethnic group / Chinese
Any other ethnic group
Not Stated

Disability Status:

Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes: No: