Latham School

Phone: 942-0147


Young Eagles Learning to Soar April 2016

From the Principal

The warm spring days are upon us! As the sun comes out and the days get warmer, we just want to take this opportunity to remind you about some of the dress code expectations here at Latham! Tank tops/muscle shirts, spaghetti strap clothing, bare midriffs, and shoes deemed unsafe will not be allowed. In addition, dresses, skirts, and shorts must be at least halfway between the waist and knee to be considered acceptable. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school office. Additional information can also be found in the Latham Parent and Student Handbook on pages 18 and 19.

Grandparent’s Day is almost here! Hope to see a lot of grandparents at this event!

Clothing Needed

Do you have any pants that your child has outgrown? If so, please consider donating them to our school! We keep extra clothing at the school for kids who fall in a puddle, rip their pants, have an accident, etc. and we are in need of pants of all sizes. You can bring any donations to the Latham office. Thank you!

Pampered Chef Results

We made a profit of $1,079 from the Pampered Chef fundraiser! The money will be used for music, field trips, and other student activities.

Calendar of Events

ü  Monday, April 4 – Penny War Begins

ü  Tuesday, April 5 – After School Clubs, 2:30

ü  Friday, April 8 – 5th Grade visits LMS

ü  Friday, April 8 – Penny War Ends

ü  Friday, April 8 – Grandparents’ Day Lunch Reservations due

ü  Tuesday, April 12 – After School Clubs, 2:30

ü  Wednesday, April 13 – Grandparents’ Day

ü  Thursday, April 14 – Parent Club Mtg., 2:00

ü  Tuesday, April 19 – After School Clubs, 2:30

ü  Wed., April 20 – Kindergarten Roundup, 2:30

ü  Friday, April 29 – Parent Club Garage Sale 2:30 – 5:30pm

ü  Saturday, April 30 - Parent Club Garage Sale 8:00am – 12:00pm


I would like to take this time to remind our third through fifth grade families that it is time for our state testing. This year we will be taking the SMARTER Balanced Assessment in reading and math, and fifth grade will also be completing the Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills in science. These tests will help our students measure progress toward the state’s Common Core Standards. We will be testing during the months of April and May.

The tests will consist of a computer-based test. Here are a couple of reminders to help your child do their very best on this assessment:

o  Be sure your child attends every day, if possible. It is helpful if they are here when the whole class is presented with the assessment.

o  Enjoy a good breakfast with your child, or have them eat at school. A good meal will help your child’s brain be at his or her very best.

o  Get a good night’s sleep before testing. This will be a good time to be sure your child gets to bed on time!

o  Encourage your child to do her or his very best, but not worry about the test. Remember, it won’t affect your child’s grade but will show how Latham is doing as we teach to our state standards.

Please feel free to contact the teacher or me if you have any questions!


Anne Fisk