Parish Bulletin Announcements for Catholic Charities Mother’s Day Collection
For April 12, 2015:
Catholic Charities Collection on Mother’s Day
When Christina, a single mother, left the Army after multiple deployments, she needed a way to support her family. Within a month, Catholic Charities helped her land a job as a customer service supervisor. She was one of 9,107 veterans we served last year.
Please give to Catholic Charities on Mother’s Day to help veterans with housing, counseling, and job placement. Learn more at
“Charity, patience, and tenderness are very beautiful gifts. If you have them, you want to share them with others.” - Pope Francis
April 19, 2015:
Catholic Charities Collection on Mother’s Day
Eva is doing all she can to raise her grandchild alone on a limited income. She called Catholic Charities when she couldn’t afford to fix her plumbing. We made the home repair, and invited her to our caregiver support group. She was one of the 398,078 seniors we helped last year.
Please give to Catholic Charities on Mother’s Day to help seniors live in comfort. Learn more at
“People have a dignity that is priceless and worth far more than things.” - Pope Francis
For April 26, 2015:
Catholic Charities Collection on Mother’s Day
Daria had no income, and lived with her children in a condemned building. Catholic Charities brought the family to one of our shelters. We helped her find work and permanent housing. She and her children were among the 991 individuals we sheltered last year.
Please give to Catholic Charities on Mother’s Day to help homeless families get back on their feet. Learn more at
“How marvelous it would be if, at the end of the day, each of us could say: today I have performed an act of charity towards others!” - Pope Francis
For May 3, 2015:
Catholic Charities Collection on Mother’s Day
After spending years in a Nepali refugee camp, the Jha family arrived here with nothing. Catholic Charities met them at the airport and took them in hand, helping them learn English, find work, enroll in school, and get medical care. They were among the 469 refugees we resettled last year.
Please give to Catholic Charities on Mother’s Day to help refugees build a new and hopeful life. Learn more at
“All of us together are a family in the Church, who is our Mother.” - Pope Francis
For May 10, 2015:
Catholic Charities Collection on Mother’s Day
Catholic Charities thanks you for giving to help those who are hungry, homeless, or hurting. Contributions can also be made online at or mailed to 721 N. LaSalle St, Chicago, IL 60654.
“The measure of greatness of a society is found in the way it treats those most in need, those who have nothing apart from poverty.” - Pope Francis