
*You will create (draw & write) a timeline detailing specific events in your life using the past (preterit) tense

*You will have 3 class days to work on your draft and 1 class day to complete it

*Don’t get me wrong, I love Google. Me encanta usar google. However, YOU will translate your own sentences to Spanish, NOT GOOGLE! I will help students who are taking the correct steps regarding grammar. English sentences are usually backward once written in Spanish. Example: That is Pete’s red sports car. Incorrect = Ese es Pete’s carro deporte rojo. Google’s incorrect translation: Eso es de color rojo de Pete coche deportivo. Correct = Ése es le carro rojo deportivo de Pete. I refuse to correct computer translations and each time I am given a translation from a machine, I will deduct 5 pts off the final grade. To make it clear, one word translation is ok, but phrases are not ok to translate and definitely not the conjugated verbs. So please NO GOOGLE TRANSLATIONS ACCEPTED!!!

*Correct way to translate sentence = (When I was 8 yrs old) I broke my leg. You don’t need what is in parentheses because your timeline will tell me when it happened. All you need is “I broke my leg” You know “I” “my” and “leg” but you need to translate “broke.” You will find in GOOGLE “Me rompí la pierna” which is wrong. You need to find the infinitive, the pure form of verb so you can conjugate yourself. The verb is QUEBRARSE. You then drop off the AR and add the ending for YO, which is E with an accent, looks like this: quebré. Convert the SE to me because it is a reflexive verb. You end up with this: Yo me quebré la pierna. “Me rompí” means to tear. Again, be careful in what you choose to translate. I will deduct 5 pts if there is a suspicion of “translation abuse.”

*Timeline and drafts are due at the beginning of the period April 10 – Tuesday


1.  Drafts must have a total of 5 columns labeled as follows

a.  #

b.  fecha (date)

c.  años (age)

d.  experiencia

e.  R (rank…5 being the best/worse)

2.  There must be 10 items on each draft, 5 negative experiences and 5 positive experiences which will go on the timeline

3.  Timeline must be on an 8 ½ X 11 sheet of white paper, horizontal/landscape/hamburger

4.  Timeline may be drawn by hand or on computer

5.  Timeline must include the following

a.  Horizontal line through the center to establish date line

b.  Vertical line ½ inch away from left edge establishing the rank

c.  A graph depicting each of the 10 events with a point at each event

d.  Each event labeled by a picture (drawing, cut out, sticker) that must be in color

e.  No less than 10 DIFFERENT verbs in the preterit tense (conjugated correctly according to the person)

f.  Dates and rank numbers labeled

Grading: Nombre: ______Pd. ____ #: ____

Completion – have all items in #5 above

Grammar – preterit is conjugated correctly

Neatness – no unnecessary pencil marks, it’s clean, organized, straight lines, completed

in PEN (or computer)

Creativity/Overall effort – events are original, visual portion of the timeline

Your grade: Teacher Notes:

10 Completion ______

50 Grammar ______

20 Neatness ______

20 Creativity/Overall effort ______

100 Total Points ______