Tiny or large?

You should have a small dog instead of a big dog because big dogs drool all over the place and they are really big and they will not fit on the bed or on the couch to cuddle with you especially in the winter. Small dogs can sleep with you at night and cuddle with you on the couch and they do not drool often. Small dogs will not get in your way and big dogs will be in your way a lot. They will stay small and you will know what size they will be when they are full grown. Small dogs are better household pets than big dogs.

Big dogs are sometimes more expensive. They eat more food and they require more exercise where as small dogs eat less and do not need a lot of exercise. They get tired from running around and playing with you where as bigger dogs do not get tired as easily as small dogs and need a lot more time to play. The best way to calm them down big or small is to take them to the dog park! Small dogs and bigger dogs eat different amounts for food because they are different sizes so they have different size stomachs.

Small dogs are better to fit on your motorcycle. If you have to bring your dog somewhere and you only have a motorcycle your big dog may not fit on it. If you have a small dog or a medium dog you can take them to the vet or camping with you on your motorcycle. Big dogs are also harder to bring somewhere if you have a family of five or more because they take up so much room. Dogs enjoy the wind so they would love to go on a motorcycle but they are weight limits on motorcycles sometimes.

Small dogs are easier to clean than big dogs because small dogs usually have less hair, so it fits on their body. It is also easier for you because than you will not have to vacuum as much. It will also be better for the dog because in the summer if they are not the type of dog you can shave and they have less hair, they will not be as hot when they run around. If you want to give you small dog a bath you can put it under the tap in the bathtub but with large dogs you have to use the shower head or the hose and if your dog is like mine you will not be able to use the hose.

In conclusion small dogs are easier to travel with, easier to clean, and are less expensive. Big dogs can not do as much to keep you warm in the winter. You can not take a big dog camping with you if you only have a motorcycle. Bigger dogs have more energy. If you want a calm dog that you do not have to spend hours and hours playing with outside you should get a small dog. This is why small dogs are better than big dogs!