Ethics, Philosophy and Religion AQA GCSE Religious Studies A

Ethics, Philosophy and Religion AQA GCSE Religious Studies A


Ethics, Philosophy and Religion AQA GCSE Religious Studies A

Paper 1A (8062) 1 hour 45 minutes



Paper 1A Monday 14th May 2018



CONtent list and self review


Topic 1 / Beliefs and Teachings
Christianity / Notes
Confidence Level 1-10
The nature of God / Understand the importance of Christianity as a world faith and consider what Christianity believe about the nature of God.
God as omnipotent, loving and just / Understand some qualities of God and think about what qualities of God can be found in human beings.
Consider the problem of evil and suffering in relation to God.
The Oneness of God and the Trinity / Evaluate the conflicting ideas about God and the Trinity.
Christian beliefs about Creation / Understand different Christian beliefs about how the earth was created and link with beliefs about the Trinity.
The incarnation and Jesus, the Son of God / Know and understand about the incarnation of Jesus and understand the belief that Jesus is the Son of God.
The Crucifixion / Know about the details about the crucifixion of Jesus and understand the impact of the crucifixion on Christians today.
The Resurrection and Ascension / Develop knowledge of the meaning and significance of the resurrection and ascension of Jesus and understand the different views held by Christians.
Resurrection and life after death / Analyse and evaluate whether believing in life after death affects the way Christians live.
The afterlife and judgement / Understand different Christian beliefs about the afterlife and judgement.
Heaven and Hell / Understand the different interpretations of heaven and hell.
Sin and Salvation / Understand Christian beliefs about the origin and nature of sin, including original sin.
The role of Christ in salvation / Consider the role of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection in salvation and understand the idea of atonement in salvation.
Assessment Questions
Christianity / Notes
Confidence Level 1-10
Worship / Understand the importance of worship for Christians and know the differences between liturgical, informal (non-liturgical) and private worship.
Prayer / Understand the nature and use of prayer and know about the Lord’s prayer, set prayers and informal prayer.
The sacraments: Baptism / Understand the meaning, role and significance of sacraments for Christians, including infant baptism and believers’ baptism.
The sacraments: Holy Communion / Understand the sacrament of Holy Communion and its importance for Christians. Consider the different ways in which Christians celebrate Holy Communion.
Pilgrimage / Know about the role and importance of Christian pilgrimage, including contrasting examples such as Lourdes and Iona.
Celebrating Festivals / Know and understand the importance of festivals for Christians: Christmas and Easter.
The role of the Church in the local community: Food Banks / Evaluate the role of the Church in the local communities for example food banks.
Street Pastors / Investigate the different ways the Church makes a positive contribution to the local community including the work of Street Pastors.
The place of mission and evangelism / Understand the place of mission and evangelism in the Church.
Church growth / Understand where and how Christianity is spreading worldwide and the strategies used to encourage Church growth.
The importance of the worldwide Church / Understand the role of the church in working for reconciliation and understand the problem of the persecution of Christians.
Christian persecution / Evaluate how Christian churches respond to persecution.
The Church’s response to world poverty / Understand the Church’s response to world poverty and the motivation and work of three Christian charities.
Assessment Questions
Topic 2 / Beliefs and Teachings
Buddhism / Notes
Confidence Level 1-10
The birth of the Buddha and his life of luxury / Examine some of the stories surrounding the Buddha’s birth and early life.
The four sights / Know the story of the Buddha’s encounter with the four sights and understand the effect this had on the Buddha.
The Buddha’s ascetic life / Know how the Buddha lived as an ascetic and understand why he wanted to follow ascetic practices and why he then rejected them.
The Buddha’s enlightenment / Know the story of how the Buddha became enlightened.
The Dhamma / Examine what is meant by the Buddhist concept of the Dhamma and understand the different meanings.
The concept of dependent arising / Understand what is meant by the concept of dependent arising and understand how the Tibetan Wheel of Life is an example of dependent arising.
The three marks of existence:
Anatta / Understand what is meant by the three marks of existence:
The First Noble Truth – there is suffering
Impermanence – the idea that everything changes
The idea that people do not have a permanent, fixed self or soul
The five aggregates; the five aspects that make up a person.
The Four Noble Truths:
1st Existence of Suffering
2nd Causes of Suffering
3rd The cure for suffering
4th The end of suffering / Gain an overview of the Four Noble Truths and understand why they are important in Buddhism.
Understand the Buddha’s teachings on suffering and happiness.
Understand what causes suffering according to Buddhism.
Understand how Buddhists believe that suffering can be overcome.
Understand the different sections on the Eightfold Path.
Theravada Buddhism / Know the main features of Theravada Buddhism.
Mahayana Buddhism / Know the main features of Mahayana Buddhism.
Understand the idea of achieving Buddhahood by realising a person’s Buddha-nature.
The Arhat and the Bodhisattva / Consider the differences between Arhat and a Bodhisattva.
Pure Land Buddhism / Understand the main features of Pure Land Buddhism.
Assessment Questions
Places of worship / Understand what temples, shrines and monasteries are used for in Buddhism.
How Buddhists worship / Understand how and why Buddhists worship.
Meditation / Gain an overview of the Buddhist practice of meditation.
Samatha meditation / Understand the technique and purpose of samatha meditation.
Vipassana meditation / Understand the technique and purpose of vipassana meditation and zazen meditation.
The visualisation of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas / Understand why some Buddhists visualise Buddhas and Bodhisattvas when they meditate.
Ceremonies and rituals associated with death and mourning / Understand Buddhist teachings about death and know about different Buddhist ceremonies and rituals associated with death and mourning.
Wesak and Parinirvana Day / Understand the origins, celebrations and importance of Wesak and Parinirvana Day.
Kamma (Karma) and rebirth / Understand how the concept of Kamma forms the basis of Buddhist ethics.
Compassion (karuna) / Understand the concept of compassion (karuna) in Buddhism.
Loving-kindness (metta) / Understand the concept of loving-kindness (metta) in Buddhism.
The five moral precepts / Understand what the five moral precepts are.
The six perfections / Know what the six perfections are.
Assessment Questions