You Need to Know

You need to know…

·  Technology is:

o  All the ways that people use to make the things they want and need.

·  Communication Tech is:

o  All the ways people have developed to send and receive messages.

·  Transportation Tech is:

o  the movement of people, animals or things from one place to another using vehicles

·  Construction Tech is:

o  All the ways that people use to design and build structures.

·  Power and Energy Tech is:

o  Needed by all other systems.

·  Fossil fuels can harm the environment

·  Consumer complaints and comments are a part of feedback

·  Energy may come from renewable, inexhaustible and non-renewable resources.

·  Processes are all the activities that need to take place for a system to give the expected results.

·  All the materials that are put into a system are referred to as resources.

·  Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources.

·  Sound waves are an input in a communication system.

·  A received message is the output of a communication system.

·  Two types of cargo/freight are bulk and break-bulk.

·  Spark plugs are part of the ignition system of an internal combustion engine.

·  The injectors are part of the fuel system of an internal combustion engine.

·  A steam engine is an external combustion engine.

·  Aerodynamic drag does not increase the power of a vehicle.

·  Horsepower is the unit of measurement used to express the power of an engine.

·  Hammers, screwdrivers, pliers and wrenches are all hand tools.

·  A design brief includes the problem to solve, and the criteria that must be met.

·  Informed design utilizes analysis and improvement as you go.

·  Air, water, land and space are the four ways to travel

·  The metric system is based on 10.

·  The prefix kilo means 1000.

·  The prefix centi means 100.

·  The standard inch is based on 16.

·  A route is a specific path through a way.

·  The four forces of aerodynamics are lift, drag, weight and thrust.

·  A wind tunnel is used to measure drag.

·  Alloys were discovered in the Bronze age.

·  Bronze is composed of copper and tin.

·  Aluminum is extracted from Bauxite.

·  Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon.

·  Iron is extracted from iron ore in a blast furnace.

·  The process of extracting iron from iron ore is called smelting.

·  Agriculture was discovered in the stone age.

·  We currently live in the information age.

·  Factories were created in the industrial age.

·  One of the most important inventions in the stone age was the plow.

·  The most important invention in the industrial age was the steam engine.

·  An invention is an entirely new device, idea or concept.

·  An innovation is an improvement on an existing invention.

·  The most influential invention in the information age is the electronic computer.

·  The formula for the area of a circle is pi*r2

·  Horsepower,A unit for measuring the power output of a motor or engine.

·  One horsepower equals the force needed to raise 550 pounds at the rate of one foot per second