Published monthly as a source of Workplace Safety and Health informationin Hanover Division

Volume 2 Number 8– June 1, 2010

April showers bring May flowers, and May flowers, bring the health and safety officers from the province out to visit some of our schools. Mr. Steve Nicholson, who has been working with us for the past two years, has been promoted to another position and Mr. Marty Danielson has been assigned to work with Hanover.

What happens when a safety officer inspects a school? Safety officers are tasked with insuring that schools and business are following the guidelines set out by the Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations. They have the ability under the act to issue either Improvement Orders or Stop Work Orders. An improvement order according to the act:

26(1)Where a safety and health officer is of the opinion that a person

a)Is contravening any provision of the Act or the regulations; or

b)Has contravened any provision of the Act or the regulations in circumstances which make it likely that the contravention will continue or be repeated:

The officer may make an order against that person (school) hereinafter referred to as an “improvement order”, requiring that person to remedy the contravention within such period as may be specified in the order, or within a reasonable time if no period is specified and stating the reasons for making the order.

He/she may also issue a stop work warning:


Where the officer believes that the contravention referred to in clause (1)(a) or (b), involves or is likely to involve a serious risk to the safety and health of any person in or about the workplace, he may, in the improvement order specify that if the contravention is not remedied within the period mentioned therein, a stop work order may be issued in accordance with section 36 of the Act.

Stop Work Order


Where a safety and health officer is of the opinion that any activities which are being, or are about to be, carried on in a workplace, involve or are likely to involve an imminent risk of serious physical or health injury, or where a contravention specified in an accordance with subsection 26(2), the officer may issue an order (hereinafter called a “stop work “order”) providing for any one or more of the following matters:

a)The cessation of those activities;

b)That all or part of the workplace be vacated;

c)That no resumption of those activities be permitted by the employer

In each case, written documentation is provided along with timelines for compliance.

Inspections in HSD

We are currently piloting a new program that involves a similar inspection process used by the provincial WSH inspectors. Our safety consultant, Gary Black will be out and visiting schools doing routine inspections. During the course of an inspection, if there are areas that require attention, Gary will make note of them and then submit an “INSPECTION REPORT” to the school principal. Included on the report will be items that need attention and suggestions for dealing with them. Gary will then return to the school to re-inspect the school. If the issues have not been address, an ‘”OPPORTUNITY FOR IMPROVEMENT” Report will be issued. In both cases, timelines for compliance are provided. The Opportunity for Improvement reports will be shared with the WSH committee and Superintendents.

Just for Laughs – A Smile a Day Keeps the Doctor Away