/ 3:34 AM (13 hours ago)
Hello Alex
Please be advised that you are disfellowshipped from the PCG and marked in accordance with Romans16:17for cause.
Alex Foster<>/ 12:13 PM (5 hours ago)
Dear Max,
You have advised me that i have been disfellowshipped according to Romans 16:17. Your next sentence started; 'For cause." and then stopped. It seems that you have no idea whatRomans16:17 says; Let me assist you, here is what it says:
Romans 16:17 ¶ Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
Divisions and offences contrary to the DOCTRINE!!!! They are those which serve their own belly and not Christ, they give speeches and deceive the heart of the simple. Idon'tgive speeches - you give speeches when you stand behind the podium at services. WhichDOCTRINEhave i spoken against, or caused division and offences?
A son of Belial has no authority todis-fellowshipone of Gods called out ones
Because you have disfellowshipped me i take it that you will come and visit with me within a month; of course this is in accordance with the manual which i am sure you are familiar with, - Preparing for the ministry by Robert Morton, WCG, 1975.If you are not familiar with these teachings from HWA i will save you the trouble of rummaging through your dusty boxes and insert a couple of excerpts from the manual regarding disfellowshipping:
(Pages 46 and 47."Never dis-fellowship for a sin or some action by the individual. If a person’s attitude toward his sin is right and he wants help and is trying to overcome, he should not be disfellowshipped. People need to be taught that if they come to us seeking help then, no matter how bad the problem, they won’t be disfellowshipped. Be sure to visit the person within a month to encourage him. There’s no need for probation periods—once he has repented invite him back. If you’re in doubt as to whether he has fully repented, it’s wise to err on the side of mercy. Be willing to continue to work with him if hehasn'trepented—if his basic attitude will allow it.)
I know before God that i did bring thisSea-breezeaffair to the attention of the ministers and i did seek help. The help which i got from your office was suspension.
You have a great Sabbath, am expecting you within a month.