English 8 Mr. Prezioso

Classroom Rules and Expectations


I, (print)______, understand the rules and expectations of Mr. Prezioso’s English class. If I have any questions, I will not hesitate to ask him for clarification.

Signed Name: ______Date: ______


I, (print)______, understand the rules and expectations of Mr. Prezioso’s English class. If I have any questions, I will not hesitate to ask him for clarification.

Signed Name: ______Date: ______

Book Report Policy


I, (print)______, understand the book report policy. If I have any questions, I will not hesitate to ask him for clarification.

Student’s Signature: ______Date: ______


My child has explained the book report policy to me and he/she knows that one book report is required per marking period.

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature:______Date:______

Movie Permission

This year the eighth grade students will be watching a few movies throughout the school year. Some of the movies are rated PG and PG-13. Your child needs to have written permission stating that s/he is allowed to watch these movies. If you do not want your child to see the movies, s/he will be given an alternate activity to do in another location. Please select and sign by your choice.

______My child, ______, has permission to watch PG-13 movies.

Signature: ______

______My child, ______, does not have permission to watch PG-13 movies.

Signature: ______


Parents/Guardians: Please provide an e-mail address if you would like to communicate via e-mail.
