Yorkville Congregational United Church of Christ

Proposed Constitution and Bylaws

February 27, 2012

Note:Items highlighted in green are for adoption purposes only. They will be removed after the document is approved.

Table of Contents

Articles of the Constitution



A.Background and Assumptions


C.Changes in Bylaws



F.Core Values

G.Core Beliefs

II.Organizational Structure


B.Shepherds’ Leadership Team

C.Supporting Teams



F.Shepherds’ Ministry Groups

G.Members of the Church


A.Handbook Development

B.Responsibilities of all Shepherds

C.Conflict Resolution for all Shepherds

D.Shepherds: Descriptions, Ministry Lists and Measures of Success

1.Christian Education: Children and Youth Shepherd......

2.Christian Education: Adult Shepherd......

3.Worship: Preparation Shepherd......

4.Worship: Serving Shepherd......

5.Church Family: Caring Shepherd......

6.Church Family: Fellowship Shepherd......

7.Community: Missions Shepherd......

8.Community: Outreach and Evangelism Shepherd......

9.Operations: Finance Shepherd (Business Manager)......

10.Operations: Organization Support Shepherd......

11.Information Services: Information Shepherd......

IV.Shepherds’ Leadership Team




V.New Ministries



C.The Shepherds’ Leadership Team…

VI.Nominating Team for Shepherds’ Leadership Team




VII.Visioning Team




D.Goal-Planning Process

E.Communication of Plans

VIII.Legal Responsibilities Team




D.Responsibilities include oversight of…

IX.Pastor-Parish Relations Ministry Team


B.Requirements for members of this ministry


X.Healthy Church Meetings


B.The leader of any ministry or team shall strive to….

C.All members of the group shall strive to…

D.Meetings shall…......

E.Decision-making guidelines

XI.Conflict Resolution

A.Conflict within a Ministry group or Ministry

B.The Role of each Shepherd

C.The Shepherds’ Leadership Team…

XII.Audit Team





Action Plan Template - Shepherds’ Leadership Team

Annual Report – Reporting form

Healthy Communication

How to Conduct Healthy Meetings

New Ministry - Application

Senior Pastor’s Position Description

Meeting Agenda – Sample

Ministry/ Team Report to Shepherd

Suggested Format for Annual Meetings

Suggested Format for Special Congregational Meeting

Robert’s Rules Simplified

Time and Talent Survey

Leadership Tree

Ministries Leadership Tree

Articles of the Constitution

I.Name: The name of the church shall be the Yorkville Congregational United Church of Christ - YCUCC.

II.Purpose: As a community of disciples, the Church will transform lives by living Christ’s teachings and sharing the lessons from his life, death and resurrection, understanding that God continues to speak to us today.

III.Vision Statement: Welcoming all people as we seek to live Christ’s example.

IV.Mission Statement: To nurture the divine spark within all people so that together we can advance God’s peace and justice, serve others, and care for creation with open minds, generous hearts, and willing hands.

V.Faith and Covenant: (a) Memberspromise and agree to work with God and with one another and bind ourselves to walk together in all God’s ways. (b) Members recognize Jesus Christ as head of the church. (c) Members recognize the necessity of cooperating with other organizations, religious and secular, in caring for all God’s people and the Earth. (d) As a community of faith we are in covenant relationship with the United Church of Christ and all of its related missions and ministries, includingthe Illinois Conferenceand the Fox Valley Association.

VI.Clergy: The clergy are the ordained spiritual leaders/teachers of the congregation.

VII.Organization: (a) Membership in this congregation is open to any person who has been baptized, has been confirmed, or has made public confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. (b) A Shepherds’ Leadership Team will be comprised of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Recording Secretary and eleven shepherds – all members of the church and elected by the church membership at an annual meeting. The Pastor is also a member of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team. (c) The church will conduct an annual meeting according to the Bylaws. Passing a motion will require a majority vote, with a minimum of 50% of the average attendance over the last 12 months.

VIII.Parliamentary Authority: The latest published revision of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the guide for the conduct of all meetings.

IX.Decision Making: (a) The governance of this church resides with the Congregation, as defined in the Constitution and Bylaws. The business of the church shall be conducted fairly, openly, inclusively and transparently. (b) Church business will be conducted in an orderly and inclusive manner. (c) The work of the church shall be guided by the Bylaws and the Handbook (as developed).

X.Property: (a) This Church, pursuant unto its Constitution and Bylaws, shall have authority to erect houses or buildings of worship and related activities, and make improvements, and repair, and alter the same; and may mortgage, rent, lease, encumber, sell and convey any real or personal estate of the church for the general purposes of the Church; and enter into all lawful contracts in the name and in behalf of said Church. (b)Gifts, grants or legacies given to this Church shall be appropriated and used, insofar as possible, as directed by the person(s) making the same. In the event that the intent of the person(s) making the same is not known in writing at the time given, the use of said property shall be determined by the Church in a meeting as provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws.(c)In the event this congregation shall totally disband, its assets and all property and interests of which it shall then be possessed, including any devise, bequest, gift or grant contained in any will or other instrument, in trust or otherwise, made before or after such dissolution, shall be transferred to the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ (or its successor).

XI.Meetings: Annual meetings will occur prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. Special meetings may be called. The bylaws shall describe the timeframe and process of our congregational meetings.

XII.Amendment: The Constitution may be amended or revised at any official meeting of the Church. Amendments or revisions must be presented to the Congregation and be available in writing two months prior to the meeting in which the amendment or revision is considered. Adoption shall be three-fifths majority vote, with a minimum of 50% of the average attendance over the last 12 months.



For more than 150 years, the YCUCC has been, and continues to be, a dynamic organization of members as a body of Christ, who strive together to worship, learn, serve and enjoy fellowship. Over the years, the church was guided by a Constitution and Bylaws that reflected the vision and mission as defined by the members in the time period in which they lived.

In recent years, YCUCC members and leaders have seen the need to revise the Constitution and Bylaws to meet the challenges of the time. In their discernment and discussion of a new Constitution and Bylaws, the committee members sought to capture and include three valued components: (1) the history and culture that built this church; (2) the climate that developed during the interim ministry of Pastor Bob Stout; (3) the necessity to function in the modern, electronic world.

First, the new Constitution and Bylaws must respect the history and culture of this church. The physical structure was built with donated labor. Also, the church has valued both independent thinking and a democratic mode of operation. In addition, members have volunteered their time, talents, and treasures in all aspects of church life, such as Christian education, evangelism, stewardship, missions, worship, music and caring for each other in both celebrating and challenging times.

Secondly, the climate of the interim period challenged members to help carry the responsibilities of the church for nearly 2 ½ years. It served as a time for us to reflect on the more immediate past as well as to seek a vision of the future. What kind of church did we want to be?

Thirdly, the new Constitution and Bylaws must include a response to changing social expectations that require improved communication, including the use of electronics and especially Internet capabilities. It should also include more efficient financial management that will result in additional resources to support the mission of the church. The church, furthermore, should be an organization that encourages members, using their expertise and interests, to participate with passion in the decisions and activities of their area of interest. One of the overarching goals was to draft a Constitution and Bylaws that would take the church into a passion-driven mode of operation.

The new Constitution and Bylaws were written with respect for the history and culture of the church, for the vitality of the members serving the mission of the church and for the opportunities to take full advantage of technological achievements to maximize our time and gifts to do God’s work in the world.

A.Background and Assumptions

1.The Bylaws describe the organization and function of the YCUCC as envisioned and discerned by the committee entrusted to this task.

2.The Bylaws attempt to support the overarching purpose of the Church: to transform lives through the four major functions of the Christian Church as defined by Paul in Acts 2:42. “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.” These four functions translate into four major branches of the Church and are included in the ministry groups of YCUCC: Christian Education, Worship, Church Family (Fellowship), and Community (Service).

3.As stated in the Constitution, the purpose of the Church is to transform lives by sharing Christ’s teachings and his life, death and resurrection. It was with this purpose in mind that the Bylaws and Constitution were developed.

4.The Church provides a setting and structure for the transformation of lives. One’s life can be changed individually through involvement and contributions to one or more of the ministries as described in the structure of YCUCC. However, when two or more are gathered together in community, they have the opportunity to experience the synergy and power of transformation in the light of the Holy Spirit working in and through them individually and collectively.

5.Individually or in community of small or large groups, members have the opportunities to know Jesus and God through worship, education and the service and care for others. Many ministries of the church work collaboratively and in conjunction to support the purpose of the church.


1.The organization and function of the church is established to support the vision and mission of YCUCC.

2.The Bylaws were written with the belief that members of the church will work with awareness and understanding of the Core Values and Core Beliefs as discerned by the members of the church.

C.Changes in Bylaws

1.Changes in BylawsI - II must be approved with acongregational vote.

2.Changes in Bylaws III - XIImust be approved by a minimum of 7 of the 11 voting members of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team


Welcoming all people as we seek to live Christ’s example


To nurture the divine spark within all people so that together we may advance God’s peace and justice, to serve others and creation with open minds, generous hearts and willing hands.

F.Core Values

We value…

  • An open, welcoming church environment and acknowledge this as an opportunity for ongoing emphasis.
  • Ministry to persons in times of hardship whose needs may be emotional, spiritual, physical or financial.
  • The spiritual nurturing of our children and young adults and dedicate ourselves to passing on our Christian faith through Christian education, experiences and example.
  • Our responsibility to identify and respond to Local, National and Worldwide needs in a giving and Christian manner.
  • Our time of fellowship and breaking bread together and recognize its vital role in our social and spiritual growth.
  • The gift of music and song as an integral part of our worship experience and an expression and proclamation of our faith.
  • Our responsibility to be good stewards of the earth and environment that God has entrusted to us.
  • The need for direct, open communications and transparency of our actions. And, we recognize the need for parity in our expectations of one another.
  • The Bible as Holy Scripture and as a guide for our individual Faith Journeys and Spiritual Guidance and encourage thoughtful interpretation as we seek to apply it to our lives.
  • Our local church autonomy.

G.Core Beliefs

1.We believe that Jesus is the head of the church and that “God is still speaking” to the church and through the church.

2.We believe that, as the church of Jesus Christ, …

a.We are to live and minister, seeing God in every human being.

b.God calls us to live as Jesus did, and through prayer and discernment, align our livesand ministries with God’s purposes in the world.

c.We are to continue the mission Jesus left to us as His disciples – makingdisciples/followers of all people by sharing God’s love in word and deed.

d.God calls us to be a prophetic voice in our community, as Jesus was, living justly and calling for justice in all places.

e.We are to live and serve in a way that brings people closer to each other and closer to God, working in love for the wholeness and unity of all creation.

f.God calls us to be open to ongoing renewal, always seeking to find common grounds of service and ministry with other faith communities.

g.God calls us to live on the forefront of society, bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to life in our lives and our ministry to others.

h.We are called to minister and serve without fear, knowing that God’s side of our covenant with Him assures us that His love and forgiveness are sufficient to embrace our successes and our failures.

i.We need to be a joyous and celebrating community of faith.

II.Organizational Structure


1.We have chosen “shepherds” as a designation of leadership within the church. A shepherd is a person who protects, guides and watches over a person or group of people within his/her ministries. The term shepherd has been used in churches for centuries. It is our vision that each shepherd in the church will create a Christian atmosphere, while leading the ministries with whom they work.

2.Eleven shepherds have been identified as the leadership body for the church. Each shepherd has responsibility for a group of ministries. It is the responsibility of each shepherd to be an advocate for those ministries. This leadership body is called the “Shepherds’ Leadership Team.”

B.Shepherds’ Leadership Team

1.The Shepherds’ Leadership Team will be a group of leaders, members of YCUCC, who will meet monthly to guide the activities of the church and make decisions to support the purpose, vision, mission, core values and core beliefs.

2.The Shepherds’ Leadership Team will be comprised of 11 elected “Shepherds” who protects, guides and watches over a person or group of people within his/her ministries. Also on the Shepherds’ Leadership Team will be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Recording Secretary and the Pastor.

C.Supporting Teams

Five established supporting teams to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team are listed below:
  • Nominating Team
  • Visioning Team
  • Legal Responsibilities Team
  • Pastor-Parish Relations Ministry Team
  • Audit Team


1.The structure of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team and its responsibilities provide a foundation for thorough, open and straightforward communication, collaboration and cooperation, transparency in conduct, problem-solving avenues, inclusiveness, equality and ways to develop and grow the mission of the church.

2.Communication: An underlying function is multi-directional communication. It is important for all to listen and communicate in a Christian manner. An atmosphere of collaboration is critical to the success of our church’s vision and mission. Healthy communication is the responsibility of every member of the church.

3.Decision-making: Decisions shall be made as close to the source as possible. Whenever possible, decisions within a ministry shall remain with that ministry.

4.Fiscal Year: The fiscal year for YCUCC shall be July1 to June 30.


1.Within the church, there are many ministries. Ministries are defined as ongoing activities that are designed to promote the four branches of the church. These ministries vary but must have one thing in common. They must be consistent with the purpose, vision, mission, core values and core beliefs as adopted by the congregation.

2.Members of the church are encouraged to actively participate in one or more ministries of the church.

3.A “Ministry” . . .

a.Moves one’s passion in action.

b.Gives an opportunity for worship, learning, fellowship, and service.

c.Meets as often as desired or needed.

d.Continues as long as needed.

e.Includes any number of members.

f.Creates its own agenda within the vision, mission, core values and core beliefs of YCUCC.

g.Serves others in the church and community.

h.Shares God-given talents and gifts.

i.Gives joy and meaning to all involved.

j.Is it a God-centered experience?

4.Ministries may be added or discontinued as the church or Shepherds’ Leadership Team determines.

F.Shepherds’ Ministry Groups

1.Ministries that provide similar experiences or services have been grouped together.

2.There will be11 ministry groups.

a.Eight of the ministry groups directly support the four major branches of the Church: Christian Education; Worship; Church Family (Fellowship)and Community (Service).

b.The Shepherds’ Ministry Groups are:

1.)Christian Education – Children and Youth

2.)Christian Education – Adult

3.)Worship - Serving

4.)Worship - Preparation

5.)Church Family - Caring

6.)Church Family - Fellowship