Yokogawa Centap Plus/CS
Interface Documentation
Version 2.1.0 and greater
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Table of Contents
Introduction 1
PI Point Database 3
Point Source 3
IORates Counter 3
Digital State Table 3
Centap Value Error Codes 3
Centap Value Status Codes 4
Point Definition 6
Interface Configuration 9
Hardware 9
Software 9
Communication Testing 9
Interface Command Files 9
PISysExe:Ycs#.Com 9
PISysExe:YcsDetach.Com 9
PISysExe:YcsLink.Com 9
Interface Operation 9
Starting the Interface 9
Stopping the Interface 9
Data Rate Monitoring 9
Error and Information Logging 9
Error Handling 9
Installation Checklist 9
Yokogawa Document 9
Scan Principles 9
Digital State Table Contents 9
February 1998 19
The Yokogawa Centap-Plus/CS Interface (PI-IN-YO-CPLUS) provides for two way communications between the PI System and Yokogawa Centum CS, Centum-XL and Centum-V DCS systems. The Yokogawa Y20740A Centap-Plus/CS communication software is used. This interface runs on a PI Home or PINet system on a DEC VAX or Alpha computer running OpenVMS. Both DEC TCP/IP (UCX) and TGV MULTINET are the supported TCP/IP protocols at this time.
If the customer is running on a DEC Alpha machine, theyshould be running version R1.08.00 of the Yokogawa Centap Plus/CS communication software or greater. This version of the software contains a patch which resolves high performance arithmetic trap errors.
The features supported by this interface are the following:
Sign-up for updates / Yes
Exception reporting / Yes
PINet / Yes
Outputs / Yes
Vendor software required / Yes
Failover / No
Maximum points / Depends on number of gateways used
PI Point Database
A PI point/tag is used to map a single Yokogawa DCS system data element referenced as Yokogawa tag name. The master and auxiliary identifiers are used to specify the Yokogawa tag names.
The interface requires that the point source, IORates counter, and PI points associated with the interface be defined. In addition the digital state table must be edited. These requirements are discussed below.
Point Source
This is usually Y but can be any character as long as there is no conflict with other point sources used for the PI system. Edit PISysExe:Ycs#.Com to specify the character used for the interface. Run Point Src from the PI menu to define the character used as well as the location parameter limits:
1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
99 / 1 / 0 / x [1] / 1
IORates Counter
This is required for each interface process. The IORates tag SYYOCS## should be defined in PI point database and added to file PISysDat:IORates.Dat, where ## is the interface process number ranging 1 to 99. Note that IORates counters 35 to 50 are reserved for Oil Systems. The user can use an existing IORates tag as template while building SYYOCS##.
Digital State Table
In order to map sets of strings to CENTAP Data Access errors that can occur while accessing data, the interface specific digital state codes need to be added to the PI system digital state table. A suggested set of Digital State strings is listed in the table below.
Centap Value Error Codes
An error code is returned when accessing values with CENTAP. These error codes can be either mapped into the Digital State table or reported as BAD INPUT. If the /ET=n switch is specified in the interface startup command line, Data access errors will be mapped into the set of digital states beginning with the state designated by n, i.e. the digital state CxBadDACC should be in state n. Otherwise, Data access errors will be indicated by a status of BAD INPUT.
A suggested set of Digital State error code strings follows.
Unmapped Data Access Error / A Data Access error occurred which is not otherwise mapped to a Digital State. / CxBadDACC
CPX_Ertn_InvalidAddress / A communication error has been caused due to an invalid FCS address. / CxBadAddress
CPX_Ertn_StationNotReady / Error communicating to the station, gateway-Ethernet / CxBadStation
CPX_Ertn_IllegalHeader / A communication error has been caused due to abnormality in the response time. / CxBadHeader
CPX_Ertn_InvalidData / A data conversion error (IEE format-VAX internal format) has been caused or abnormal data have been detected. / CxBadData
CSS_Ertn_DataType / A data type conversion error (character data-numeric data) has been caused. / CsBadDataTyp
CSS_Ertn_OverFlow / An overflow has been caused during data type conversion. / CsDataOvrflo
CSS_Ertn_InvalidTag / An error has been caused during an inquiry to the ICS (tag-accessing error). / CsBadTag
CSS_Ertn_IllegalPdid / An error has been caused in the format of a tag character string. / CsIllegalTag
0x001-0x00FC / An error has been caused in the VHF communication (low-order package). / CsGateFail
0x88888 / An error has been caused during access to the ICS, Or an error has been detected in the tag or data item name. / CsICSError
0x8102-0xA4B0 / An error has been caused during access to the CENTUM CS FCS (the data item is not found, the data item name cannot be set, etc.) / csFCSError
Centap Value Status Codes
A status is returned with the value of each point. Multiple status values may be returned for a single point value, each of which is represented by a single bit in a 32 bit integer. The use of this status is optional and is controlled by the value in the UserInt1 field. The status values are ordered by importance with the most important status occupying the most significant bit. If there is more than one status the interface will store the status that is of most importance into PI. The set of status strings is stored in the digital state table (PI2) or the sytem digital state set (PI3) as an offset from the digital start command line argument (/ds=nn).
These offsets range from 1 (most importatnt) to 22 (least importatnt) as follows:
Not Used / — / <Place Holder> / 0
Most Importatnt / 0x80000000 / Data Illegal / 1
… / 0x40000000 / Data Questionable / 2
0x20000000 / Communication failed / 3
0x10000000 / Not from process / 4
0x08000000 / Data output fail / 5
0x04000000 / Clamp at hi-limit / 6
0x02000000 / Clamp at Low-limit / 7
0x01000000 / Conditional / 8
0x00800000 / Calibration / 9
0x00400000 / Not effective / 10
0x00200000 / Off service / 11
0x00100000 / Maintenance / 12
0x00008000 / Input open at hi / 13
0x00004000 / Input open at low / 14
0x00002000 / Output open / 15
0x00001000 / P-I/O not ready / 16
0x00000800 / P-I/O no response / 17
0x00000400 / P-I/O long fail / 18
0x00000200 / <Not Used> / 19
0x00000100 / <Not Used> / 20
0x00000080 / Master initialize / 21
0x00000040 / Slave initialize / 22
¼ / 0x00000020 / SV push back / 23
Least Important / 0x00000010 / Write request / 24
Note: Centap does not return statuses for digital points that are in string format. If a value is placed in the UserInt1 field for these points, it is ignored.
Point Definition
Point Source
This should match the point source created for this interface and is specified in the interface startup file.
Source Tag
This field is used for output points. It specifies the PI point that is the data source for the output data. If this field is left blank for an output tag, the source tag specified in extended descriptor is used as the data source. If no source tag specified in either place, the PI point itself is used as the data source.
Extended Descriptor
This field contains the name of the Yokogawa tag name to be accessed as:
ycs=master identifier/auxiliary identifier
Master and auxiliary identifiers are used as function parameters to access process data. Each identifier uses standard-width alphanumeric characters – their formats are as follows:
Example: “PLANT001.TSTTAG001”
Up to 8 characters can be used for a plant name and up to 16 characters for a tag name in the CENTUM system.
Auxiliary identifier / An auxiliary identifier is composed of the data item name and array element number used in the CENTUM system using a character string of up to 18 characters – including a period separating the two names and another to separate one- and two- dimensional array element numbers.
Example: “PV.2.3”
Up to 8 characters can be used for a data item name and up to 4 characters each for one- and two-dimensional array element numbers.
CENTUM systems use different plant, tag, and data item names and array element numbers. To access a CENTUM-XL or -V system field control station, the item name used by the system must be used. The loop status, for example, is specified as follows:
CENTUM CS system: “MODE”
CENTUM-XL/V system: “LOOP”
Omission of Identifier Components / If some identifier components are not available, they can be omitted – together with the separating period that precedes the omitted component (the period that follows the omitted component cannot be omitted). See examples below:
Master identifier: “PLANT001.TSTTAG001” (none omitted)
Aux. identifier: “PV” (array element number omitted)
Master identifier: “.TSTTAG001” (plant name omitted)
Aux. identifier: “PV” (array element number omitted)
The acceptable tag formats for the Yokogawa systems are uppercase, alpha numeric characters combined with an optional control character “.”. The interface converts all lower case characters to upper case and reports the errors in other non-acceptable configurations in the PISysMgr:PIMessLog.Txt. Additionally, the value of the tag is set to a digital state that indicates the configuration error, Configure, unless the /ET (extended error messages) option is specified.
In addition, for output points, this field can be used to specify the output data source as:
source=any valid PI tag name
For data access event input points, this field is used to specify the PI trigger point:
event=any valid PI tag name
The scan flag is used by the interface to control processing of a point. A value of ON for the point indicates that it should be serviced by the interface. Edit the Point Attributes to set scan off to make the interface delete it from its list of points. The value of SCAN OFF will be written to a point when its scan flag has been turned off. Change it back to ON when the point to scan again.
Point Type
The PI point type maps to the Yokogawa DCS system data type. Use R for real data, I for integer data, and D for digital state data (Loop Status and Alarm Status, for example). Yokogawa system integer values may range between -32767 and 32767 and PI integer values range between 0 and 32767. For Yokogawa integers whose zero is less than zero, the point type should be R and the precision should be FULL rather than SCALED. All other Yokogawa integers should be point type I and SCALED.
This field contains the interface number. A maximum of 99 interfaces can run concurrently with the same point source. For a single PI system, multiple interface processes can run and communicate to different Yokogawa DCS systems.
The interface number should match the parameter /IF=# specified in PISysExe:Ycs#.Com.
Digital State points in the Yokogawa system can be stored as either strings (such as controller modes) or as integers. To convert Yokogawa integers to PI Digital State points, set Location2 to 1.
0 = Convert Yokogawa String to PI Digital State
1 = Convert Yokogawa Integer to PI Digital State
This field is used to specify the scan class number. It is used for time based data access input. The point update period for each scan class is defined in the interface start up file PISysExe:Ycs#.Com. All tags within a given scan class are accessed at the rate specified for the class.
This field is used to specify whether the tag is an input or an output.
0 = input from Yokogawa DCS
1 = output to Yokogawa DCS
Integer 1
Whether or not the status of a point’s value is stored in PI instead of the point value is determined by the importance of the status. The UserInt1 field determines the least important state to report. If the most importatnt status of a point value does not lie between 1 and UserInt1, it is ignored. If UserInt1 is 0, all statuses for that point value are ignored. See the Digital State Table on page 3.
Exception Specs.
The Yokogawa interface employs exception reporting. The compression and exception minimum times should always be set to zero. The exception deviation and maximum time should be set according to what constitutes a significant process change.