Skipper Book: Rank Path, Section 1
John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Suggested Object: Life Preserver
Object Lesson:
- Keeps you safe or protects your life while boating.
Spiritual Lesson:
- When you trust Jesus as your Savior, He becomes your Spiritual life preserver.
- He makes sure that you go to Heaven.
- Once it’s on, it stays on forever.
Skipper Book: Rank Path, Section 2
John 20:31 – “…these are written that ye might believe that Jesus in the Christ, the Son of God…”
Suggested Object: A Bible
Object Lesson:
- A Bible contains true information about what has happened, what’s happening, and what’s going to happen, and things that are really special.
Spiritual Lesson:
- Because the Bible is true, we can believe/trust what it says.
- The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), and the Son of God.
Skipper Book: Rank Path, Section 3
Psalm 118:1 – “O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good…”
Suggested Object: A father or a police officer. Ask them what they do for their kids/citizens.
Object Lesson:
- These guys are always looking out for us, protecting us, giving us good things.
- We should be thankful for them.
Spiritual Lesson
- Our Heavenly Father is always looking out for us, protecting us, giving us good things too.
- We should be thankful for God
Skipper Book: Rank Path, Section 4
1 John 4:19 – “We love Him because He first loved us.”
Suggested Object: A friendly dog. Pick a Sparkie for the dog to enthusiastically greet.
Object Lesson:
- Dogs are examples of “unconditional” love. They love us no matter what.
- Its normal, when one person loves someone, for that person to love them back
Spiritual Lesson:
- The Bible tells us that God loved us first.
- Its normal for us to love God back.
Skipper Book: Red Jewel 1, Section 2
1 John 4:14 – “…the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.”
Suggested Object: Pick an Obedient Sparkie and tell them to go get something for you.
Object Lesson:
- Tell how that child was obedient to go and do what you asked them to.
- Get kids to give examples of how they are obedient to their parents.
Spiritual Lesson:
- Jesus did what God told Him to.
- The Bible says that Jesus is the Savior of the World (everyone)
- Talk about what it means to have Jesus as your Savior
Skipper Book: Red Jewel 1, Section 3
Romans 1:16 – “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth…”
Suggested Object: Things you might be ashamed or embarrassed about.
Object Lesson:
- Talk about being ashamed or feeling embarrassed.
Spiritual Lesson
- We don’t need to be ashamed to tell other people about Jesus.
- Jesus is the most important thing we can share with others because He is the way to get to Heaven.
Skipper Book: Red Jewel 1, Section 4
1 Cor. 15:3 – “…Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.”
Suggested Object: The Bible
Object Lesson:
- The Bible tells us true and historically accurate facts about Jesus.
- Archeologists (people that dig up old things) continue to find old things that prove the people/places/events described in the Bible are true.
Spiritual Lesson:
- The Bible tells us the Jesus Christ died for our sins.
- Talk about what sins are (lying, cheating, being mean, etc), what God has to do about them (punish us by keeping us out of heaven), and why its so important that Jesus died for them (took our punishment so we could one day go to heaven).
Skipper Book: Red Jewel 2, Section 2
1 Cor. 15:4 – “And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.”
Suggested Object: The Bible (again) – remind them that what’s in the Bible is all true.
Object Lesson:
- Talk about Jesus being placed in the sealed tomb after He died and that 3 days later He was alive again.
Spiritual Lesson:
- Jesus did something that no man in history has ever done. He died then came back from the dead on his own.
- Jesus proved that He was God and has power over death.
- Talk again about why His death was so important.
Skipper Book: Red Jewel 2, Section 3
James 2:10 – “ For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend at one point, he is guilty of all.”
Suggested Object: A copy of some school rules, and of the 10 Commandments
Object Lesson:
- Talk about why it’s important to follow the rules.
- Ask if anyone has ever broken a rule at home or school and what was the consequence.
Spiritual Lesson:
- God gave us some rules to live by (talk about the 10 commandments)
- Only Jesus was able to follow the rules. Because we are human, we will break some of the rules because we can’t help it.
- What’s our punishment for breaking God’s rules and how to avoid it?
Skipper Book: Red Jewel 2, Section 4
Acts 16:31 – “…Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; and thou shalt be saved…”
Suggested Object: A chair (have a Sparkie close their eyes and sit down in the chair.
Object Lesson:
- The Sparkie didn’t have to see the chair to believe that they could sit in it and it would hold them up.
- Talk about other things that we believe in. (Blind faith)
Spiritual Lesson:
- Remind them that the Bible is true.
- If we believe in Jesus then we can trust that we are saved from the punishment of our sin.
- Talk about the right things to believe about Jesus (God, Savior, etc.)
Skipper Book: Red Jewel 3, Section 8
John 17:17 – “…Thy word is truth.”
Suggested Object: A Fiction Book and the Bible
Object Lesson:
- Ask Sparkies what a Fiction book is. (made up story, just pretend, etc.
- Ask if they can trust what a Fiction book says. Why not?
Spiritual Lesson:
- God’s word – the Bible is true.
- Many people have tried and failed to prove it wrong.
- Historical and Archeological facts agree with the Bible.
- We can trust that God’s word is true.
Skipper Book: Red Jewel 4, Section 2&3
John 1:1-2 – “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.”
Suggested Object: Someone or something with a nickname.
Object Lesson:
- A nickname is just another name for someone.
- Talk about different nicknames.
- If someone has a nickname, does that make them a different person.
Spiritual Lesson:
- Jesus’ special name is the “Word”.
- Jesus is God.
- We can learn about Jesus in the Bible.
Skipper Book: Red Jewel 4, Section 4
John 1:3 – “All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.”
Suggested Objects: A Rock, Something Wooden and Something Metal
Object Lesson:
- Ask several kids what the items are and what they are made from.
- Start with metal and wood and ask who made them.
- Ask who made the rock.
Spiritual Lesson:
- Help the Sparkies understand that God made everything.
- Even if man has shaped or changed it, God made the raw materials first.
Skipper Book: Red Jewel 4, Section 5
John 1:4 – “In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.”
Suggested Object: Identical battery powered flashlights, one with batteries and one without.
Object Lesson: (Turn on the working flashlight)
- Ask Sparkies what makes the flashlight shine.
(Turn on non-working flashlight)
- Ask Sparkies why the 2nd flashlight doesn’t work.
Spiritual Lesson:
- When we are unsaved, we are like a flashlight w/o batteries.
- When we trust Jesus as Lord and Savior, He causes us to shine for Him.
Skipper Book: Green Jewel 2, Section 1
Eph. 6:1 – “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.”
Suggested Object: A Parent
Object Lesson:
- Ask kids if they ever don’t do what their parents tell them to.
- Ask Parent how it makes them feel when their child dis-obeys.
- Ask Parent how it makes them feel when their child is obedient.
Spiritual Lesson:
- God says that obeying your parents is the right thing to do.
- Ask kids why they think God wants them to obey their parents (safety, special treats, role models, etc.)
Skipper Book: Green Jewel 3, Section 3
Col. 1:3 – “We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ praying always for you.”
Suggested Object: A Missionary Prayer Card
Object Lesson:
- Talk about the information in the prayer card.
- Talk about what the Missionary might need.
Spiritual Lesson:
- When we talk to God (prayer), we can ask God to take care of the Missionary, keep him (or her) safe, help them talk to others about Jesus, etc.
- God wants us to talk to Him about helping others, and not just about us.
Skipper Book: Green Jewel 4, Section 1
Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning God created the heaven and the Earth.”
Suggested Object: An Acorn. Maybe one for each Sparkie
Object Lesson:
- Play “Where Did It Come From” (Acorn comes from big Oak tree, big Oak comes from small oak, small oak comes from acorn in the ground, where did the ground come from?)
- Play several times with different objects.
Spiritual Lesson:
- Everything can be traced back to God’s original creation.
(If you believe in the Big Bang Theory, where did the energy that caused the Big Bang come from?)
Skipper Book: Review Island, Section 1
Luke 2:11 – “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”
Suggested Object: Bible, Read the Christmas Story from Luke.
Object Lesson:
- Talk about the Christmas Story in words the kids understand.
Spiritual Lesson:
- God’s Son was born.
- Talk about why He had to be born (We needed a Savior)
- The Old Testament told the details about Jesus’ birth hundreds of years before it happened.
Skipper Book: Review Island, Section 2
John 6:17 – “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me, hath everlasting life.”
Suggested Object: A bag of candy. Make a Covenent with the Sparkies. (If they will pay attention to Green Meadow Time, you’ll give them a piece of candy when club is over, then follow through on it!)
Object Lesson:
- Explain what a covenent is (an agreement between two people that states what each one is supposed to do.)
- Covenents are only as good (reliable) as the people that make them.
Spiritual Lesson:
- Jesus never lies, so we can trust His covenents.
- Jesus makes a covenent about salvation. (If you believe in Me, I’ll give you eternal life.)
Skipper Book: Review Island, Section 3
Eph 2:8-9 – “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, Not of works, lest any man should boast.”
Suggested Object: Have a big Sparkie try to push over a strong wall.
Object Lesson:
- Ask the tired Sparkie if he could push the wall over.
- Ask the group if they think he is/was able to do it.
- Ask if there are other things that we cannot do ourselves.
Spiritual Lesson:
- The Bible says that we are not able to be save (go to heaven) ourselves.
- Salvation is a gift from God.
Skipper Book: Review Island, Section 4
Proverbs 20:11 – “Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.”
Suggested Object: One of the Other Leaders
Object Lesson:
- Ask leader about what they were like when they were little. (Good/Bad, give examples)
- Ask kids if they know any kids that maybe bad, and how they know.
- Ask for examples of good and bad things that kids do.
Spiritual Lesson:
- God says that everyone is “known” by the kind of things they do.
- God wants us to do good and right things.
Skipper Book: Review Island, Section 5
Proverbs 12:22 – “Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are His delight.”
Suggested Object: One of the Other Leaders
Object Lesson:
- Ask the Leader several questions, tell him to lie about the answers.
- Ask the kids if he lies all the time, can he be trusted?
- Ask the Leader more questions, this time have them tell the truth.
- Ask the kids if someone always tells truth, can that person be trusted?
Spiritual Lesson:
- Lies are sins against God.
- God likes it when we always tell the truth.
- God wants us to be good examples.
Skipper Book: Review Island, Section 6
John 13:34 – “ A new commandment I give unto you. that ye love one another; as I have loved you…”
Suggested Object: A Picture of a Friendly Dog (Unconditional Love)
Object Lesson:
- Ask the kids what a friendly dog does when it sees you.
- The Dog doesn’t care if you are a nice kid or a not-so-nice kid.
Spiritual Lesson:
- God loves us whether we do nice things or bad things. (Though He’d rather we did nice things.)
- Nothing we do can make God stop loving us.
- God wants us to be nice to other people, whether they are nice or not.
Skipper Book: Review Island, Section 7
Heb. 13:5 – “…be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
Suggested Object: Your Shadow
Object Lesson:
- Your shadow is always with you
- Sometime you can’t see it but its still there
Spiritual Lesson:
- God is always with you
- You can’t see Him but the Bible says that he is there
- God will provide what you need.