Yi Wang, Virginia Tech

Home Address: Morrisville, NC27560

Mobile: 540-257-4905; E-Mail: ; Web Page:

Objective: Software Development Engineer;ready to work inMarch 2010.

Areas of Expertise:3D graphics, game engines, information visualization,GUI,graphics card drivers,object oriented programming, multi-threading, relational database, software architecture, software usability, agile development, software life cycle management.

MajorSkills: C/C++(10 years), Java (2 years), C#(1 year),Python, .Net3.5, WCF, web services, Eclipse, SQL, XML, HTML; OpenGL, OpenSceneGraph, GPU programming;SVN, Windows, Linux; 3D modeling tools, graphics and visualization libraries.


Ph.D. Candidate, Computer Science, Virginia Tech, (Sep. 2005– present), GPA 3.9

Topic: Design and Evaluation of 3DVisualizationsfor Video Surveillance, advisor: Dr. Doug Bowman

M.S., Computer Science, University of Maryland, BaltimoreCounty, (Sep. 2003 – Aug. 2005), GPA 4.0

Topic: GPU Based Interactive Cloth Simulation for Moving Avatars, advisor: Dr. Marc Olano

B.S., Computer Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, (Sep. 1996 – Jul. 2000)

Industrial Experience

R&D Software Engineer, ABB US CooperateResearchCenter, Raleigh, NC (Sep 2009 –Dec 2009)

DevelopedaMeter Data Integration(MDI) software for smart grid power system.This is adistributed system with tens of modules. Support millions of meter reading in realtime. Agile development using C# and .Net 3.5 on Windows Server 2008. Transmit meter data using JMS + WebShpere MQ as well as SOAP. Data stored in Oracle 11g. Inter-process communication using LCE and Named Pipes.A Principle developer in a four-member team.

R&D Internship, Bosch Research and TechnologyCenter, Palo Alto, CA (May – Aug. 2006, May 2007)

Createdprototypes to embed videos into 3D building models for buildingsurveillance applications. Run on tiled multi-displays under Linux with Chromium support. Developed using C++, gcc and OpenSceneGraph.

Full-time Software Engineer and Team Leader, NEC Advanced Software Tech. Co., Ltd. (Jul. 2000 – Jul. 2003)

OpenGL Trace and Scene Regeneration Tool (Jun. 2002 – Jul. 2003)

One year as a leader of a four-member team. This tool could record OpenGL command streams, regenerate the scene and convert to C code for debugging. Software life cycle managed according to ISO 9001 standard. An iterative waterfall model.I was in charge of requirement analysis, functional design, part of the implementation, verification, and customer communication. Tool developed using C++. Designed with Rational Rose UML.

3D Graphics Card Driver and OpenGL/Direct3D library (Jul. 2000 – Jun. 2002)

Two years of commercial graphics card driver development.A principle programmer in the team. Developed high-end commercial graphics drivers (including OpenGL and Direct3D libraries)for NEC’s TE series 3D accelerators, whichwere used byYAMAHA and Nintendo. I mainly developed OpenGL library using C under Linux (both DRI and client-server mode) and Windows. Also involved in low-level device driver development.

Selected ResearchProjects

Design and Evaluation of 3DVisualization for Video Surveillance (Jan. 2006 – present)

PhD dissertation.Investigatehow to combine captured videos with 3D models of the environment to improve situation understanding. Systematically explore the design space based on a interactivetestbed. Testbed and technique library built on top of OpenSceneGraph using C++ and Visual Studio .Net. Utilized object-oriented design method and many design patterns. 3D models created by 3D Studio Max and Blender.Video processing done by DirectShow Video Library and OpenCV. Potential applications include video surveillance, virtual tourism, remote collaboration and gaming. Advisor: Dr. Doug Bowman.

An Citation Context Search Application with information visualization support (Feb. 2008 – May 2008)

Term-long project for Information Storage and Retrieval class. Do citation search using text mining and visualize result into node clouds. Users can merge nodes and brush-and-link to publication’s citation contexts.System developed by Java and Eclipse. Visualized citations as a node graph using Prefuse Visualization toolkit. Interfaces developed using Swing. Citation data extracted using Lucene and linked to publication data in PostgreSQL.

Effect of Visual Stimuli on User Performance in Immersive Virtual Environments (Sep. 2005 – May. 2006)

Performed two experiments on VT™ CAVE™ to quantitatively evaluate the effects of real world stimuli on user task performance inimmersive virtual environment.Used C, gcc and DIVERSE library to program under Linux.

GPU Based Interactive Cloth Simulation for Moving Avatars (May 2004 – Jul. 2005)

MS Thesis. Taking advantage of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) on parallel computation, achieved ten times acceleration by localizing collision detection and response on the GPU. Cloth simulated by a hierarchy of mess-spring systems. Collision correction on GPU used geometry subdivision and depth peeling. GPU algorithms written in GLSL. Human animated by Cal3D. System developed using C++ and Visual Studio.

Simulation of Explicit Multi Threading based GPUArchitecture (Dec 2003 – Dec 2004)

Research assistant. SimulatedGPU shadersusing XMT(eXplicit Multi Threading) parallel architecture to support more flexible fragment shading for graphics hardware. XMT expanded plain C with multiple SIMD instructions. Simulation done in Mesa using a virtual Linux machine provided by VMWare.

Uranius4: a space shooting game, find giant stars in nebulae and shoot(Feb 2004 – May 2004)

Term-long project for “Computer Graphics for Games”class. Use statistical method to generate 3D star cloud from 2D Nebula photos.Smooth transition from texture to point cloud to geometry. Developed withC++ and WildMagic game engine.

Selected Publications

Yi Wang, D. Bowman, D. Krum, E. Coelho, T. Smith-Jackson, D. Bailey, S. Peck, S. Anand, T. Kennedy, Y. Abdrazakov. “Effects of Video Placement and Spatial Context Presentation on Path Reconstruction Tasks with Contextualized Videos”. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 14, no. 6, Nov. 2008.

Yi Wang, D. Krum, E. Coelho, and D. Bowman. “Contextualized Videos: Combining Videos with Environment Models to Support Situational Understanding”. IEEE TVCG.vol. 13, no. 6,Nov./Dec. 2007.

Yi Wang, K.Otitoju, T.Liu, S.Kim, and D.Bowman, “The Effect of Gaps between Displays on Spatial Perception and Cognition Tasks in Virtual Environments", The International Journal of Virtual Reality, vol. 6, no. 2, 2007.

Yi Wang, K. Otitoju, T.Liu, S.Kim, and D.Bowman, “Evaluating the effects of real world distraction on user performance in virtual environments.” In Proc. of VRST, ACM Press, pages19-26, 2006.


John(Zhenyuan) Wang, PhD, Group Leader, ABB CRC, Email: , Tel: (919)807-5708

Doug Bowman, PhD, Associated Professor, Virginia Tech, Email: , Tel: (540) 231-2058

David Krum, PhD, USC Institute for Creative Technologies, Email:, Tel: (310) 574-5700

Marc Olano, PhD, Associate Professor, UMBC, BaltimoreMD, Email: , Tel: (410) 455-3094

Zhiqiang Duan, Project Manager, NEC-AS, BeijingChina, Email:, Tel: +086-10-82334433 ext 340

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