12.1 Sustaining Biodiversity

Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6 / Week 7 / Week 8 / Week 9 / Week 10
What is Biodiversity?
World Biomes / Threats to Biodiversity / Australia’s Bio-regions &
Nutrient Cycles / Local Area Research
Written Report Set / Protecting Biodiversity &
Field Trip / Report Preparation Written Report Check / Introduced Species / Local and Regional Case Studies
Written Report Due / Review – SRT Revision
SRT / Exam Block
Term / Learning Goal / Success Criteria / Resources
1 / Investigate biodiversity. Identify reasons for biodiversity, analyse its impacts and summarise key components of differing ecosystems /
  • List living and non-living components
  • Identify interconnections between components
  • Construct and link flow chart models of ecosystems
  • Summarise ecosystem processes and energy flows
  • Construct a list of key definitions
/ Senior Geography 2 Ch3 – pp 69 - 124
pp 75 -91
World Spheres
What is Biodiversity? - Introduction
Frozen Planet
Definitions Presentation
Biodiversity Definitions List
Biodiversity Definitions Complete
Composite climate graph skills
Composite Graph Excel Example
2 / Investigate and summarise threats to Biodiversity /
  • Notes and summary of effects on biodiversity
  • Use of online databases and spatial images to analyse biodiversity trends
  • Research local area species loss and threats to biodiversity
  • Apply APA referencing
/ Senior Geography 2 Ch3 – pp 69 - 124
pp 99 - 109
Current Species Loss
ICUN Red-list Activity
Threats to Biodiversity – Sinister Sextet
Threats to Biodiversity –Research
Impacts of Introduced Species
3 / Investigate and identifynutrient cycles, their links to biomes and changes, impacts and influences
Investigate changes to Australia’s Bio Regions
Evaluate the roles of consumers, producers, decomposers /
  • View and understand nutrient cycle models and be able to explain ecosystem matches and impacts to nutrient models
  • Write an extended paragraph annotating key effects on vegetation patterns
  • Construct and interpret graphs on nutrient cycles
  • Identify species and summarise roles of producers, consumers and decomposers
/ Senior Geography 2 Ch3 – pp 69 - 124
pp 92 -99,
Food Webs and Chains
4 / Investigate and summarise the Geology of Cooloola Region /
  • Define– Perched Lakes, Sand blow, Podzolic soils, Fens,
  • Field Trip– Rainbow Beach / Cooloola NP – preparation
  • Assessment preview – analyse criteria
  • Measuring vegetation in quadrats
/ Senior Geography 2 Ch3 – pp 69 - 124
Exemplar – Field Report - HBSHS
APA referencing guide – USQ
Measuring Vegetation
Perched Lakes
Geology of Cooloola
Geomorphology of Cooloola - Thesis
Fri - Assessment - Written Report Set
5 / Analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of differing strategies in the maintenance of biodiversity /
  • Field Trip – Rainbow Beach / Cooloola NP
  • Research approaches to intergenerational biodiversity
  • Complete a comparison matrix
  • Prepare a class oral presentation
/ Senior Geography 2 Ch3 – pp 69 - 124
pp 109 - 115
Wild Life Corridors
Wildlife Corridors diagram p119
Biome Types - Summary
6 / Synthesise information from field studies (primary) and research data (secondary) to complete a written report on biodiversity in the Fraser Cooloola area /
  • Complete Written Report Draft
/ Senior Geography 2 Ch3 – pp 69 - 124
Fri - Assessment - Report Draft Due
7 / Compare geographical data on Australian feral species.
Investigate a case study on an Australian feral speciesandan Australian Conservation Group eg AWC /
  • Research an Australian feral species including history, effect (including economic) and response
  • Complete a pairs presentation
/ Senior Geography 2 Ch3 – pp 69 - 124
pp 102-109
Introduced Species – Summary Example (Fire Ants)
8 / Investigate threats to local species. Evaluate conservation measures and external pressures leading to species decline /
  • Local and Regional Case Study – Dugongs + PNG
  • Summarise key impacts on local species
  • Research geographic distribution of sea grass beds in the Great Sandy Straits
  • List impacts on dugong environments
  • Suggest counter measures for decline
/ Senior Geography 2 Ch3 – pp 69 - 124
pp 115 - 123
PNG Introduction
PNG Flora and Fauna
Local Case Study – Dugongs
Local Flooding Effects
Fri - Assessment - Report Final Due
9 / Identify biodiversity, evaluate and justify threats to biodiversity and human impacts on biodiversity /
  • Complete revision and assessment
/ Senior Geography 2 Ch3 – pp 69 - 124
SRT Revision Sheet
Tues – Assessment - SRT
10 / Exam Block