APRIL 17, 2014

The Board of Beadle County Board of Equalization met Thursday, April 17, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. with the following members present: Chair Mattke, Vice Chair Benson, Hansen, Drake and Marcus. Also present were Pat Tschetter, Director of Equalization and Debbie Lindblad, Deputy Director of Equalization.

Oath was signed by Drake.

The Board Re-considered the assessed value of Jason Edelman’s property after Pat Tschetter, Director of Equalization will look at classifying this property as a flooded land rating.

DIRECTOR’S APPEAL#4 – Record #1933 – SE ¼ 31-110-61. Moved by Marcus, seconded by Hansen, motion carried to raise local boards assessed value from $75,685.00 to $170,805.00.

The Board Re-consideredthe assessed value of Harlan and Alice Mentzel property.

DIRECTOR’S APPEAL #5 – Record#3748 Outlot #2 of Storbeck’s Outlots 1 and 2, S ½ of Section 27, Township 111 N, Range 62 W. Moved by Hansen, seconded by Marcus, motion carried to raise local boards assessed value from $5,643.00 to $11,169.00, and to combine this record number with the SW ¼ of Section 27 for 2014 payable 2015 taxes.

Chairman Mattke turned the meeting over to Vice-Chair Benson

Moved by Marcus seconded by Drake, motion carried to approve tax exempt status (SDCL 10-4-9) of 100 % for Huron Regional Medical Center W65’ of Lots 22 & 23, Block 8, 1st Railway Addition to City of Huron (Rec #11578). Abstain: Chair Mattke and Hansen.

Moved by Drake, seconded by Marcus, motion carried to approve tax exempt status (SDCL 10-4-9) from 30% to 35% for Huron Regional Medical Center all of Lots 11, 12 & 13, Block 13, 2nd Railway Addition to the City of Huron (Record # 11624). Abstain: Chair Mattke and Hansen.

Vice-Chair Benson turned the meeting back over to Chair Mattke.

Moved by Drake, seconded by Benson, motion carried to approve tax exempt status (SDCL 10-4-9) of 50% (asked for 75% but leaving it at 50% due to lack of information) for Farmers Education & COOP Union, All of Lots 1, 2,3, 4 & 5, Block 1, County Auditor Plat #3 to the City of Huron (Record #8913).

Moved by Hansen, seconded by Drake, motion carried to approve tax exempt status (SDCL 10-4-9) of 75% for Farmers Education & COOP Union all Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15 block 1 County Auditor Plat #3 to the City of Huron (Record #8920).

Convene as Board of County Commissioners 11:50 a.m.

Re-Convene as Board of Equalization at 1:30 a.m.

Moved by Drake, seconded by Marcus, motion carried to approve Veteran’s exempt properties listing for 2014 as presented by Pat Tschetter, Director of Equalization. Complete listing on file in Auditor’s Office.

Moved by Hansen, seconded by Benson, motion carried to approve Freeze exemption properties listing for 2014 as presented by Pat Tschetter, Director of Equalization. Complete listing on file in Auditor’s Office.

Moved by Benson, seconded by Hansen, motion carried to approve the Flooded land listing for 2014 as presented by Pat Tschetter, Director of Equalization. Complete listing on file in Auditor’s Office.

Moved by Benson, seconded by Marcus, motion carried to Adopt the 2014 Abstract together with the property values as returned by the various political subdivisions and changes by Local Boards in various taxing districts and to declare the Beadle County Board of Equalization has completed the Equalization matters for the year 2014.

Convene as Board of County Commissioners at 1:45 p.m.


Larry Mattke, Chair of the Board


Jill Hanson, Beadle County Auditor

**Minutes are also available online at the Beadle County webpage

Published once at the total cost of $______