UNIT 5: The Promise of the Holy Spirit
Year Three Religion – Growing in Faith & Growing in Christ
Timeline: May - June
Unit 5 – The Promise of the Holy Spirit
By the end of Grade 3, it is our hope that students will be individuals who: /
- Are curious and open to hearing the saving story of our Christian Faith;
- Actively reflect on God’s Word as communicated through the passages of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures;
- Stand in wonder and awe before God’s self-revelation in creation and in the mysteries of the Catholic Faith proclaimed in the Apostles’ Creed.
BL1Demonstrate an understanding that the “Father and the Son” are revealed by the “Holy Spirit” who was sent from the Father and the Son to remain with the Church forever. [CCC 243–267; 687–780]
BL1.2Identify and explain what specific Gospel narrativesrevealabout the relationshipoftheHolySpiritwithGodtheFather,JesusandtheChurch(e.g.John14:15-17,25-26; John 15:20-26; John 16:7-8, 13-15; Romans 8:26).
- Students will explain, using scripture passages, how the Holy Spirit helped Jesus.
BL2Demonstrate an understanding of Mary as the first disciple and Mother of the Church.
[CCC 963–970]
BL2.1Examine a selection of gospel passagestoidentifythe meaning ofdiscipleandexplainwhyMary’slifeisa model of discipleship (Matt. 12:50 the criteriafordiscipleship; Luke 1:26-38 annunciation – Mary’s obedience to the will of God; Luke1:38-45 visitation – Mary proclaims the Good News to Elizabeth who proclaims Mary asBlessedandMotherofGod;Luke1:46-55 Magnificat–Mary praises God; Luke 2:49-50the challenges of Mary’s discipleship; John 19:25-27 Mary as faithfuldiscipleatthefootof the Cross; Acts 1:13-14 Mary is oneof the disciples gathered at Pentecost).
- Students will retell stories about Mary and explain how we can follow her example.
BL2.2Examine the teaching of the Church to explain why Mary is called the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church.
- Students will describe how Mary is the Mother of God, Mother of the Church and our Mother, too.
BL2.3Identifythe many devotionstoMarythathavedevelopedinthe Tradition oftheChurch and explain howthe mysteries of the Rosary reveal MaryasChrist’sdisciple(proclaims Christ’s life, suffering, death;resurrectionand ascension of Jesus; unfoldMary’svirtues,herassumptionand coronation in heaven).
- Students will develop an understanding of how devotions to Mary help us to understand God’s will.
- Students will explain how prayers and devotions to Mary help us to do God’s will.
BL3Demonstrate an understanding of the Church as a community formed by the mission that it received from Christ (i.e. to announce the Good News – to evangelize through the witness of holiness, teaching and of service to others as Jesus did).
[CCC 535–570; 687–780]
BL3.1IdentifyintheScripturesandin Church teachingthe mission oftheChurch(e.g.spreadingtheGoodNewsto all people of the world throughaction, word and deed and tounitethemwith Christ, “Go therefore and make disciples ofallnations,baptizingtheminthe name of the Father and ofthe Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe allthat I have commanded you.”–Mt.28:19-20;cf.Mk.16:15-16).
- Students will describe how the Holy Spirit works through people.
- Students will explain what the Apostles were supposed to do to carry out Jesus’ mission.
- Students will state what the mission of the Church is and how they can contribute to that mission.
BL3.2Give examples of how the Church, likea sacrament makesChristpresentthroughits witness (e.g. service to those in need; outreachprograms totheyoung,elderly,sickand poor; celebrations of prayer and times of retreat, Catholicschoolreligionclasses,parishsacramental preparation programs, etc.).
- Students will describe how they can make Jesus present through actions and words.
BL3.3Identifytheresponsibilitiesaperson takes onwhentheyagreetoparticipateinamission (i.e.to receive aroleto fulfill, tobe senttodoatask,tobeofservice,tosacrifice,toassist others) and compare thistothe responsibility ofaccepting to participate inthemission ofChristintheworldundertheguidanceoftheHolySpirit(i.e.toannouncetheGospel–JesusChrist,toteach,to baptize, to heal,to offer forgiveness,toserve the sickandpoor,to make Christpresent).
- Students will describe what a person needs to do when they agree to participate in a mission.
Celebrating (CL):
By the end of Grade 3, it is our hope that students will be individuals who: /
- Cherish the sacramental life of the Church as the gift of God’s presence in our lives to nourish, restore, guide and form us as children of God;
- Participate freely in the Sacrament of Eucharist as the central sacrament of the Catholic faith and the Sacrament of Reconciliation to strengthen and renew their relationship with Jesus;
- Find hope and faith in the story of salvation that unfolds through the celebrations of the five seasons of the Church’s liturgical year.
CL1Focus: all sacraments point to the Eucharist: Understand that the Church celebrates sacraments which transform our lives, strengthen us and initiate us into the community of the Church; all sacraments point to the Eucharist as their purpose and end.
[CCC 1113–1134; 1322–1344]
CL1.1Define the meaning of “divine and actual Grace”and find within aselectionofbiblical passages,examples of God’s presence and thegiftofHisgrace transforminghuman experienceintosacredexperience. (Creation Story,Exodusevent,theBirthofJesusandHis baptism, theResurrectionofJesus,PentecostandthegiftoftheHolySpirit.)
- Students will explain that the Apostles received grace through the gifts of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
CL1.2Through an examination of the actions, symbols, and prayers of the SevenSacraments of the Church, identify and explain how the sacraments celebrate initiationandbelongingtothe community ofthe Church (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation), healingsicknessandforgivenessofsin(Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick), renewal and conversion (Baptism, Reconciliation),service (Matrimony, HolyOrders)andhowtheyarealllinkedtoandexpressedinthe Eucharist.
- Students will identify how the sacraments welcome us, heal us and call us to serve one another.
CL1.3Link special moments in human life tothe sacraments (e.g.birthofachild–Baptism; growing in maturity and responsibility– Confirmation; theneedforforgiveness–Reconciliation; the experience of sickness – Anointing of the Sick; decisions ofcommitment–MarriageandHolyOrders)andsuggest other times in our ordinary dailylife when awareness of God’s presence makes thembothspiritualandsignificant(e.g.experienceofnaturei.e.watchingasunrise; special achievementsi.e.artisticandsportsendeavor;onceina life-time eventswhicharenot repeated i.e. thefirstdayofschool).
- Students will link the sacraments to significant moments in life.
- Students will explain how receiving the sacraments are special times in life.
- Students will describe the various stages of a person’s faith journey,including the celebration of sacraments.
CL2Understand that in the celebration of the Eucharist, Christ is present by the power of His word and Spirit and our belief in faith. [CCC 1337–1344; 1373–1381]
CL2.1Connect Christ’s words and actions inthe Gospel narratives of the Last Supperwith the Paschal Mystery (Christ’s death andresurrection)andwiththe symbols, ritualsandprayersinthecelebrationofthe liturgy of the Mass.
- Students will connect Jesus’ words at the Last Supper to the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
- Students will tell what Jesus said at the Last Supper.
CL2.2DescribethewaysinwhichtheChurch confirms its belief in the real presence ofChristintheEucharist(i.e.throughrituals ofprayer,adoration,andbygivingitaspecial placetoresideintheChurch– theTabernacle).
- Students will explain how the Church honours the presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.
CL2.3Through an examination of selected Scripture passages, identify the role of theHolySpiritinthelifeofChristandin the earlyChurchandexplainhowthis role isrepeatedintheliturgyoftheMassin the Church today.
- Students will explain how the Holy Spirit helped the disciples know that Jesus had risen.
- Students will explain how the Holy Spirit is present in the Mass.
CL3Understand that the Church has established special days and seasonsto celebrate thelife ofChrist and the mystery ofhis presence(i.e. Lord’s Day, liturgicalseasons,feasts,and memorials withafocusonAdventand Christmas). [CCC nos. 1091-1112; 1163-1171;1204-1209]
CL3.2Explain how and why particular days, various seasons and feast/saints daysthroughouttheLiturgicalYearoftheChurch arecelebrated(i.e. Sunday/the Lord’s day –celebration oftheEucharist, activities such as Sabbath rest,leisureandrecreation;Adventand Christmas – colours, images, rituals andculturalpractices which expressfaith;Feastdays – All Saints Day, Easter Vigil with the Litany of Saints).
- Students will explain why white is used for liturgical color of the Easter season.
- Students will describe some of the symbols of Easter.
Living a Moral Life (ML):
There are no ML outcomes explored in this unit.
Living in Communion (LC):
By the end of Grade 3, it is our hope that students will be individuals who: /
- Recognize Jesus as a companion and friend who travels with them on the journey of their lives;
- Reflect on the example of the Saints as models for their own lives;
- Appreciate the communal nature of human persons and the communal nature of the Church: communion with God and all of God’s creation.
LC1Demonstrate an understanding of the community of the Church as the temple of the Holy Spirit. [CCC 683–701; 797–810; 731–747]
LC1.1From a selection of biblical passages, identify howthe Holy Spirit came upon theChurch (Pentecost) and what it means to say the Church is the ‘Temple of the Holy Spirit’(e.g.the Spirit dwellsineachofus–1Cor.6:19-20; Christ has gathered the Church as onebody in which He dwells by the Spirit – Ephesians 2:19-22; [CCC no.809];“TheSpiritisthe soul... ofthe Mystical Body, the source of itslife, of its unity in diversity, and of therichesofitsgiftsand charisms.”).
- Students will name the signs and symbols of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
LC2Understand the importance of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit in the Church’s life, i.e. communion in spiritual goods. [CCC 949–953]
LC2.1Describe how the Holy SpiritatPentecostinspiredthedisciplesofJesusto becomea community (i.e. visible and invisible) andthe mission hegaveto them(to witness toJesusintheirwordsandactions;toliveholy and just lives).
- Students will describe how the Apostles responded to their call to witness.
LC2.2IdentifyhowtheHolySpiritkeeps the presence of JesusaliveintheChurch through those who work for unity, justiceand peace (e.g. disciples,saints,missionaries,advocates for justice).
- Students will describe how people answer God’s call to help others.
LC2.3DescribetheGod-givengifts manifested bytheHolySpiritintheearlyChurch(i.e.acommunionofspiritualgoods;i.e. communion in faith, prayer, charisms and charity),and how each contributes to the building up ofthe Church to be a livingwitness to therisen Lord.
- Students will explain how the gifts of the Holy Spirit help them to be witnesses to Christ.
- Students will compare the Spiritual gifts given in the early Church to the gifts given today.
- Students will describe how the Spiritual gifts build the community of believers.
Living in Solidarity (LS):
By the end of Grade 3, it is our hope that students will be individuals who: /
- Appreciate all of creation as gift and actively fulfill their responsibility to be stewards of God’s creation;
- Acknowledge all life as sacred.
LS1Understand that the Holy Spirit assists us to develop and strengthen our relationship with Jesus and one another through our participation in society (i.e. human community / Body of Christ). [CCC 731–747; 1905–1912]
LS1.1Retell the New Testament account ofPentecost(Acts2:1-42) to demonstrate anunderstandingoftheunitytheHolySpirit broughtabout among thosegatheredbytheSpiritandbaptizedbyfire,andthosetowhomthey witnessed.
- Students will retell the story of Pentecost.
LS1.3Through an examination of particularscripture passages (e.g. 1 Cor. 12 – one body, many parts, John 15:1-17 – vine and branches),identify the nature oftheChurch’sunityandhowtheHolySpirit promotes unityintheChurch, i.e. the Body of Christ,anddescribethrough example, ways we can use the gifts the Spirithasgivenustoserveothers(topromotetheCommonGood).
- Students will describe, through examples, how we are called to help and love others.
- Students will connect the image of vine and branches to the call to serve.
LS2Focus: Human dignity: Understand that God created all persons in his one image; equal in their human dignity yet diverse in their being (i.e. male and female, weak and strong, diversity of race, colour, creed, charisms, talents) and this equality and diversity is to be respected. [CCC 356-–384; 1934–1938]
LS2.1ReflectonGenesis1-3intheHebrewScripturesand identify whythecreationofhuman beingsisunique(i.e.we are made in God’s image, we are created to be inrelationship withGodandothers, when wecommitsinit breaks these importantrelationships).
- Students will retell the creation story and describe how we are all the same, yet different.
LS2.2Find evidence within our human relationships (friendships, families, marriage, andsociety, etc.) thatGodhascreatedusas social beings and explain howthe Sacraments ofEucharistandReconciliationmaintain and strengthen theserelationshipswithGodandothers.
- Students will explain how, as the image of God, we can lead a moral, social, and spiritual life.
Praying (PR):
By the end of Grade 3, it is our hope that students will be individuals who: /
- Seek intimacy with God and celebrate communion with God, others and creation through prayer and worship.
PR2Understand that the Church teaches and provides us with guidance as we learn how to pray. [CCC 2623–2625; 2683–2696]
PR2.3Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the Holy Spirit in guiding us as we learn how to pray as Jesus taught us.
- Students will pray with the help of the Holy Spirit.
- Students will identify how the Holy Spirit inspires us through prayer.
- Students will explain how the Holy Spirit helps deepen our love for God.