1001 Clay Avenue
Tyrone, Pennsylvania 16686
Phone: 814-684-4932
Fax: 814-682-1013
Mrs. Kristen N. Pinter Mrs. Gayle Fratangeli Mrs. Lindsay N. Miksich
Middle School Principal Middle School Special Ed. Coordinator Middle School Dean of Students
March 23, 2015
Dear Parent/Guardian,
In order to enhance the 8th grade students’ historical awareness of remarkable individuals, events, and discoveries, we are planning a field trip to Washington, DC on Friday, May 22nd. Various stops along our tour will include the Lincoln, Vietnam, and WWII Memorials, as well as some of the Smithsonian Museums and the White House.
Students will depart from the Middle School at approximately 6:15 am and return by approximately 10:00 pm. For lunch, your child must bring a bag lunch. For dinner, we will be stopping at the Golden Corral in Fredrick, Maryland. Also, because this is an outdoor field trip, students are reminded to dress appropriately for the weather and for walking long distances. Appropriate dress must include the DC Field Trip t-shirt, which all students will receive prior to departing for DC, and must follow the TAMS school dress code.
According to the Tyrone Middle School Student handbook, students who have a combination of 6 in-school suspensions and/ or out of school suspensions throughout the year will not be permitted to attend the field trip unless accompanied by a parent/guardian. The parent/guardian will have to pay for his/her portion of the trip.
We will be using money from the 8th grade fundraiser to help defer the cost of the trip. Because your child did not sell over $100 worth of candy, he/she will need to pay to go on the trip. In order for your child to attend, he/she must pay $45. Checks can be made out to “TREF”. This will cover the remaining cost of the buses as well as the dinner stop at the Golden Corral.
Also, a school nurse will be present on the trip. Teachers have been trained in the proper use of the Epipen. If you child uses an inhaler or usually carries an Epipen, please make sure that they bring it with them on the trip.
Please turn in your check or money to your student’s homeroom teacher by Friday, April 24th, or your child will not be able to participate in this field trip.
Thank you,
The Eighth Grade Team
8th Grade Washington DC Field Trip Permission Slip &
Emergency Contact Information
On Friday May 22nd, the eighth grade students will take an educational field trip to Washington DC. I permit my child, ______, to attend. I release the Tyrone Area School District from any responsibility for injuries that may occur on the trip. I understand that my son/daughter will need to bring a bag lunch and dress appropriately on this day (comfortable clothes that adhere to the dress code).
Parent/Guardian Name Parent/ Guardian Signature
Emergency Contact Information
Do we have permission to seek medical attention for your child if necessary?
Yes _____ No_____
Please list two phone numbers where you can be reached in case of an emergency
______or ______
Alternate Contact ______
Name phone number
Please check below whether or not you are interested in being a chaperone on our field trip. Checking below does not guarantee that you will be selected. After the forms are returned, parent chaperones will be randomly selected. Chaperones will be responsible for a small group of students, including your child.
As of December 31, 2014, all volunteers who are responsible for student supervision must have an Act 34 Criminal Record Check, an Act 151 Child Abuse Clearance, and an Act 114 Federal Criminal History check. Because DC chaperones are responsible for small groups of students, these clearances must be completed and submitted to the school district prior to the trip. Clearances must be submitted by May 8th, IF YOU ARE CHOSEN to be a chaperone.
_____ Yes, I am interested in being a parent chaperone.
_____No, I am not interested in being a parent chaperone.
Please return this form to Mrs. Hetrick by April 24th.
“It is the policy of the Tyrone Area School District not to discriminate on the basis of sex, handicap, race and national origin in its educational and vocational programs, activities, or employment as required by Title IX, Section 504, and Title VI. Please direct questions about this policy to Ms. Cathy L. Harlow, Superintendent of Schools, at 814.684.0710 Ext. 4123.”