State Budgetary Educational Establishment for Higher Professional Education N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University at the Healthcare Ministry of the Russian Federation
(SBEE HPE N.I. Pirogov RNRMU at the Healthcare Ministry of Russia)
(given in individual terms of reference)
Work performed by: (Full name of the student)
Faculty, form of studies (full time/full time and extramural), group №.
Internship basis:______
Head of the internship: (supervisor/for target-oriented students – head of the internship division)
Name of the city, where the work was performed
1. Plan.
2. Literature review on the topic of scientific research.
3. Research targets
4. Research methods
5. Results of studies and discussion
6. Conclusions
7. List of references. (Sources more than 10 years old are not acceptable. Sources should be given in the alphabetic order (by first letters of the author’s family name or by the name of the collection). It is necessary to indicate the publishing house, the city and the year of edition. The list should comprise NLT 5 sources).
Example: Chukaeva I.I., Kislyak О.А. «How we fight against risk factors» Guidelines for polyclinic physicians. Моscow, 2011
Тopics of the scientific & research work of students:
(target-oriented students select the topic on the basis of performed work while undergoing the training and field internship).
1. Flu morbidity analysis at a therapeutic site for a certain period
2. Аnalysis of patients’ adherence to the antihypertension therapy
3. Morbidity analysis with temporary loss of labor ability in nosology
4. Аnalysis of the health survey coverage at a health locality
5. Рrevalence of risk factors in a certain age category of health locality patients
6. Аnalysis of the initial disability retirement of productive age citizens for nosology reasons
7. Аnalysis of diagnosis discrepancies at referral to hospitalization and at the final diagnosis of the hospital.
8. Аnalysis of the rate of seeking for medical assistance of citizens from a certain age category
9. Аnalysis of gender peculiarities of morbidity by nosology
10. Аnalysis of gender peculiarities of the therapy adherence