Hertfordshire Gymnastics Association
Men’s and Women’s Artistic
2014 Competition Handbook
British Gymnastics regulations as published in the 2014 National WTC Competition Handbook and 2014 Regional WTC Competition Handbook will apply to all H.G.A. competitions with any exceptions detailed in this handbook.
Coaches and Club Leaders who wish to enter gymnasts into a Herts event are asked to read and take note of the following information.
All coaches must have a current DBS and a Safeguarding & Protecting Children Certificate before being allowed to accompany gymnasts at competition
Competition apparatus available at Marriotts is to current FIG specification. Therefore clubs may not bring their own equipment to the competition venue, unless this is the hand placement mat for a Yurchenko vault.
Code of Behaviour
The Regional Code of Conduct is applied across all disciplines and to all members of the region. Details of this Code which is part of the Regional Complaints Procedure can be found here
Coaches and gymnasts are also subject to the code of conduct as detailed in the current Code of Points.
Competition Entry
Entry forms are available to download from the Hertfordshire web site. Clubs may also enter gymnasts into a county competition by e mail provided all the details information required on the entry is also entered in the e mail. Should the Treasurer not receive the entry fee by the entry closing date as stated on the entry form, the late entry fee will be applied.
Competition entry fee is £13.50 for Level 7 (floor and vault) and all 4 and 6 piece competition
with the Recreational Apparatus competition being £3.25 per piece. when remitting your cheque please send a copy of the entry e mail or form.
Gymnasts who qualify from a County competition to a Regional final will have the entry fee paid
from County funds, provided sufficient monies are available.
However, clubs will be charged the regional entry fee if their gymnast fails to turn up at the final.
When submitting entries for a BG event each club must ensure that the coaches attending to the participants are qualified to the level of the participants’ performance. The practice of supervising participants working above the level of the coach’s qualification cannot be condoned.
The caveat that permits coaches to practice one level above their coaching qualification in the coaching syllabus refers to a training environment only and is not permitted at BG events. .
Apart from as required for the running of the competition, gymnasts, coaches, judges and officials must not use mobile phones or any other electronic communication devices including tablets in the main arena during the event.
Jewellery/Chewing Gum
Body piercing, adornments and chewing gum is not permitted at training sessions and in the competition arena. Wedding rings must be covered with tape.
All clubs must provide at least 1 qualified judge for all county competitions/grades in
which their gymnast’s have been entered.
Failure to do so may result in the club concerned having to pay £40.00. towards the cost of a replacement judge for a full day and £20.00 for part of a day.
County Events
In County competitions leading to qualification for a National final the following criteria applies to a coach accompanying gymnasts.
1. The coach must hold a minimum qualification of Level 2 coach or above in the sports specific discipline and must hold an award appropriate to the skills being performed by the gymnast.
2. A Level 1 Coach or above, may assist a gymnast in Floor and Vault events to the level of their qualification.
3. It is agreed that a Level 1 coach can accompany a gymnast in the recreational qualifier provided a Level 2 coach from the same club is in the competition arena.
In individual competitions 1 coach per gymnast is allowed and in team competitions 2 coaches
per team only allowed on the competition area at any one time.
All coaches who are in the competition arena must wear a tracksuit and collared polo shirt
or club T-shirt and tracksuit bottoms with suitable footwear.
No shorts or backless footwear allowed.
The competition organiser must be informed in advance where it is necessary to substitute
a coach.
One CD per gymnast, clearly marked with the gymnasts name, number and club.
Honorary Vice-President Mr N Wilde
Ms J Page, ( 07734 821290
Mrs K Hall, (01442 879019
Mrs D McShannon
Mrs J Pritchard, (01727 861973
Ms C Smith (07765011701
Ms S Westley (07947222321
Dr C Hirons, (01438 236912
Mr T Williams (
Mrs L Newell, (01923 855598
Ms K Fairweather, (01582 557754
Mrs P Collins, (01727 873866
Mrs A Price, ( office 01442 230077
Mr C Mussino, (01727 459270
Mr R Wilson (007806 483820
Mrs L Lavelle
Miss K Wayman, ( 01992 630088
Ms A Blemkin (01920 870884
Officers and Officials 2014
CHAIR: Ms K Gowing 317 Mutton Lane, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 2AY
& WELFARE OFFICER 07780 706204
TREASURER/: Mrs J Gowing 319 Mutton Lane, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 2AY
COMPETITIONS Tel: 01707 652475
Tel: 01442 263669
EXECUTIVE: Mr R Grant Rooks Rest, Essendon, Hatfield, Herts AL9 6HW
OFFICER Tel: 01707 259681
W.A. COUNTY Mrs K Butler c/o Dolphina Gymnastic Club,
LEVEL 7 – Floor and Vault Competition for girls
Open to gymnasts with BG Bronze membership and who have not competed in a County 4-piece
competition (excluding HGA Grades).
Age groups 6, 7/8 9/10 11/12 13+*
*should there be insufficient entries in 13+ age group, the county reserves the right to revert to an
11/12+ age group.
Vault – 2 attempts – best score to count
6 60cm Handspring to flat back onto mats
7/8 80cm Handspring to flat back onto mats DV Flat back 1.40
9/10 100cm Handspring to stand DV Handspring 2.40
11/12 110cm Handspring to stand
13+ 110/120cm Handspring to stand
9 – 13+ age groups may handspring to flat back at their respective heights
6A Coded or Uncoded* elements DV 2.10 max
CR: Passage of min 2 x different dance elements 1 minimum of 180º cross split (both elements
must take off from one foot)
Two different acrobatic elements directly connected – do not have to be flight
360º spin
Note: Short exercise deduction for total omission of an element – 2.00 + Value of the move
Gymnast's own music choice between 30secs - 90secs max
LEVEL 6 Individual County Championship
Open to gymnasts with BG Silver membership who have not competed in a County Level 5 individual competition.
Age groups: 6 7/8 9/10 11/12 13+
Vault heights: 60cm 100cm 110cm 110/120cm 120cm
VAULT Handspring to flat back (to crash mats) DV 1.40 Two attempts, best score to count
BARS Set routine: Circle up, back hip circle, DV 3.00
Squat on to catch high bar, ¾ baby giant or optional upstart to catch high bar, undershoot dismount to land
Single bar: Circle up, back hip circle DV 1.80
Undershoot dismount to land
Note: gymnasts age 6 my only compete single bar routine and must have an extra 10cm of matting for dismount.
BEAM CR: 6A Coded or Uncoded *elements DV 2.60
Acro element
180° spin
Large leap/jump or hop series
A element/uncoded* or a round off dismount
Note: Short exercise deduction for total omission of an element – 2.00 + Value of the move
Note: Gymnasts aged 6 - beam will be at 100cm height and have an extra 10cm of matting for dismount.
FLOOR CR: 6A Coded or Uncoded* elements DV 2.60
Acro series of two different elements with/without flight
Acro series of 2 different elements 1 with flight
OR 1 Acro line
Passage of min 2 x different dance elements minimum of 180º cross split (both elements must take off from one foot)
360° spin
Note: Short exercise deduction for total omission of an element – 2.00 + Value of the move
Optional music 30secs – 90secs max
Gymnasts who attain an overall score of tbc or above must compete at Level 5 in 2015
LEVEL 5 County Individual Championship
Open to gymnasts with BG Silver membership who have not competed in a County Level 4
individual competition.
Age 8 years in 2013
All rules as In Age Level 4 2014
Age 9+ in 2014
Age groups 9/10 11/12 13+
VAULT – 1 vault performed
Straight front to stand from springboard OR DV tbc
Handspring to stand 1 springboard allowed DV 2.40
Min. Height 9/10 115cm 11/12 120cm 13+ 125cm
BARS – Difficulty 5A coded or uncoded* elements Maximum DV 2.50
CR value(0.50) 1 Low to high bar change
1 Upstart (performed on high or low bar)
1 Close bar circle
1 A Coded or uncoded dismount**
Note: Short exercise deduction for total omission of an element – 2.00 + Value of the move
BEAM– Difficulty 6 A coded or uncoded* elements Maximum DV 3.10
CR value (0.50) 1 Forward/Side acro element
1 Backward acro element
1 360° spin
1 Leap series of 2 elements 1 showing 180° split
1 A Coded dismount
Note: Short exercise deduction for total omission of an element – 2.00 + Value of the move
Note: A bonus of .50 will be given if all CR's fulfilled and no falls.
FLOOR – Difficulty 6 A coded or uncoded elements Maximum DV 2.60
EGR’s (value 0.50) 1 Acro series with a minimum of 2 flight elements 1 with salto
1 Acro line with a different shape salto
1 Passage of dance elements (2 different coded/*uncoded elements
both 1 foot take off) with 180° cross split, does not have to be directly
connected, may have chasse or steps within this passage.
360° Spin
Note: Short exercise deduction for total omission of an element – 2.00 + Value of the move
Gymnasts who attain an overall score of 44.00 or above must compete at Level 4 in 2015
LEVEL 4 County Individual Championships
Age 9 years in 2014
Open to gymnasts with BG Silver membership who have not competed at a higher level (excluding teams)
All rules as In Age Level 4 2014
Out of Age gymnasts (10+) rules:
Age groups 10/11 12/13years 14+
Vault height 120cm 125cm
Vault - Any vault from the code of points. No saltos allowed
Bars - As Voluntary In Age Level 4 save that the barred elements do not apply and may be performed To be performed on asymmetric bars
Beam - As Voluntary In Age Level 4 save that the barred elements do not apply and may be performed
Floor - As Voluntary In Age Level 4 save that the barred elements do not apply and may be performed
This competition is also the county qualifier for the Out of Age Regional Final.
The first three placed gymnasts who qualify in age groups 10/11, 12/13 and 14+ will go forward to the
Regional final.
Out of Age gymnasts who attain an overall score of 44.00 or above at a regional individual competition must compete at Level 3 in 2015
The following elements are not A coded elements but can be used in exercises and will attract
a value of .10 each. The bar dismount element will fulfill dismount CR
BARS: Squat onto low bar Tucked sole circle
Cast above 45° ¾ baby giant from LB to HB
Dismount: **Straddle on undershoot
BEAM: Forward roll Round off dismount (Level 6 only)
Cat leap Japana (Level 6 mount only)
Tuck jump Jump to straddle lever mount (Level 6 only)
Stretch jump mount 1/2 spin
Squat on (Level 6 only)
FLOOR: Cartwheel Backward walkover
Forward walkover Valdez
Headspring Handstand forward roll
Cat leap Backward roll to handstand
Tuck jump Wolf jump/hop
LEVEL 3 County Individual Championships
In Age 10years
Open to gymnasts of the correct age with BG Silver membership and who have not competed at a higher level (excluding teams)
All rules as per 2014 Voluntary National Age Group Championships
Out of Age gymnasts (11+)rules
All rules as per 2014 Voluntary National Age Group Championships with the following changes
Two age groups 11/12 13/14+
Vault height 125cm both age groups
Vault - DV as In Age rules.
Bars - Performed on asymmetric bars. As Voluntary In Age Level 3 save that the barred elements do not apply and may be performed
Beam - As Voluntary In Age Level 3 save that the barred elements do not apply and may be performed
Floor - As Voluntary In Age Level 3 save that the barred elements do not apply and may be performed
This competition is also the county qualifier for the Out of Age Regional Final.
The first three placed gymnasts who qualify in age groups 11/12 and 13/14+ will go forward
to the Regional final.
Out of Age gymnasts who attain an overall score of 46.00 or above in a regional individual competition must compete at Level 2 in 2015
LEVEL 2 County Individual Championships
In Age 11years
Open to gymnasts of the correct age with BG Silver membership and who have not competed at a higher level (excluding teams)
All rules as per 2014 Voluntary National Age Group Championships
Level 2 Out of Age gymnasts (12+)rules
All rules as per 2014 Voluntary National Age Group Championships with the following changes
Two age groups 12/13 14+
Vault height 125cm both groups
Any vault from the code of points max DV 4.60.
Bars - Performed on asymmetric bars. As Voluntary In Age Level 2 save that the barred elements do not apply and may be performed