PUPIL BULLETIN Friday 18th August2017
Year Assemblies are due to take place during registration as follows:
Friday 18 August – S4
Monday 21 August – S5
Tuesday 22 August – S6
Please make your way to the hall as soon as the bell goes.
Chewing Gum - Over the summer external areas were jet washed, getting rid of a large amount of chewing gum in the process. However we are already seeing chewing gum starting to reappear. Consequently, from now on, chewing gum should not be in evidence in school at all, whether in class or not. Please adhere to this rule and ensure that we retain a clean, tidy environment for everyone.
Mobile phonesPupils should note that mobile phones must be switched off and out of sight during lessons, unless directed by the teacher. On the changeover between lessons mobile phones must not be used in corridors. You will still be able to use your mobile telephone at break and lunchtimes. We look forward to everyone’s cooperation with this. (DB)
WARHAMMER CLUBMonday lunchtime is the new time for Warhammer Club! No knowledge of the actual game required – our members can teach you. If interested please come along to G31. Pupils from all year groups are welcome. Mrs Thompson (Maths)
Elgin Academy Orchestra – Rehearsals resume Monday 21st August. All orchestral players welcome; please be ready for a prompt start at 3.30pm in the dining area.
Elgin Academy Voices – Choir rehearsals resume at 1.05pm on Tuesday 22nd August in Y06. All singers welcome, S1-S6.
Edgar Road Instrumentalists – Rehearsals resume Monday 21st August at 1.00pm prompt in Y06 – the band will be joining us at this rehearsal.
Brass lessonsThere will be no brass lessons this term – keep practising! Moray Concert Brass will continue on a Thursday night with Mrs Robertson.
Novelties Book Club – we are back on Wednesday!
Book fun, events, activities and lots of books are what Wednesday lunchtimes in the library are all about.
New members are welcome and especially a big welcome to our S1 pupils. From 1pm, in the library every Wednesday.
Elgin Youth Café will be closed on Friday Nights for the next five weeks at least due to a refurbishment? The following activities will still be running:
Mellow Mondays (16-24 year old): 7.00 – 8.30 every Monday
Colour Run Training: 4.00 – 5.30 every Tuesday
On Your marks, Get Set, Cook: 4.00 – 6.30 every Wednesday
Wind-Down Wednesdays (11-15): 7.00 – 8.30 every Wednesday
Yoga 4.30 – 5.30: Thursday 24th Aug, 31st Aug, 7th Sept
We’re going to be running a competition to rename the café as it’s getting totally done over and we’ll also be looking for new young people to help us run it – anyone who is interested can email me at or call 01343 548 300. We’ll be putting more info out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram shortly.
S1 – S2 Rugby: - The new S1/S2 rugby team will start training this Wednesday after school, from 3.30 to 4.45. Change in the PE Department. ALL new and existing players are very welcome. If you have any questions, please see Mr Mair in Maths (G35) or Mr Kelly in Physics (G13)
Robertson Climber Retreat S3 Project: - The project will be launched on Monday 21st August for all S3 pupils that have Design and Technology on Monday. Quickly report to your period 3 class to be registered and make your way to the assembly hall. Thank you.
S4-6 TRIP TO FRANCE 2018/commemorating the centenary of the end of the first world war: the history and modern languages depts are organising a trip to the WW1 battlefields and to Paris in March 2018: history, culture, fun, good food. Priority will be given to those who are currently studying a foreign language or history or did so in S4 last year. However, should there be spaces left others will be welcomed. Please see Mr Lestienne in B12 for a form and for questions.
S5/6: ART & DESIGN: Any pupils who would like to order their N5, Higher Art & Design or Photography practical folios back from the SQA should see Mrs Templeton ASAP. The cost of folio return is £5. Money should be paid by the end of August. (K. Templeton)
Senior Music Committee Ms Mackay would like to invite S4-6 pupils to support the department by continuing the work of the S6 Committee from last year and developing new ideas within the department for the coming session. If you think you could help make 2017/18 an even better year for Music at EA please attend a short meeting in Y06 on Friday 18th August at 1.15pm.
Full-time / Part-time Employment Opportunities - Please see “Jobs of The Week” on the board outside Guidance to include Tesco, Poundland, Weir Hairdresser and Thorntons. (CF)
Moray College- The College Day starts on Wednesday 23rd August from 9:30 to 2:30. Pupils may go home at 2:30 or return to school to study. Please ensure you arrive at college promptly. For those going to Linkwood to do engineering, joinery or brickwork, a bus will leave the school at 9:15 and return at 2:30 from the college. It is essential that you let Mr Webster know before Wednesday which of you wish to use the bus as some may live nearby the facility and wish to make their own way there..
S6 House Leaders, Depute House Leaders - Can all House Leaders and Depute House Leaders please meet with Mrs Grant in the Conference Room at the start of period 2 please?
Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. (KJG)