Year 9 Cells Quick Quiz
Put a circle around the correct answer.
5On this drawing of an animal cell, what is part labelled ‘W’?
1An organ is:
Aanother name for a living thing.
Ba large part of an animal or plant that does a very important job.
Cthe part of the body that makes sounds.
Danother name for a body.
Acell surface membrane
2Organs contain:
Ahearts. Btissues.
Cglass. Dnewspaper.
6On the drawing of the animal cell, what does part ‘W’ do?
3In the picture, what is part ‘Z’?
Amakes energy Bmakes food controls the cell CDholds the cell together
7On the drawing of a microscope, what is the name of the part labelled ‘X’?
Astomach Bhand
Ckidney Dlung
4What are the kidneys used for?
Bfocusing wheel
Cobjective lens
ATo get rid of waste from the body.
BTo help us to breathe.
CTo help us digest food.
DTo make blood.
Adapted from Exploring Science for QCA Copymaster File 7
© Pearson Education Limited 2002 8Look at the diagram of a slide being made. The object you want to look at (‘Y’) is called the:
12 Cell division is:
Awhen a cell dies.
Bwhen a cell splits in two.
Cwhen a cell gets larger.
Da difficult sum.
13 An organ system is:
Aa collection of organs working together to do an important job.
Aspecimen. Bkingdom.
Cstage. Dfocus.
Ba collection of tissues that do the same job.
Ca collection of organs that help us breathe.
Da way of counting the number of organs in the body.
9A tissue is:
Aa collection of organs helping each other.
Banother name for an organ.
14 The heart contains:
Amuscle, fat and nerve tissues.
Ca group of cells which are all different, all doing different jobs.
Bonly muscle tissue.
Cmuscle and bone tissues.
Dmuscle, nerve and palisade tissues.
Da group of cells which are the same, all doing the same job.
10 A nerve cell has to carry messages around the body quickly. To
15 Which organ system carries messages around the body? help it do this it is:
Adigestive system
Bbreathing system
Ccirculatory system
Dnervous system
Ashort and square.
Bvery small.
Cvery long.
Dable to move around the body.
16 The gullet is part of the:
11 A root hair cell is adapted to its job because the root hair:
Adigestive system.
Bbreathing system.
Ccirculatory system.
Dnervous system.
Ais hook-shaped to hold the plant in the ground.
Bgives the cell a large surface area to help it absorb water.
Chas many chloroplasts to help it make food.
Dcan move to help the plant move from place to place.
Adapted from Exploring Science for QCA Copymaster File 7
© Pearson Education Limited 2002
Year 9 Cells Quick Quiz