Year 6 Spring Term Curriculum Letter 2018

Dear Year 6 Parents/Carers,

Welcome back to a new school year. We hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas. We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for your support last term and for the generous Christmas presents that we received.

May we also take this opportunity to remind you of our school vision statement as it underpins the ethos of our whole school community.

“We aim to provide a welcoming and caring learning environment in which the whole school community works together to inspire each child to become a responsible citizen in an ever-changing world.”



This term we will introduce ‘Big Writing’ ideas by Ros Wilson. Pupils will take part in an extended writing activity each week which will focus their learning on how to ‘up-level’ (raise the standard of) their own writing and will involve them in the assessment process. To support your child in this process we will set a compulsory ‘Big Talk’ homework each week, providing an invaluable opportunity to talk about and develop their ideas before writing. This homework will be sent out on a Friday to be back in school for use during ‘Big Write’ sessions on a Wednesday.


Lessons will focus on key areas of the new curriculum and specific attention will be given to times tables. Pupils will continue to take part in the whole school times table challenge, in which they will need to use a range of mathematical vocabulary to pass a Rapid Recall test for each times table up to 12 x 12 as well as a further assessment in which they will apply their times table knowledge to real life situations.


Circuits: Pupils will investigate how electricity flows through a circuit, that circuits need to be complete and what symbols are used for different components. They will investigate both series and parallel circuits and will be challenged to create a variety of circuits for different uses.

Light and Sight: Pupils will learn about how light travels and how the eye works. During the topic, pupils will have various opportunities to work in groups, planning and carrying out experiments.


This term we will be studying South America with a particular emphasis on Mountains. Pupils will learn about:

  • The location of several mountain ranges within a wider geographical context
  • The affect of mountains on the surrounding environment and human life
  • The important and fascinating physical and human features of South America
  • The proposed changes for Machu Picchu – creating an action plan for the future


Why are sacred texts important? This will extend children’s awareness of religious practises both locally and globally.


During ‘Safer Internet’ week, pupils will discuss and learn how to protect themselves online. They will complete a five week project on coding and programming and spend the remaining weeks learning how to input data efficiently and draw conclusions from spreadsheets.


The focus this term is ‘Pop Art’ and specifically the work of Andy Warhol. Pupils will have the opportunity to create their own Jersey inspired Pop Art using both traditional tools as well as digital art using the iPads. Pupils will also look at work by local artist, Jools Holt, who produces work of a similar style inspired by Jersey landscapes.


Pupils will design, make and evaluate a model of a fairground carousel that uses an electrical circuit with a motor.


Dance: Pupils will learn a number of ‘Ceilidh’ dances. This will focus on timing, rhythm and the ability to adapt and create their own dance moves.

Fitness/Gymnastics: The children will learn a variety of techniques for keeping fit and will develop their movement in gymnastics sessions.


Children will complete a SEAL unit of work called ‘Going for Goals’.


Most importantly, children should read for at least 20 minutes daily at home in Year 6

Monday English and Maths homework given out

Thursday Hand in Maths and English homework

Friday ‘Big Talk’ homework given out (hand in Wednesdays)

Homework projects

Following on from last term, pupils will be set an ‘open-ended’ homework project. Pupils are expected to conduct research using the internet, books and other primary and secondary sources to create a topic book on the given subject which includes:

  • Front Cover,
  • Contents Page,
  • 5 chapters on the given areas,
  • Glossary, (alphabetical)
  • Bibliography (what books and websites they used)
  • Index. (alphabetical)

The homework project will require pupils to hand in a chapter every two weeks. Pupils who fail to complete the given work will be given a homework detention in accordance with the school policy. The complete homework project is due in by Wednesday 29th March 2016.

Class Reading & Library Books

All children have a weekly opportunity to visit the school library and borrow books (6A Thursday and 6M Friday). These books are your child’s responsibility and if they are lost/damaged, a charge will be made. In order to support their learning, we recommend that all Year 6 children should become members of the Jersey Library.


Year 6 P.E. days: Tuesday and Wednesday

Please ensure your child is wearing their full, named P.E. kit every Tuesday and Wednesday. This should include dark tracksuit bottoms and not leggings.

Should you feel that your child is unable to participate in P.E. due to any injury or illness, please could you ensure that you either phone the school, write a short letter to their class teacher or write a note in their homework diary.

Important Dates

Parent Consultations:Monday 29th January and Thursday 1st February

School Dentist:Tuesday 16th January

Safer Internet Day: Tuesday 6th February

World Book Day:Thursday 1st March

Parent Sharing Session - Maths:Friday 9th March 9am – 10am

Design & Technology Days:Monday 19th March / Tuesday 20th March

Open Day:Wednesday 28th March

Residential trip to France:Monday 25th June – Friday 29th June

(A second payment of £100 for the French trip is due Friday 9th February, then a further £100 is due on Friday 23rd March and the final payment of £110 ion Friday 25th May 2018.)

Yours faithfully,

Miss Achler, Miss Minihane and Mrs Batchford