
Murray Cook

President Brickman Sports Turf

10425 rumsey road

Columbia, MD 21045

Phone 410-884-1900


Other speakers include:

Steve legros,

Dr. norm Hummel

Dr Peter Landshoot

Dr. Erik Ervin

Title: The National Mall Renovation: Design, Construction, Maintenance & Event Management


Turfgrass Management ( Steve Legro will provide an overview of the turf management plan)

Soil Issues Dr Norm Hummel will discuss his role in evaluating existing soil conditions and what was required to improve drainage

Cultural Practices Steve Legro reviewed all of the current equipment and will discuss the upgrades to existing turf equipment and products that are to be implemented

Pest Issues and their Control- Dr Peter Landshoot -Penn state will discuss the challenges in working with the National Parks service IPM requirements

Drainage/Irrigation/Water Conservation Murray Cook will discuss the 1,000,000 gallon cistern plan for reducing public water use.

Design/Construction/Renovation - Murray Cook will provide an overview of the design plan and the construction process as it relates to the first phase

Facility Management- We assisted the parks service in developing new software to manage the thousands of events each year.

Environmental Issues/Sustainability – Dr Peter Landshoot/Murray Cook will address the goals of the project and how the overall turf and rootzone design vs the old system and how it will impact the environment

Research Dr Eric Ervin will discuss the study that was completed at Virginia tech regarding the turf protection systems that will be implemented into the malls event management strategies.

Personal Development/Career Enhancement ( a turf team is being assembled to manage the mall and the posting will be out in to the public for the head postion this summer.)

Format: Q&A Panel – 1-2 hours


After several years of planning, our Nation’s front lawn is receiving a well deserved makeover. There is no natural grass area in the world that receives the traffic and use that the National Mall has to deal with on an annual basis. The National Parks service issues over 3000 permits a year for the lawn and it will entertain 20,000,000 visitors annually. The National Parks service reached out to Sports Turf professionals and STMA members to develop a design and maintenance plan that would reduce the damage of the turf during events.

Over the past 20+ years, the National Mall has had numerous temporary renovations. They’ve had several turf consultants over the years provide various reports and evaluations for improvement but as usual lack of funding, overuse, poor soils, and compacted earth resulted in dead grass. Early in 2009 a project was proposed to the government by the Trust for the National Mall (TNM) and the National Parks Services (NPS) to perform another study and a plan to renovate the Mall. This time the request was to complete a major renovation instead of applying band aids.

A leading architect HOK was selected to provide design services for the first Phase of this multi year project. Late 2009, Murray Cook, was selected as the Official Turf Consultant to the Trust for National Mall & Memorial Parks. The National Trust is raising funds from private sources to continue the improvement of the National Mall for the current phase and the remaining turf panels. In a collaborative approach to improving the turf conditions, HOK engaged additional sportsturf specialists. They brought in Steve Legros to assist with developing a operational plan, Dr. Peter Landshoot a Penn state professor was tapped to provide assistance with selecting the turfgrass, was brought on aboard to develop the soil structure, Dr. Erik Ervin and Dr Goatly VT were asked to perform studies on protective flooring surfaces for the new turfgrass system.

Through this group we developed design and construction specifications for the 36 turf panels on the Mall.


As mentioned above we will provide the participants with the following:

1hour presentation shared among each of our sportsturf professionals as depicted followed by a

30 to 45minutes question and answer period.


Our presentation will begin with the following:

Project overview – I will provide a discussion of the design and construction specifications, the event planning and the need to improve cultural practices as part of the success of the project. (15 minutes)

Soil and rootzone development- Dr Hummel will walk the group through the soil evaluations and the reason behind why the proposed rootzone mix was selected (10 minutes)

Turf Protection - Dr Ervin – will addrsss the study VT completed that will be a very useful for spotsturf managers as it relates to the different types of turf protection systems and how they performed on various grasses and conditions. (15minutes)

Turf Maintenance - Steve Legros will address how he developed the proposed turf management program.

Event Management - Murray Cook- will discuss the event management system and how it was specifically developed to coordinate with turf management and event needs. (10 minutes)

Turfgrass Selection - Dr LandShoot will provide an overview of why fescues were selected instead of bluegrasses or Bermudas. (10 minutes)


Objective 1 After attending this session the participant will learn more about various turf protection systems for his or her sports fields.

Objective 2 ….the participant will be have a better understanding of the values of water management systems and the use of cisterns.

Objective 3 …the participant will have a better understanding of how to improve native soil sports fields.


Name Norm Hummel and Eric Ervin

Affiliation turf and soil scientists

Darian Daily

Cincinnati Bengals,2 Paul Brown Stadium,,Cincinnati,OH,45202

Title: Converting from Cool Season to Warm Season Grass

Format: Concurrent Session (1-1.25 hours)


The talk will detail the reason that Paul Brown Stadium choose to convert from cool season practice fields to warm season turf. This talk will follow the 6 year planning phase of the project.


This will be a lecture format with a Q & A at the end.


1 The reason for the change

2 Planting the seed

3 Proving that it will work

4 Going full scale

5 Complete conversion


This talk will inform the attendees on the way we went about winning over the Ownership and people of power inside the organization to convert our practice fields from cool season turf to warm season turf


Spoken at several local and national conferences.


Pam Sherratt (614) 292-7457

Dr. John Street (614) 292-9091

Robert (Bob) Marcotte

Texas A & M University, Rec Sports Department,4250 TAMU,,College Station,TX,77843-4250

Trey Schnieder

PBK Sports, Architects and Engineers,11 Greenway Plaza,,Houston,TX, 77046

Rick Hall

Texas A & M University,4250 TAMU,,College Station,TX,77807

Title: Construction of the 10.6 acre, artificial turf component of the Penberthy Rec Sports Complex at Texas A & M University

Format: Concurrent Session (1-1.25 hours)


We will discuss the process through which the Recreational Sports Department at Texas A & M University chose to build a 10.6 acre, artificial turf component to the 48 acre Penberthy Rec Sports Complex of multipurpose outdoor sports fields, the process through which we went to reach ground breaking, and the construction process and it’s interaction with the sports field maintenance of an open and operating university rec sports field complex.


Power Point presentation covering purpose, preconstruction process and construction with brief pictorial history of the project.


I. Surviving the Fall of ‘09

A. Fall season 2009 and its effect on the fields of Penberthy

B. Operational losses of the programs at Penberthy in 2009

C. Restorative efforts and effects

II. From Concept to Construction

A. Agenda

B. Overview

C. Identify the problem

D. Identify the solution

E. Getting the project started

F. Project funding sources

G. Delivery Methods

III. Design and Initiation Process

A. Programming

B. Master Plan

C. Design Development

D. Construction Documents

E. Bidding

F. Construction Administration

IV. Construction of the Penberthy Rec Sports Complex Artificial Fields

A. A Pictorial History

B. Events Served During Construction

C. Impact of Construction on Our Natural Turf Fields


1.Attendees will learn the reason artificial turf was chosen for the project

2. Attendees will learn the process of conceptualizing, designing and getting approval for the process in a major University setting

3. Attendees will see how the fields were built and how the maintenance team dealt with continuing operations on the rest of the complex during a 4 month construction process.


I presented an innovative session at the National two years ago (2009) at San Jose. I have reused it at Local and State field Days and trade shows twice since then. I will present this program at a state chapter Field Day in May.


Leo Goertz TAMU Athletics

Eric Schroder Editor SportsTurf Magazine Eric Schroder

Jim Plasteras

City of Nanaimo Parks Department,89 Prideaux Street,,Nanaimo,BC,V9R 2M6

Title: Buiding it right...for all the right reasons

Format: Concurrent Session (1-1.25 hours)


This presentation covers design, installation, environmental considerations and grow-in, of 12 acres of state-of-the-art sand based sportsfields. They have been constructed within a 63 acre parcel of parkland that includes a large natural area and wetland as immediate neighbors. This wetland is home to many species of birds and animals and receives all drainage water from the sportsfield drainage systems. This successful project illustrates real environmental issues, ways and means of addressing the needs of the ESA into construction, so both sportsfields and natural areas can and do live in harmony. Water quality leaving the site daylighting into the wetland was/is carefully monitored so no negative impact will be realized.


Lecture with PowerPoint and open discussion/Q&A


- Open with introduction of myself and background of the project, stakeholders and users of the sportsfields.

- Presentation includes pictures/illustrations of the site historically as this was the first development of the site since WW2.

- Evolves into goals of the project in terms of field quality, usage and environmental concerns of this high profile ESA.

- 2007 ist day on site to grow-in pictures and information of all procedures; site clearing, sub grade preparation, drainage concerns, solutions and installations, irrigation, sand specs, sand installation, seed choice and application methods, central control irrigation and watering by ET. Site today. (thumbs up!)


1) Know and understand proper best construction practices for high end sand based sportsfields.

2) Realize the need to be proactive and responsible for the environment all the while building it right.

3)Tools and materials that allow the sportsturf manager to use water efficiently and produce a great product.


I have extensive public speaking experience including teaching. I have presented this numerous times and it has been published. I am 2 time past President of the Western Canaga Turfgrass Association (WCTA 2004 and 2005) I was retained as Natural Turf Consultant by the Canadian Soccer Association on behalf of FIFA, for the 2007 FIFA U20 WORLD CUP.


Mr. Bob Wick 604-467-2564. past Ex. Director WCTA Mr. Jerry Rousseau 604-869-9282 Ex. Director WCTA

Kyle Slaton

Georgia State Univeristy,Sports Arena,125 Decatur Street Suite 201,Atlanta,GA,30303

Title: Bridging the Gap Between Old and New

Format: Concurrent Session (1-1.25 hours)


This presentation will talk about renovation options in a situation where fields need to be playable immediately but large renovation projects are out of the question because a new field or a whole new facility are in the plans. Georgia State has a master facility plan to move all of our athletic fields closer to campus within the next 2 to 5 years, but the current fields were not up to standards for NCAA competition. Through cost affective projects we have bridged the gap between the unplayable fields and the new fields in the master plan. This presentation will explore some of the different projects that we have done to bridge the gap here at GSU including French drains, laser topdressing, infield renovations, mound and plate renovations, in-house revamping of irrigation systems, and more. Many times master plans for new fields may fall through at the last second so it is important to bridge that gap because if plans for a new field don’t pan we still have the improvements we have made to build upon in the future. Many facilities are in this same situation and this presentation would give a few ideas of ways to make these improvements to bridge this gap. These ideas could always be used by facilities on a tight budget that need immediate improvement even if a new field isn’t in the plans for the near future.


This will be a PowerPoint presentation with a lot of photos of the projects we have done at GSU.


I. Introduction


A. Past

B. Present

C. Future

III. Drainage

A. Baseball- French Drains

B. Soccer- Cambridge System

IV. Soil Profile

A. Native Soil- Clay bases

B. Laser Topdressing Plan

C. Softball Low Area Repairs

V. Irrigation VI. Dirt Areas

A. Skins- Laser Grade, Amending Mixes

B. Mounds & Plates

C. Warning Tracks

VII. Common Areas

A. Grass Areas

B. Landscape Areas

VIII. Equipment Improvements

A. New

B. Old

C. Small Pieces

IX. Review

X. Questions


1. Be able to go to their supervisor with the reasons why it is so important to make these renovations even through a new field is in the plans in the next year or two.

2. Be able to come up with a few cost affective renovation plans that fit into a budget to make their field playable and up to standards right now and not ruin their budget for future plans for a new field.

3. Be able to come up with a plan in case the new facility falls through and take these small improvements and build a plan to build on these basic improvements and continue these improvements to make the field perform at a high level for the long term.


I have spoken at several local conferences including the Eastern Pennsylvania Turf Conference and at a Newsome Seed field day. Both were similar type Power Point presentations.


Andrew McNitt- 814-364-2792

Tim 410-730-3160

Joey Stevenson

Indianapoils Indians,501 West Maryland St,,Indianapolis,IN,46225

Title: The Super Bowl - Baseball style

Format: Can fit to conference needs


This winter we hosted the 2012 DirecTV Celebrity Beach Bowl. Which entailed a tent structure covering the entire outfield. 1 month to setup, event lasted 1 weekend, 3 weeks to tear down followed by full-field renovation. I'd like to show several pictures and the steps that were taken for a good event and replacing a baseball field in 2 weeks for the start of the 2012 season.