Friday 11thSeptember 2014

Thank you to the parents who attended our Information Evening on Tuesday – it was good to meet you and have an opportunity to answer some of your questions about your child or Year 6 activities.

Please be reminded that we really need a quick response for Leeson House – if you would like your child to go (and we very much hope that all children will attend as the visit is linked to our curriculum for the second part of the Autumn Term) replies and a £5 deposit need to be returned on Monday. If you have any queries at all about this visit, please do not hesitate to come and talk to us.

Today, your child is bringing home their Reading Journal. If you attended our meeting on Tuesday then you know that we ask parents to sign the reading log once a week (we do not use reading record books in Year 6). Your child must take good care of the booklet as it will be used in the Summer Term as part of our assessment of reading.

To support Year 6 we will be running lunchtime homework clubs on Tuesday and Thursday every week from now on.

So, this week’s homework –

Home Learning

  1. Complete one Reading Journal entry in your booklet based on a book that you are reading at home.
  2. Begin planning your volcano – see below for details. Completed volcanoes must come into school on Thursday 1st October (no sooner, thank you).
  3. Complete the maths Daisy Challenge (see below). Children have been issued with a separate sheet for this. The sheet is in their Home Learning Journal.

Homeworks 1 and 3 need to be in school on Thursday 17th September.

You do not need to provide any other ‘chemicals’ as we will provide these in school (we don’t want your volcano to explode as you walk to school!).

Make your volcano by building up papier mache around your empty plastic container on the sheet of cardboard. This may take several days if you let the layers dry before adding more. When you have built up the volcano shape and it is dry, you could paint it to make it look more real.

The Daisy Challenge

This Daisy is special because you can make every number from 1 to 25.
You are only allowed to add neighbours
(numbers touching each other) and you can only use each number once in a sum.

e.g. The number 8 can be made from adding together 5+1+2

8= 5+1+2

Your task is to make every number from 1 to 25 using the daisy.


Can you do better than this with a different set of numbers?
The challenge is to find six numbers to go in the Daisy from which you can make all the numbers from 1 to a number bigger than 25.