Year 3Summer Term Curriculum
MathsTo estimate the answer to a calculation and use inverse operations to check answers.
To solve problems, including missing number and scaling problems, involving multiplication and division.
To solve problems involving addition and subtracting fractions and equivalence.
To add and subtract money in practical contexts.
To read time to the minute with increasing accuracy on analogue clocks (with Roman numerals) and digital clocks.
To identify perpendicular and parallel lines.
To measure length, mass, volume and capacity and solve practical problems including these. / Literacy
Speaking and Listening
To participate in discussions, presentations, performances, roleplay/improvisations and debates.
To speak audibly and fluently with an increasing command of Standard English.
To identifying themes and conventions in a wide range of books.
To discussing words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination.
To create settings, characters and plot in a narrative by using varied and rich vocabulary.
To place the possessive apostrophe accurately in words, including with plurals.
We will learn about two elements of science this tern: Plants and Light.
We will identify the functions of parts of plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and roots. We will explore what is needed to help plants grown and investigate life cycle of flowering plants.
We will investigate light by discussing shadows, reflection and sun protection. / History
In history we will be learning about the Roman invasion of Britain and Roman life. We will enhance this with a trip to a fort and excavation site, and also have the opportunity to handle replica artefacts.
We will find out about when and why the Romans invaded, important leaders of the empire, what life was like as a Roman soldier and Roman culture.
We will continue to develop our knowledge of e-safety and electronic communication.
We will begin to program simple systems by creating and debugging algorithms in Logo and Scratch. We will follow patterns to plot polygons with characters. / Art and Design
We will practice our skills in continuous and sustained line drawings. This will support our work in our first science unit as we will closely be observing elements of the natural world and sketching using appropriate grades of pencil and other media.
Design and Technology
We will continue to design, build and evaluate a ‘Moving Monster’ toy that will be created using our knowledge of forces
We will link a second unit of Design and Technology – structures –with our history topic. We will build a strong structure of columns in a Roman style and consider use for a bridge, aqueduct or colosseum! / RE
This term we will consider how is best to care for our environment and what different faiths believe about being a good citizen of the Earth. We will learn about the story of Noah and find out about Buddhist beliefs.
We will also learn some of Jesus’ most famous parables, and what they intend to teach Christians.
Games –Invasion skills in a team game and Net & Wall games including basketball and tennis.
Athletics –Track and field skills.
Orienteering –Map skills and other outdoor adventurous activities. / French
We will continue to build our bank of French vocabulary relating to introductions, descriptions and number.
We will learn months of the year, days of the week and key vocabulary relating to food and drink.
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
We will take part in discussions about our own health and wellbeing with our peers or as a whole class.
We will think about how we can impact upon our own and other’s physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. We will consider what makes us unique and how we can celebrate one another’s differences.