Alt.Binaries.Pictures.Autos - Charter exists to facilitate the display and exchange of pictures of automobiles and to create a "home" for a community of like-minded auto enthusiasts who wish to share their pictures. Acceptable posts include images of cars, pickups, and/or derivatives of passenger cars.
Anyone who follows the guidelines contained in the FAQs may post pictures to this newsgroup. The FAQ’s will be posted from time to time, and will be revised as necessary. Regular contributors who post pictures to the group will determine modifications and updates to the FAQs.
Spamming and/or other abuse is not welcomed. Abusers will be reported according to the guidelines in the FAQs. Contributors who are guilty of abuse will not be part of the decision making of this newsgroup.
"These are guidelines only, as it is an unmoderated newsgroup".
Frequently Asked Questions FAQ Version 121305
Revision, December 18, 2005
Short Summary:
1. Contributors to this group agree to comply with the spirit of the FAQ’s.
2. The primary focus of this group is the posting of pictures of passenger cars.
3. Picture identification should include the year, make, and model of the car depicted.
4. Reposts should be identified as such.
5. Pictures should be posted in JPEG (JPG) format.
6. No audio or movie files are to be posted to this group. (Exception see 5d)
7. Posting limit to the group is 250 new pictures per person per day.
An additional 250 reposts per person per day is permitted in response to specific requests. Text posts are not included in the above limits.
8. Posting for the purpose of advertising of web sites, goods or services is prohibited.
9. Spam such as advertising, pornography, etc. can be reported by anyone.
10. Revisions to the guidelines will be determined by a vote of the contributors to the group.
Complete FAQs:
1. What is this newsgroup for and why should we accept and abide by the
FAQ guidelines?
a. This newsgroup is set up so car enthusiasts may share pictures of cars with like-minded people from around the world. Pictures of all makes of cars, pickups, and/or derivatives of passenger cars from all countries are welcome on this group. We engage in this hobby because we enjoy it and enjoy the company of the other people in the newsgroup. We aim to help and encourage anyone who asks for assistance on car picture posting or car related matters. We share car-related experiences, anecdotes and information. From time to time we conduct surveys and participate in quizzes or friendly challenges related to the automobile.
b. We are individuals responsible for our own behaviour who voluntarily comply with the culture of this newsgroup, as set out in these guidelines (FAQs) and also in Usenet Etiquette. (See After all, we have made good friends here and friends enjoy sharing parts of their lives and we are tolerant of the occasional transgression.
2. What are we primarily interested in and which pictures do we post here?
a. We post pictures of cars, not large trucks, buses, trains, planes, boats, machinery, tractors, snowmobiles, two-wheeled vehicles, trailers, watercraft, aircraft or other wheeled machinery. Notwithstanding, an occasional post of a special interest example of an excluded category is usually not a problem.
b. Our definition of cars includes passenger cars, pickups, utes, vans, recreational utility vehicles, sports utility vehicles, and derivatives of passenger cars. From time to time the definition of passenger cars may change and will be determined by majority voice of the contributors to the Newsgroup.
c. Contributors to the group may also post occasional pictures of their personal
motor vehicles that are outside the above definition.
3. What and how do we post?
a. Posted pictures can be original photos, scans, or copies of images
found elsewhere.
b. Images should be identified by model year, make of car, and vehicle model name. Little-known car makes should also have the country of origin included where possible. We ask that headers/filenames NOT include periods (dots, decimal points) like 5.7L as outlook terminates at the dot. If we could just use the r.o.w.'s 5,7L Example;
1976 Buick Electra 225 Limited 4dr Hardtop F3q=thomass=.jpg
(Had there been a “.” At “4dr” some software would terminate at that, leaving off the “.jpg” extension.)
(Notwithstanding, where the poster does not know some or all of the identification, pictures without such identification are
c. Pictures of modified cars should be identified as such with [mod] or [altered] in the header. This helps those who do not wish to download and view pictures of modified autos.
d. Reposts of images previously posted to this newsgroup should be identified as such with [Repost] in the header. Reposts should acknowledge the original poster (OP) if possible. This will make it possible to identify reposts easily and not download unnecessary duplicate pictures.
4. Reposts will normally occur only in response to requests or after a reasonable time of 3 months has passed since the original posting.
5. What are the recommended picture formats?
a. Pictures should normally be in JPEG format.
b. Image size will be at the discretion of each poster. As a general rule, pictures should be large enough to show detail clearly but a small picture of a rare or interesting car is better than no picture at all. On the other hand, how many 300x300 pictures of a 1967 Camaro do we need?
c. Pictures should be encoded so that people are able to view postings using readily available software. UUE encoding system is preferred but we do not exclude yEnc or any other encoding system that may come into use. But posting images that most people in the group can't decode seems rather pointless when our purpose is to share pictures of cars.
d. While occasional small movie or audio files may be permitted if car related, this is not a multi-media group. Continual posting or floods of such files will be viewed as spam. When in doubt, ask first.
6. How many pictures may be posted per day?
a. No more than 250 new pictures should be posted per person per day.
b. In response to a request for specific reposts a further 250 reposts per person per day will be permitted.
c. Text posts are not included in the above limits.
d. Floods of pictures posted in retaliation for real or imagined slights are considered to be spamming/abuse.
7. What constitutes an acceptable file size?
a. In general terms files should not be unnecessarily large, given that there are still many people on dial-up connections.
8. Are posts that include advertising acceptable on this newsgroup?
a. We do not use this newsgroup for the purpose of advertising goods or
services unless they are free and relevant to the group.
b. Contributors may advertise their personal websites as part of their signature.
c. Announcements of new sites or new additions to existing sites are
accepted if relevant to the group. A car picture should accompany the
announcement. Continual posting of the same content will be considered Spam.
d. Information and recommendations about sites of interest which have found on the Internet may be posted by contributors to the group.
9. What does this newsgroup do about Spam and/or Abuse?
a. Spam is unwanted and not tolerated on this group.
b. Spam and/or Abuse carries the usual web definitions (
( and includes but is not necessarily limited to multi or cross-posting to other non-car-picture newsgroups, posting advertisements or announcements of sites not relevant to, and posting grossly off-topic material such as pornography.
c. People posting pornographic spam may be reported to their ISP without warning by individuals of the NG.
10. Who is welcome in this newsgroup and how do we communicate?
a. As is an international news group, we welcome contributions from people in all countries and geographic areas of the world.
b. The common language of the newsgroup is English but we have no objection to the use of other languages from time to time.
c. People should remember that there are likely to be individuals of all ages and both sexes on this newsgroup and we should strive to keep the level of our behaviour acceptable. Postings containing obscene language, abuse or profanity, racial, gender or religious slurs, intents to incite disharmony and any significant breaches of these FAQ guidelines are regarded as “abuse”.
d. Lengthy private or personal discussions between two (or more) people should be carried out by email rather than posting to the group. After all, it’s a binaries group and not a chat room.
e. All regular picture posting contributors are encouraged in welcoming newcomers, answering questions, providing information about the newsgroup, cautioning those who violate the rules of the newsgroup.
11. How will these Guidelines be applied?
a. As this is an unmoderated newsgroup, these are guidelines and not inflexible rules. We assume that all regular contributors mean well and do not break rules intentionally. For regulars, it is the spirit of the guidelines that is important.
b. Disputes among people should not occur through posts to the newsgroup. Where a dispute continues, the people concerned will be warned and requested to refrain from further argument.
c. The FAQs are kept by regular contributors to this newsgroup and will
be posted from time to time.
d. While everyone is welcomed to this group it is acknowledged that the regular picture-posting and auto related information contributors are the backbone of this newsgroup and they are the ones who will be consulted and involved in making policy and decisions.
e. From time to time and as conditions and circumstances change, the FAQs may be updated, changed or modified. Any regular picture-posting and auto related information contributors to the group may propose changes to the FAQ. Reactions and comments will be invited from regular contributors and when, after general discussion, a consensus is reached, the changes will be incorporated into the FAQ’s. Consensus will be decided by the taking of a vote of regular picture-posting and auto related information contributors over a specified period of time. At the end of the time period the votes for and against will be counted and the results published on the group.
This document will reside on my computer. If you are reading this from any other web site, it may not be a true copy and possibly invalid.
I may be reached by email at for a copy of this.