Year 1 Science Seasonal Changes – Block 1SC – Wonderful Weather
Session 2: Weather WatchingScience curriculum area (1SC): / Content (1SC)
i. observe changes across the four seasons
ii. observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies
Working Scientifically (KS1 WS) / Working Scientifically (KS1 WS)
i) asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways
ii) observing closely, using simple equipment
iii) performing simple tests
iv) identifying and classifying
v) using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
vi) gathering and recording data to help in answering questions
Teaching Objectives / · To observe, record and discuss the weather
· To understand how the observed weather is typical (or not) of the weather for the season
· To create a collage of the current season, weather and wildlife and compare to other seasons in the year
Art and Design
· To use a range of materials creatively to design and make products
· To use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination
· To develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space
Key Vocabulary: rain, snow, storm, thunder, lightning, warm, cold, forecast, summer, autumn, winter, spring, seasons
Watching the Weather resource, clipboards, pencils, cameras, large sheets of paper, felt-tips, collage materials, glue, paint, large sheets of cardboard or canvas, paint brushes, coloured paper (for the current season), images of the summer season and art ideas. / Weblinks - 2.5 mins of seasons changing in the country. Music, no speaking; - Vivaldi's Four Seasons with images. 42 min long.
Before the session: Make the necessary arrangements to take the class out into the playground to observe and record the weather at the beginning and the end of the day.
Whole class: Ask the chn what they observed about the weather when they went outside. Tell them to turn to their group or partner and consider these questions: What was I expecting today when I went to watch the weather? Was I surprised by it? What season are we in? What is the weather normally like at this time of year? Then ask to share with the class whilst you write down their observations and thoughts. Consider together these questions: What do we expect the weather to be like tomorrow? How can we tell? (It has got colder throughout the day, it has started to rain, the weather forecast this morning said it would change, etc.) Ask the chn to explain what they think is meant by 'season' and see if they can name any of them. Show them the large sheets of paper. Write a season in the centre of each one and place them on the tables in the classroom. Then say: Talk to each other and share what you know about each of the seasons. Move around the room and add your thoughts, facts and ideas onto the paper. So, if you know a fact about summer, or you have a memory, go to the 'summer' table and write a couple of words or draw a picture. Give the chn some time to do this, encouraging them to talk, share ideas and wait their turn if the area around the table is busy. Share together when everyone has finished.
Activities: There are two sheets for recording the weather - one is for the more able and has lines for writing.
Ask the class to talk about the current season. Identify it as 'summer' and ask: What sort of colours do we need if we are going to do some art about our season? What can we see around us that reminds us that it is summer? Can we share our ideas for a summer collage? Then show the chn the resources and ask them to work in small groups to make a 'summer' collage. In the resource there are some images to prompt thought and give ideas for recreating summer scenes. Play Vivaldi's Four Seasons whilst they are doing their collages.
Plenary / Ask the chn to follow you around the classroom and take a tour of the group collages. Offer encouragement and praise and also ask if any of the collages could be improved still further. When they are dry, display them in the classroom.
Outcomes / Children will
· Learn about the weather for the season and consider if the weather they are expecting is typical
· Understand more about the different seasons of the year, including the current season
· Consider the different elements of summer (current season) and represent in a group collage
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