xxxx Risk Assessment

Brief description of event:
Location: / Assessment carried out by: / Assessment date: / Assessment reference:
SUBJECT: Use of venue
Activity / Hazard / People at risk / Risk Level / Measures to manage the risks effectively / Any further actions or information / Action by:
Who / When / Completed
Use of venue / Crush injuries, falls, trips, bruising / Those within the venue / Low / Venue capacity established and advance and on-the-day monitoring of actual numbers in attendance to ensure capacity not exceeded, this being overseen by the event’s overall supervisor. Check escape routes are clear, unobstructed and sign posted / Regular checks by stewards
Furniture layout pre-planned to ensure thoroughfares, exits, means of escape maintained.
Those responsible for on-the-day supervision of the event aware of furniture layouts.
Fire, burns, scalds, property damage, financial cost / Anyone attending the event, in areas adjacent, / Low / Smoking not permitted within the venue. Stewards ensure this is observed.
Electrical equipment suitable for environment and in safe condition.
No use of heaters.
Naked flame cooking appliances not permitted (cookery demo unit kept outside of venue). Any appliances keeping pre-cooked food warm securely positioned and supervised.
Dry powder fire extinguishers placed at a Fire Point within the venue.
Electrical appliances, e.g. lighting, supply cables etc in unsafe condition / Anyone in contact with appliances etc. / Low / Appliances etc: appropriate for environment being used in; installed and checked by competent personnel; and incorporate appropriate level of protection, e.g. battery-powered, reduced voltage, RCD.
SUBJECT: Use of loose seating
Activity / Hazard / People at risk / Risk Level / Measures to manage the risks effectively / Any further actions or information / Action by:
Who / When / Completed
Use of loose seating / Falls and trips via seating. Bruising, broken bones, head injuries. Crush injuries and panic in event of emergency evacuation / Event’s attendees. / Low / Loose seating layout agreed in advance of the event.
Main thoroughfares at least 1000mm wide and provide unhindered route to exits.
Any alterations to seating layout immediately prior to or during the event authorised by overall supervisor.
SUBJECT: Unfamiliarity in emergency evacuation situation
Activity / Hazard / People at risk / Risk Level / Measures to manage the risks effectively / Any further actions or information / Action by:
Who / When / Completed
Emergency evacuation situation / Crush injuries, falls, panic due to exceeding venue’s capacity, restricted safe movement of people and prompt evacuation from it in the event of an emergency / Event’s attendees and participants, those responding to situation. / Low / Emergency evacuation arrangements established ahead of event, including how to raise the alarm.
Any exit routes clearly signed and easily identifiable.
Overall supervisor conducts ‘on-the-day’ check of area, including means of escape.
Stewards present to monitor event and assist attendees should evacuation away from the area be necessary, and have received necessary briefing to carry this out effectively.
SUBJECT: Event’s attendees or participants sustaining injury or becoming ill
Activity / Hazard / People at risk / Risk Level / Measures to manage the risks effectively / Any further actions or information / Action by:
Who / When / Completed
Medical welfare / Cuts, bruises, fainting, development of existing medical conditions, effects of extreme weather conditions / Person requiring first aid assistance / Medium / First aid room organised.
Stewards present to assist in guiding the injured / ill person to the fist aid room or contacting first aiders by phone. (Mobile number known to all staff including volunteers)
St. John’s Ambulance staff (x2) on site for the duration of the event.
SUBJECT: Portable electrical appliances and outdoor environments
Activity / Hazard / People at risk / Risk Level / Measures to manage the risks effectively / Any further actions or information / Action by:
Who / When / Completed
Use of portable electrical appliances / Electrocution
Trips and falls, bruising, cuts. / Anyone using or coming into contact with appliances, cables etc. / Medium / Appliances etc suitable for outdoor environment.
Appliances etc in safe condition, maintenance up to date (including any portable appliance testing) and checked prior to use.
Appliances etc positioned where not susceptible to damage (e.g. away from thoroughfares) or appropriately protected (e.g. cable matting).
Power source should be: battery, reduced voltage or RCD protected.
In damp conditions, appliances not used if cannot be appropriately protected.
Cables, plugs etc positioned away from areas of potential damage, e.g. thoroughfares.
Unavoidable trailing cables across walkways covered with cable matting/protectors
SUBJECT: Crowd Management (outdoor events)
Activity / Hazard / People at risk / Risk Level / Measures to manage the risks effectively / Any further actions or information / Action by:
Who / When / Completed
Crowd management / Proximity to road ways and collision with vehicles, particularly when leaving the event. / Those attending the event and immediate vicinity. / Medium / Areas suitable to accommodate numbers, checked for condition.
Stewarding to prevent overcrowding on paths next to highways.
Slip or trip incidents, if pedestrian routes in poor condition.
Lost children / Attendees / Marshals to be made aware when missing child reported (radios or phones)
Lost children to be brought to Information Point
Police alerted when child is missing.
Emergency vehicles driving through pedestrian zone / Anyone in the closed road / Plan in place for marshalls to walk in front of emergency vehicles clearing pedestrians out of the way. Plan communicated to marshalls clearly in advance.
Marshalls to wear high visibility jackets to ensure their own safety.
Extreme weather / Attendees / Shelter available from heavy rain under the large venue, in gazebos and in local shops.
Water available at the first aid point in case of extreme heat.
SUBJECT: Availability of food and drink
Activity / Hazard / People at risk / Risk Level / Measures to manage the risks effectively / Any further actions or information / Action by:
Who / When / Completed
Availability of food and drink / Food poisoning from incorrectly prepared, handled or stored food / Food consumers / Medium / Ensuring food handling, preparation and cooking carried out by competent personnel. All stalls serving food must present a valid hygiene certificate at the start of the day.
Individuals consuming too much alcohol, if it’s made available, and becoming aggressive towards others or acting in an unsafe manner. / Individual and anyone coming into contact with them. / Where alcohol is sold ensure necessary licensing requirements are adhered to.
Take advice from the police and have a procedure for stewards to follow when dealing with members of the public who are intoxicated and behaving in an unacceptable manner.
Glass and crockery breakages leading to injury / Anyone helping at or attending the event / All food to be served in paper or plastic containers. Food preparation to be done in stainless steel or non breakable containers.
Spillages leading to slips / Anyone helping or attending the event / Vendors asked to clear up any hazardous spillages. Brushes, mops, buckets available to clear spillages. Have hazard signs available
SUBJECT: Litter & waste / hygiene / sanitation
Activity / Hazard / People at risk / Risk Level / Measures to manage the risks effectively / Any further actions or information / Action by:
Who / When / Completed
Litter & waste / hygiene / sanitation / Litter on ground or overflowing bins leading to trip hazards or environmental health hazards / Attendees and helpers / Medium / Litter picking to be done at 2 sessions during the day. Bins emptied at regular intervals.
Contamination, risk of disease / All / Extra toilets provided for the event and clearly signposted / Regular checks by stewards
SUBJECT: Theft & Vandalism
Activity / Hazard / People at risk / Risk Level / Measures to manage the risks effectively / Any further actions or information / Action by:
Who / When / Completed
Theft & Vandalism / Theft and damage of expensive equipment, theft of products, theft of attendees personal objects / All attendees / Low / Participants take responsibility for their own items, but stewards are briefed on keeping an eye out for suspicious behavior and reporting this or any damage to the coordinator. / Stewards to be vigilant


Event insurance provided by Relevant insurance company

Limit of indemnity: £5,000,000