Internet References for:TAKING SIDES: Clashing Views on Social Issues,17e

Internet References for:
TAKING SIDES: Clashing Views on Social Issues

Seventeenth Edition

Some websites continually change their structure and content, so the information listed here may not always be available.


Internet Philosophical Resources on Moral Relativism

This website for Ethics Updates offers discussion questions, a bibliographical

guide, and a list of Internet resources concerning moral relativism.

The National Institute on Media and the Family

The National Institute on Media and the Family website is a national resource

for teachers, parents, community leaders, and others who are interested in the

influence of electronic media on early childhood education, child development,

academic performance, culture, and violence.

The InternationalCenter for Migration, Ethnicity, andCitizenship

The InternationalCenter for Migration, Ethnicity, and Citizenship is engaged in

scholarly research and public policy analysis bearing on international migration,

refugees, and the incorporation of newcomers in host countries.

National Immigrant Forum

The National Immigrant Forum is a pro-immigrant organization that examines

the effects of immigration on U.S. society. Click on the links for discussion of

underground economies, immigrant economies, race and ethnic relations, and

other topics.

The National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights(NNIRR)

The National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR) serves as a

forum to share information and analysis, to educate communities and the general

public, and to develop and coordinate plans of action on important immigrant

and refugee issues.


American Men’s Studies Association

The American Men’s Studies Association is a not-for-profit professional organization of scholars, therapists, and others interested in the exploration of masculinityin modern society.

Feminist Majority Foundation

The Feminist Majority Foundation website provides affirmative action links,

resources from women’s professional organizations, information for empowering

women in business, sexual harassment information, and much more.

GLAAD: Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), formed in New Yorkin 1985, seeks to improve the public’s attitudes toward homosexuality and to putan end to discrimination against lesbians and gay men.

International Lesbian and Gay Association

The resources on the International Lesbian and Gay Association website are

provided by a worldwide network of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered


SocioSite: Feminism and Women’s Issues

The Feminism and Women’s Issues SocioSite provides insights into a number

of issues that affect family relationships. It covers wide-ranging issues regarding

women and men, family and children, and much more.


Statistical Resources on the Web: Sociology

This Statistical Resources on the website provides links to data on poverty in

the United States. Included is a link that contains both current and historical

poverty data.

Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP)

The Institute for Research on Poverty researches the causes and consequences

of social inequality and poverty in the United States. This website includes frequently asked questions about poverty and links to other Internet resources on

the subject. Affirmative Action’s website on affirmative action contains information about resources

and organizations that focus on affirmative action policies and current events.

This site also enables you to search other topics related to race relations.


Economic Report of the President

The Economic Report of the President website includes current and anticipated

trends in the United States and annual numerical goals concerning topics such

as employment, production, real income, and federal budget outlays. The database notes employment objectives for significant groups of the labor force,

annual numeric goals, and a plan for carrying out program objectives.

NationalCenter for Policy Analysis

Through the NationalCenter for Policy Analysis site you can read discussions

that are of major interest in the study of American politics and government from

a sociological perspective.

The website contains a library of online information and links

related to public policy issues, primarily those in the United States. The issues

are organized into topics and subtopics for easy searching.

Visit, the site of the “policy community,” to examine major issues

related to social welfare, welfare reform, social work, and many other topics. The

site includes substantial resources for researching issues online.


American Society of Criminology

The American Society of Criminology website (style sheet) is an excellent starting point for studying all aspects of criminology and criminal justice. This pageprovides links to sites on criminal justice in general, international criminal justice,juvenile justice, courts, the police, and the government.

Crime Times

This Crime Times site lists research reviews and other information regarding the

causes of criminal and violent behavior. It is provided by the nonprofit Wacker

Foundation, publishers of Crime Times.

JusticeInformationCenter (JIC)

Provided by the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, the Justice Information Center (JIC) site connects to information about corrections, courts, crimeprevention, criminal justice, statistics, drugs and crime, law enforcement, andvictims, among other topics.


United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) website offers links to environmental topics of critical concern to sociologists. The site will direct you to usefuldatabases and global resource information.

Worldwatch Institute Home Page

The Worldwatch Institute is dedicated to fostering the evolution of an environmentally sustainable society in which human needs are met without threateningthe health of the natural environment. This site provides access to World Watchmagazine and State of the World 2000.

William Davidson Institute

The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School is

dedicated to the understanding and promotion of economic transition. Consult

this site for discussions of topics related to the changing global economy and

the effects of globalization on society.

World Future Society

The World Future Society is an educational and scientific organization for those

interested in how social and technological developments are shaping the future.

Population Division: Department of Economic and SocialAffairs

The Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, is responsible for monitoring and appraisal of the broad range of areas in the field ofpopulation.