Teacher Name: Youmaran, SearlesWeek of:March 19 – March 23, 2012
Science 6 Lesson Plans
SCI6.10A Build a model to illustrate the structural layers of the Earth including the inner core, outer core, mantle, crust, asthenosphere and lithosphere.
SCI.6.10B Classify rocks as metamorphic, igneous, or sedimentary by the processes of their formation.
SCI.6.10C Identify the major tectonic plates including Eurasian, African, Indo-Australian, Pacific, North American, and South American.
SCI.6.10D Describe how plate tectonics causes major geological events, such as ocean basins, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain building.
SCI.6.5B Recognize that a limited number of the many known elements comprise the largest portionof solid Earth, living matter, oceans, and the atmosphere.
℗ SCI.6.6C Test the physical properties of minerals including hardness, color, luster, and streak
MONDAY, MARCH 19th, 2012
Focus: I can track my mastery of all covered objectives from the District Benchmark.
Language objective: I can create a graph showing my mastery of each tested objective.
Warm-Up (5 minutes): Explanation of Graphing Mastery
(1 minutes) Each student will receive his or her tests back, along with a blank graph.
(4 minutes) I will then pull up a powerpoint and explain that I will show sections of answers at a time. Students will mark whether they answered that question correctly or incorrectly. Then, I will tell them to calculate their percentage correct. I will show percentages on the board to help students who cannot do the math quickly on their own and to help any confusion. Students will then start a bar graph for that objective. This will be repeated for each objective.
Classwork (45 minutes):
2 minutes- After I have covered all the instructions for the graphs, I will pass out the graphs and the tests back to each student.
(40 minutes: 8 blocks of 5 minutes)- I will then put up answers to each question by section and have students check their answers. At the same time, I will also put up percentages for students to cross-check. If students are done checking their answers, they will graph their mastery of the listed objective. If students are finished early, they are to go back to the questions they got wrong, and write on the side of the question why they answered the question wrong (guessed, misunderstood question, or reason why they chose that answer).
3 minutes- Collection of tests and graphs. I will choose one student to collect graphs, and another student to collect all tests.
Potential Problems:
-Off-task students: If groups are off-task, they will receive 1 warning. Should they continue to be off-task after their warning, their names will be documented for being off-task on the 6th grade cluster database. If they continue to be off-task calls will be made home.
-Student misunderstandings: I will avoid student misunderstandings by showing correct answers and percentage calculations on the board, along with a model of a bar graph. Should problems arise after this, I will be rotating around the room to help with any confusion. For period 1, 4, 7, there will be a co-teacher to help students who are confused, especially any needs for SpEd students.
-Finishing Graphing Early: Students will go back to questions they marked wrong and write a listed reason why they got it wrong.
Materials: graphs, tests
Homework: None
TUESDAY MARCH 20th, 2012
Focus: I can complete a Science writing assignment for TELPAS.
Language objective: I can write a page-full of what I learned in Science about energy.
Warm-Up (6 minutes): Explanation of TELPAS writing.
(1 minutes) I will explain what the TELPAS writing sample is for, and that it will be submitted for their records. Students will have as much time as needed to complete their writing sample.
(4 minutes) I will then review how to write a Science paper. We covered this on the day before Spring Break, so I will show students that you have an intro, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. I’ll remind them to think about the topic, and to take their time to remember what they have learned about the topic.
(1 minute) I will answer any questions, and pass out the writing prompt and paper. In order for students to gauge how much time they have, I will put the time on the SmartBoard.
Classwork (44 minutes):
About 30 minutes- While students are writing their responses, I will be walking around the room monitoring student progress. If students complete the assignment early, I will complete a worksheet (and puzzles) on the upcoming unit on Earth Science.
Last 15 minutes- If students complete the activity early, we will begin gluing the next few lessons into their notebooks. I will have 2 students help me pass out glue, and the first lesson. If there is still time, we will pass out the next lesson. This will help save time when we begin the lesson on Thursday.
2 minutes- Students will place all notebooks back in designated area.
Potential Problems:
-Off-task students: If groups are off-task, they will receive 1 warning. Should they continue to be off-task after their warning, their names will be documented for being off-task on the 6th grade cluster database. If they continue to be off-task calls will be made home.
-Lost Notebooks: I will have a spare set of notebooks in case any notebooks come up missing on Wednesday.
Materials: notebooks, lessons, TELPAS prompt/paper
Homework: None
WEDNESDAY March 21th, 2012
Focus: I can take a pre-test on Earth Science in order to compare what I know now, and what I will have learned.
Language objective: I can take a pre-test to show what I know now about Earth Science.
Warm-Up (6 minutes): Explanation of Pre-Test
(3 minutes) I will let all students know that we are going to take a pre-test on Earth Science (our upcoming unit). They are to treat this as a regular test – no talking, pencil-only.
(1 minutes) Before I pass out test materials, I will ask all students who need to borrow a pencil to raise their hand and have their ID ready to turn in. I will walk around the room collecting IDs and exchanging them for pencils.
(2 minutes) After I have covered all the instructions for the pre-test, I will pass out scantrons, and then test materials.
Classwork (44 minutes):
30-40 minutes- Students will be taking their pre-test during this time. As students as taking their pre-test, I will be walking around the room monitoring, and collecting any completed tests. When students are done, they will have a choice to draw, read, or complete a puzzle packet.
Any remaining time-
8+ minutes – Students will get their notebooks (2 minutes) and begin to glue in the next lessons (5-10 minutes)
<8 minutes – Students will receive a KWL chart, and will complete the first 2 sections.
(2 minutes) Explain the KWL chart and how to fold it.
(5 minutes) Students will fill in the K and W part of the chart
(1 minute) I will have one student collect all KWL charts.
Potential Problems:
-Off-task students: If groups are off-task, they will receive 1 warning. Should they continue to be off-task after their warning, their names will be documented for being off-task on the 6th grade cluster database. If they continue to be off-task calls will be made home.
-SpEd accommodations: The co-teacher will create a modified version of the exam for all SpEd students.
Materials: test, paper
Homework: Science Shorts
THURSDAY March 22th, 2012
Focus: I can build a model to illustrate the layers of the Earth.
Language objective: I can find out information and share it with my partners by reading and underlining important information.
Warm-Up (7 minutes): Revisiting the KWL chart
2 minutes- Regardless of whether the class had time to complete the KWL chart, students will receive their KWL chart back (or a new blank one).
5 minutes- If theirs is blank, I will give them an additional 5 minutes to complete the K and W portion of it. If theirs is already completed, we will discuss what we know as a class, and what the class would like or are expecting to learn during this unit. During this part of the class, I will be walking around the room, and will be calling on students who are participating. I will give tickets to students who are called on and volunteer an answer.
Classwork (43 minutes):
1 minute- After we have gone over the KWL chart, I will have students place the chart in their Hot Pocket.
4 minutes- I will then quickly ask students to check to make sure they have all the pages for the lesson. If students are missing pages, I will give them their missing pages and a glue stick. Meanwhile, students who have all pages will write the objective on the same page as the first page of the lesson (page TBD).
1 minute- I will ask everyone to then turn to the first page of the lesson (page TBD). If students have not written the objective, they will have to copy it off of a neighbor.
2 minutes- I will explain that each student must watch the following video very carefully in order to answer the True/False questions in their notebooks. I will let students silently read the choices before playing the video.
10 minutes- At this time, I will play the video called ‘Geologist’s Notebook: Digging through the Earth’ from www. Discoveryeducation.com. During this time I will walk around the room to make sure students are on task.
4 minutes- After the video, I will go over each of the answers. In order to do this, I will read the T/F statement, then ask for a student volunteer to answer the question. Volunteers will receive 1 ticket.
4 minutes- Once we have covered all answers, we will go back to the reading at the beginning of the lesson and discuss it as a class. I will begin to read it and stop throughout it to discuss with the class what we had just read.
3 minutes- I will then explain the rules for the next activity. Each group will receive a set of cards with information about a layer of the Earth. Each student will be responsible for reading 1 of the cards. There are four layers, so some students may have 2 to read. As they read, they must underline the following information and share it with the table – state of matter, elements found in the layer, temperature, and thickness.
1 minute- At this time, I will pass out cards to each group.
10 minutes- Students will take the next 10 minutes to read their cards. The time breakdown should be as follows: 4-5 minutes reading and underlining the information, 4-5 minutes sharing the information at the table.
** If students are done early, they are to write their answers on a blank page in their notebooks.
5 minutes- At the conclusion of the activity, students will turn in their cards (1 student may collect them). The rest of the students must then put their notebooks in a neat pile on their table. 1 person from that group will be responsible for putting their notebooks in their designated spot.
1 minute- Any students who received tickets will place their ticket in the red apple.
Potential Problems:
-Off-task students: If groups are off-task, they will receive 1 warning. Should they continue to be off-task after their warning, their names will be documented for being off-task on the 6th grade cluster database. If they continue to be off-task calls will be made home.
Materials: Reading Cards, Earth layers top sheet, colored pencils
Homework: Science Shorts
FRIDAY March 23th, 2012
Focus: I can build a model to illustrate the layers of the Earth.
Language objective: I can find out information and share it with my partners by reading and underlining important information.
Warm-Up (5 minutes): Question regarding Earth’s layers
3 minutes: Upon entering the room, students will receive a post-it note and will be told not to write on it or lose it. Once the bell rings, I will tell all students that they will be writing their answer to the DO NOW on that post-it note and will turn it in. At this time, I will instruct all students to write their name on it, along with their class period.
1 minute: I will then put the question on the board, and give the students 1 minute to answer it silently on their post-it.
1 minute: After the timer goes off, I will go over the answer by asking for a raise of hands for each answer choice. Discussion to follow.
Classwork (45 minutes):
1 minute- After going over the DO NOW, I will have 1 student collect all post-it notes and turn it into me. Meanwhile, all students will turn to the lesson’s page in their Science notebook.
3 minutes- We will briefly review the key points from yesterday’s lesson, and look at a snapshot of today’s lesson.
2 minutes- I will then have a student pass out the readings from yesterday to each group, along with an Earth’s layer cutout for everyone to glue into their notebooks as a foldable.
1 minute- I will then advise students to cut only along the dotted lines on the top sheet.
1 minute- Then, they will match the solid outline on the top sheet with the corresponding page (TBD). Students will apply glue to the labeled area.
2 minutes- Afterwards, students will lay the top sheet on top of the corresponding page so that the shapes match. They will label the first flap at the pointed end of the cone “Inner Core”
10 minutes- Now, they will fold the flap back and record the underlined information from their readings. We will discuss each flap, and I will model how to record their answers. We will do this until each flap has the correct answers underneath it. I will call on students who raise their hand for the correct answers. These students will receive a ticket.
5 minutes- Finally, each student will color the layers a different color as follows: Crust/lithosphere = green, mantle/asthenosphere = yellow, outer core = orange, inner core = red. They will color the circle at the bottom the correct colors.
4 minutes- Students will then be instructed to answer the last 3 questions in their notebook regarding this activity. They may work in groups.
2 minutes- As a class, we will go over the correct answers.
2 minutes- Students will be instructed to close their notebooks. Notebook collectors will put away notebooks, while a designated student will make sure supplies at the table are put away accordingly.
1 minute- Once all materials are put away, I will pass out Exit Tickets facedown.
1 minute- When all Exit Tickets are passed out, I will let the students turn them over and begin.
8 minutes- Students will be taking their Exit Tickets silently. When done, students will turn it over and are allowed to draw on the back.
2 minutes- Once all Exit Tickets are complete, I will tell students to make one pile at the middle of their table and I will have 1 student walk around and collect them.
1 minute- Any students who received tickets will place their ticket in the red apple.
Potential Problems:
-Off-task students: If groups are off-task, they will receive 1 warning. Should they continue to be off-task after their warning, their names will be documented for being off-task on the 6th grade cluster database. If they continue to be off-task calls will be made home.
-Broken Colorpencils: I will let students know that there is a sharpener in each of their pencil boxes at their table. If a color pencil breaks, they are to sharpen it at their table with their sharpener. They will keep all shavings in the plastic box and will not be allowed to get up to throw them out. The only exception will be during cleanup.
Materials: Reading Cards, Earth layers top sheet, colored pencils
Homework: Saturday Tutorials