Xi Theta Policy and Procedures Manual

1st edition 2014



Adapted with permission from the

Delta Upsilon Chapter Management Manual

Created by Sue Gibson, President-Elect

Approved by the Board,


Xi Theta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International has four documents to describe and facilitate its organization:

1. The Headquarters Bylaws which is the document by which the society is governed.

2. The Headquarters Guidelines for Chapter Administration and Governance which is authorized for the purpose of specific guidelines for all areas of chapter management.

3. The Xi Theta Chapter Bylaws, which are in conformity with the Headquarters Bylaws, and set forth the governance of the chapter.

4. The Xi Theta Chapter Policy and Procedures Manual which is authorized for the purpose of implementing the chapter Bylaws.

















Part II



Attendance Policy








Leadership Succession – Mentoring, Elections


XV. OPTIONAL COMMITTEES15 Membership Recruitment - Induction and New Member Orientation

Membership Involvement –Programs, Communications

Heritage –Chapter Archives and Chapter Key Award,

Philanthropy – Donations, Service, Awards, Research


Appendix 1Robert’s Rules of Order Format for Meeting Agenda 26

Appendix2Leadership Team Attendance Agreement Form27

Appendix 3Leadership Team Annual Report Format and Reporting28

Appendix 4Leadership Succession Plan29

Appendix 5Ballot Preparation and Election Process30

Appendix 6aCandidate Consent to Serve and Statement – Elected31

Appendix 6bCandidate Consent to Serve and Statement – Appointed33

Appendix 7Request for Reimbursement 35

Appendix 8Financial Awards Criteria 36

Appendix 9Scholarship Application38

Appendix 10 Grant Application for Research Stipend

  1. Guidelines39
  2. Application41

Appendix 11Communication Plan 46

Appendix 12Archival Form47

Appendix 13Guidelines for Preservation of Materials48

Appendix14Nurse Leader Biographical Form49

Appendix 15Advisory Structure of Committees50






Sigma Theta Tau International is the international honor society of nursing. Constituent chapters are established in collegiate schools of nursing accredited by the national accrediting body recognized by the profession. Xi Theta Chapter is located at the California State University – Dominguez Hills School of Nursing. Sigma Theta Tau International is professional rather than social and its purpose and functions may be compared to other honor societies.


The purposes of Sigma Theta Tau International are to:

-- recognize superior achievement;

-- recognize the development of leadership qualities;

-- foster high professional standards;

-- encourage creative work;

-- strengthen commitment to the ideals and purposes of the profession.

Xi Theta Chapter develops appropriate programs and projects that contribute to the international commitment of Sigma Theta Tau International.


Sigma Theta Tau International was founded in 1922 by six students at the Indiana University Training School for Nurses. The name Sigma Theta Tau (the initials of the Greek words Storga, Tharos, Tima -- meaning Love, Courage, Honor) was chosen, and the society was chartered by the State of Indiana. The date of October 5 has been officially designated as the anniversary date for recognition of the founders of Sigma Theta Tau. From a beginning of six members and one chapter in 1922 the organization has grown to more than 100,000 members and 424 international chapters.

Xi Theta Chapter was initially chartered in 1993 with the sponsoring university – California State University at Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) School of Nursing. The chapter promotes research and scholarship and fosters the development of leaders in the profession of nursing.


The society is composed of members who are invited from the CSUDH School of Nursing based upon their membership in the top one-third of their class if undergraduates and by having a 3.5 GPA if a graduate student. Other members are voted into membership by submitting a biographical application as a nurse leader. The members assume acceptance of the purposes of the society and responsibility to participate in achieving the goals consistent with the professional and scholastic character of Sigma Theta Tau International.


A. The coat of arms expresses the ideals of the society. The lamp is the lamp of knowledge. The pillars of stone at the right and left denote strength of leadership. The eye represents wisdom and discernment. The stars are in recognition of the six founders of the society. The scroll is that of learning. The letters on the scroll, Sigma, Theta, Tau are the first letters of the Greek words STORGA, THAROS, TIMA which mean LOVE, COURAGE, HONOR.

B. A key is available in the form of a pin or a charm to which the Greek letters, Sigma Theta Tau are inscribed in black enamel. Members may select to purchase jeweled keys which have amethyst stars in a circle of pearls. The key and/or the membership card may be ordered through the Treasurer who forwards a completed Purchase Order form to:

Sigma Theta Tau, International

550 West North Street

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202


The official publication of the national society is The Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Online journals offered are Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing and Reflections on Nursing Leadership. They are professional journals published periodically. New members and active members are entitled to receive publications for each year in which they pay membership dues. Members not receiving publications should notify:

Executive Officer

Sigma Theta Tau International

550 West North Street

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

Or via the web site at


A. On induction, members pay fees to the International Society and to Xi Theta Chapter. This establishes membership in the organization and entitles themember to one year of active membership status in the International Society and in Xi Theta Chapter. There are headquarters and chapter induction fees. The Chapter Bylaws contain current chapter fees.

B. Following the first year of membership members are designated as active or inactive based on payment of fees. Renewal notices regarding fees are sent to all members from Sigma Theta Tau International.

C. Payment of international and chapter fees entitle the member to:

-- receive the official publication and newsletter;

-- receive priorities for educational development programs;

-- attend chapter and Board meetings;

-- participate in chapter activities and discussions;

-- vote; and

-- hold office.

D. Inactive members may become active in the society and/or the chapter by paying headquarters and chapter fees.

E. The annual fees due are paid to the International office. If you do not receive a renewal notice by the end of your expiration date, email the Executive Officer at Sigma Theta Tau, International via the website at Please update your contact information as soon as possible, including changes in email addresses.

F. The headquarters office keeps a mailing list of all active members. Changes of any contact information should be sent to the Executive Secretary at Sigma Theta Tau International via the website at so that members will continue to receive headquarters and chapter correspondence and publications. Likewise any inquiries regarding lack of service should be directed to the Headquarters Secretary.


Sigma Theta Tau International's philosophy of eligibility evolves from the purposes of the Society. Candidates are screened by the Board of Xi Theta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International. The selection process is based upon qualifications for membership stated in the Chapter Bylaws (Article IV, Section 2). The qualifications for each category of membership (undergraduate student, graduate student, nurse leader) are designed to enable the Board to evaluate applicants on their levels of achievement in areas corresponding to the purposes of Sigma Theta Tau International. In addition, guidelines have been developed to facilitate evaluation of qualifications. Copies of the qualifications for membership and application forms are accessible via the web site at or from the school of nursing at .


A Qualifications for Membership:

1. All candidates shall have demonstrated superior scholastic achievement,academic integrity, professional leadership potential, and/or marked achievement in the field of nursing.

2. Candidates selected from students enrolled in the following programs must show evidence of superior scholastic achievement.

a. Baccalaureate Student: Students who have completed at least one-half of the required nursing curricula and have demonstrated ability in nursing shall be eligible. Students who are elected shall rank in the upper 35% of their class in scholarship and must achieve a 3.0 GPA.

b. Graduate Student (Masters or Doctorate): Nurses matriculated for graduate study in nursing are eligible for membership if they have completed 1/4th of the program of study. Students in graduate programs must achieve a 3.5 GPA.

c. Nurse Leader: A nurse leader is a registered nurse with a baccalaureate or higher degree who has demonstrated marked achievement in the field of nursing.


(1) Faculty in school of existing chapter

(2) Faculty in schools without chapters

(3) Practitioners

(4) Researchers

(5) Administrators

(6) Authors

(7) Leaders of professional organizations

B. Guidelines for the Selection of Members:

1. Candidates selected from the baccalaureate and graduate degree programs may show evidence of leadership potential by:

a. Activities within the CSUDH School of Nursing;

b. Activities within the community at large;

c. Involvement in professional activities.

2. A baccalaureate student candidate may apply for membership under student criteria up to one year following graduation. If application is delayed more than one year, a five year waiting period is then necessary before applying in the community leader category.

3. Examples of Achievement for Nurse Leaders (not exhaustive):

  • Creativity/Innovation in clinical practice
  • Leadership qualities contributing to improved health care
  • Teaching Administration
  • Curriculum development
  • Improvement of the status of nursing organizations
  • Innovative student-focused learning approaches
  • Research development utilization
  • Entrepreneurial skills
  • Staff development
  • Mentoring of colleagues Innovative professional recognition of programs

C. Procedures for Establishing Eligibility:

1. Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Counselor duties:

1)Will receive a list of eligible undergraduate and graduate students from the School of Nursing in the beginning of the summer, fall and spring semesters.

2)Will match this list with members who are already Xi Thetans to exclude.

3)Will develop a list of candidates based on the website, nurse leaders applicants and eligible students.

4)Will invite candidates to join, instruct them in how to complete the application and where to pay and set a deadline for each application period. Summer: August 1; autumn: November 1; Spring: April 1.

5)When applicants have completed the application and paid, the Counselor will notify each person of the induction link.

6)Will be responsible to ensure that the STTI induction packet with each certificate and cord is mailed in time for commencement ceremonies. FYI: If cords need to be handed out at the commencement ceremony, the person handing out the cord needs a “Pass” from the commencement organization.

7)Will email each candidate at the time of the induction packet and cord mailing a notice of the mailing to ensure that everything is received.

8)Will apprise the Board of candidate updates at monthly Board meetings.

9)Will actively recruit nurse leaders to be members.

b. Eligible candidates need to respond to the invitation to join by the set deadline.

2. Nurse Leader

a. Submit membership application via the web site

b. Submit membership endorsement from a Sigma Theta Tau International member if requested by the Board of Directors.


Members who desire to transfer membership to another chapter shall request this transfer through the Headquarters office. There is no cost for transfer of membership. The STTI office notifies donor and recipient chapters of transfer. The transfer request should be directed to the website at in two chapters may be facilitated by paying fees of both chapters in addition to headquarters fees.


Xi Theta Chapter's Bylaws conform to the Headquarters Bylaws and include the following:

-- Provision for the selection and induction of members.

-- Provision for the election of officers and a nominating committee.

-- Provision for filling vacancies in elected office,

-- Provision for selection of two delegates and their alternates to the House of Delegates Biennial Convention,

-- Provisions for the method of determining and collecting fees and other assessments.

The Xi Theta Chapter Board will submit a copy of the bylaws to STTI through the online form for review by the International Governance Committee biannually. Directions for submission are at


The Xi Theta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International shall hold two business meetings annually. All active chapter members are encouraged to attend these meetings. A general membershipmeeting is held in the autumn so that chapter officers and committee chairpersons may report to the membership on the past year's work; and relay projected goals and planned programs for the coming year. A business meeting in spring is held to inform members of the activities of the Board of Directors, to announce election results, and to conduct other business of the chapter.


The Xi Theta Chapter Officers are elected to carry out the business of the chapter. Each officer is elected to a two year term. The officers meet at scheduled Executive Board meetings. Chapter officers are responsible to prepare Annual Reports and forward them to the Xi Theta secretary by June 1st. Chapter officers also shall prepare and submit Annual ChapterReports to the membership at the annual meeting in the spring prior to June 30.

The Xi Theta Board of Directorsis the:

-- President who is the first executive officer and administers all business of the chapter;

-- President-Elect who is preparing to be President;

-- Vice President who is the second executive officer, serves as advisor to the President and is advisor to the Programs and Communications.

-- Secretary who maintains the chapter’s files and is responsible for the chapter’s correspondence; and works with the Heritage Committee which includes the Archives and the Chapter Key Award Committee.

-- Treasurer who is custodian of the funds of the chapter, serves as advisor to the President regarding financial matters;and is advisor to the Philanthropy Committee which includes Donations, Service, Awards and the Research Committees.

-- CSUDH Faculty Counselor who advises the President, serves as Co-Chairperson of the Governance Committee; and is advisor to the Membership Recruitment Committee.

-- The Leadership Succession Committee is elected from the membership and serves as advisor to the President. The chair of the leadership committee ensures atimely election process(Appendix 3 ). The Leadership Succession committee oversees the processes of Mentoring and Leadership programs.



Attendance Policy for those serving as a member of the Leadership Team (Elected and Appointed Officers)

All those who agree to serve, both elected or appointed officers and Board Members, will sign a consent form and will be considered a leader in the Xi Theta chapter of STTI.The leader is expected to attend all monthly Board Meetings.If unable to attend, the leader must inform the acting President ahead of the meeting. If the leader does not inform the President ahead of the meeting, it will be considered an unexcused absence.If the leader has two consecutive unexcused absences, the secretary will email a notice to the leader asking for a reply within 30 days as to intent to serve.If no reply is received by the secretary within 30 days and if the leader has an additional unexcused absence for a third consecutive time, it will be assumed that the leader has resigned. The President will fill the vacancy through appointment for the remainder of the fiscal year.

  1. The President shall:
  1. Act as the executive officer and administrator of all business of the chapter as stated in the bylaws.
  2. Serve as chief representative of the chapter in inter-chapter activities.
  3. Ensure chapter participation in the biennial convention House of Delegates and other business brought forth before the House of Delegates during the term.
  4. Prepare a calendar and agenda for all Board of Directors and general membership meetings with assistance as needed from the secretary.
  5. Finalize the committee appointments recommended by the Board of Directors for all committees, advisory councils or task forces.
  6. Delegate responsibilities not otherwise handled by the chapter bylaws to the chapter officers or committees.
  7. Communicate the business, projects and activities of the Board of Directors to the membership.
  8. Ensure at least one business meeting and at least twoprograms or events that support the purposesand goals of the honor societyare held during each fiscal year.
  9. Arrange an orientation meeting, following the annual membership meeting, for all newly installed officers and committee chairs. The purpose is to facilitate the transfer of duties and responsibilities and to formulate the goals of the chapter for the coming year.
  10. Ensure all reports are submitted to headquarters in a timely manner. Reports include: chapter annual report, verification of fees report (when applicable) and the chapter officer/committee chair report.
  11. Contact the head of the nursing program at the beginning of the school year to ensure communication between the school and the chapter.
  12. Develop and maintain policies and procedures related to the position of president.
  13. Submit modifications or new policies and procedures to the board of directors for approval.
  14. Plan for officer transition.
  15. Serves as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Leadership Succession Committee
  16. For further information on this role, see the STTI webinar “Orientation for the President”

B. The President-Elect (Optional) shall:

  1. May succeed into the presidency at the end of a one- or two-year term of office.
  2. Communicate to the public the purposes of the society.
  3. Be chair of committees, as needed.
  4. Learn the chapter operations and facilitate the achievement of chapter goals and mission of Sigma Theta Tau International.
  5. Oversee the process for completing and submitting the Chapter Key Award application with the secretary and Chapter Award Committee.
  6. For further information on this role, see the STTI webinar “Orientation for the President Elect”

C. The Vice President shall: