Xi State Organization

Founded in Nashville, TN, 1935

Beverly Smith, President 2013-2015

Leadership Links November, 2014

Money, Money, Money! Reminders for Chapter Treasurers

·  Postmark dues to Xi State Treasurer Nancy Davis by November 10. (Give your chapter treasurer a hug!!)

·  November 15 is the last day to file Form 990-N with the IRS. Send confirmation of successful filing to Nancy Davis at .

Website Re-certification Reminder

·  It is not too late to get your chapter website re-certified. This is important so it will be linked to the International and Xi State websites. Information is available at www.dkg.org.

Help Needed with Xi State Directory Update

·  Xi State Executive Secretary Elaine Warwick reminds chapter presidents to update their chapter roster to help with updating the Xi State Directory.

·  All updated information should be returned to Elaine by December 1.

·  Contact Elaine at if you have questions.

Chapter Yearbook Reminder

·  Please submit chapter yearbooks to Xi State 1st VP Dr. Elaine Alexander by Dec. 15, 2014. The evaluation form is located on the Xi State website (www.xistate.org) under “Forms”>”Yearbook Award.”

Looking Ahead to the 2015 Xi State Convention

·  Xi State Convention workshops will be offered on Friday, June 5. Anyone interested in presenting should present a proposal by Dec. 15 to Xi State 1st VP Dr. Elaine Alexander.

·  Proposal form is located on the Xi State website under “Forms”>”Xi State Convention Call for Presenters.”

Legislative Symposium: Be Informed!

·  The Legislation Committee invites members to attend the 2015 Legislative Symposium in Nashville on Feb. 3-4 at the Millennium Maxwell House Hotel.

·  Events include a panel discussion on Tuesday evening, a breakfast on Wednesday morning, and visits with legislators on the hill in the afternoon. Please submit questions for the panel to Legislation Committee Chair Karen Phillips at .

·  Registration form is available on the Xi State website. Deadline is January 3, 2015.

·  The committee encourages all members to educate themselves on the issues and to vote. Let your voices be heard in Nashville and Washington, D. C.

Advanced Leadership Management Seminar

·  If you’ve been a participant in a beginning LMS, you’ll want to take the next step by applying for the Advanced LMS which will be at Henry Horton State Park on March 20-21.

·  The seminar presenter will be Xi State member Becky Sadowski, who currently serves as the SE Regional director and chair of the 2016 International Convention Steering Committee.

·  The application is attached to this message and is available on the Xi State website under “Forms”>”Advanced Leadership Management Seminar.” Due date is Feb. 21, 2015.

·  For more information, please contact Leadership Committee Chair Jenni Lusk at

Update Alerts from the Xi State Bylaws and Rules Committee

·  The 2014 international convention chaged the honorary member one-time fee from $50 to $49.50 This is because of federal law that requires federal employees to aceept no gifts worth $50 or more. This has kept several nominees from accepting membership. It may also apply to state employees. If the chapter rules mention the fee, it must be the correct one--$49.50.

·  Inclusion of the wording about chapter merger and dissolution from Xi State Bylaws, Article XIII, Sections B and C. This addition is to make clear to chapter members and leadership in the future of the necessary steps should chapter merger or dissolution become absolutely necessary.

·  Chapters who have had their rules approved prior to Nov. 1, 2014, are asked to make these changes to their rules before their next review. Chapters submitting their rules for review after Nov. 1, 2014, must have the correct honorary fee listed, if the rules mention the fee. All rules submitted after Nov. 1, 2014, must include the merger and dissolution wording.

·  See the attached list for the updated status of chapters whose rules are scheduled for review and approval.

News from the Scholarship Committee

·  SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE! Are you enrolled in a graduate program? Getting an additional licensure? Please consider applying for a Xi State scholarship. The application form, scoring rubric, and directions are available at the Xi State website under the forms section. All sections of the application must be postmarked by February 1st.

·  NEED A GIFT IDEA? The holidays are approaching and sometimes finding the perfect gift for acknowledging a friend or mentor can be a challenge. Have you considered giving a donation to Xi State Scholarships? Talk about a wonderful gift! Your friend/mentor receives the ultimate compliment - I want to honor who you are by helping other women achieve success in our field like you have. Look under the forms section of the Xi State website to download a donation brochure.

Special Events Committee News

·  Xi State member Mildred Welch is creating a new iris design for notepads!

·  Start gathering items for baskets, individual items, or monetary donations for the Silent Auction at the 2015 Xi state convention.The chapter raising the most money will receive a trophy. Last year the trophy was awarded to Beta Phi chapter for raising $401.

Expansion Committee Encourages “Planting” DKG in TN

·  The Expansion Committee needs DKG members to consider the kind of “planting” that can take place year round.

·  The committee seeks your assistance in identifying areas in TN without DKG chapters and in identifying potential members for new chapters in these areas.

·  The committee encourages DKG members to mentor new members in their chapters and to be willing to mentor a new or existing chapter.

·  For further information regarding expansion and the cultivation of new DKG members and chapters in TN, contact Linda McCrary, Expansion Committee Chair, via voice mail (615-699-2705) or email ().

·  Remember: Expansion is a good thing!

Attachments to This Email:

·  Updated submission list for chapter rules

·  Application for Advanced Leadership Management Seminar